August 29th : Official Michael Jackson's Day !! Who's in ??

I think we all have to email sony music because they will think (just like Elvis) to release new thing around his date of death....
Yes! I've always thought it's just wrong somehow to make such a big deal out of the day someone died, I mean as "their day". It certainly wasn't their day, was it? I mean, remember that day, yes, but in more of a somber, "Oh God, tomorrow's June 25th..." kind of way. For celebrating Michael, I want August 29th, for certain. That was the wonderful day, the day he took his first breath. Let's not focus on the day he took his last :sad:

Agreed. :)
It's always gonna be a MJ day for me not matter who disagrees. 29th of August is all for our Michael. :wub:
I would love to say "I'm in", but on a personal level, it is also a sad for my family. It is the day that my oldest sister died and each year I feel bad on that day. She died from cancer. She was only 27. :(