August 29th : Official Michael Jackson's Day !! Who's in ??


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Kokkola, Finland
Who would like to see the August 29th being the Official Michael Jackson's Day ?? :wild:
I don't know if it's possible but it could be be great if each year we celebrate this day!! I mean that this day would be respected by all the world!!

If you're in, please forward the information to all other forums or firends!!

Come on!!! Keep Michaeling!! :punk:
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IN ! ! ! ! ! ! !

We do not have to ''celebrate'' his date of death like they do most with Elvis...
What is 19 Aug stand for..? why not 29 Aug.. cause it was his DOB.. Im in.. anyway, I just don't understand about the media.. even Michael was already death but they still talks about bad things about Michael.. His nose, his skin.. bla bla bla... WHY THEY CAN'T LEAVE HIM ALONE..!!! Let he rest in Peace..
One detail, Michael will not know the media is still talking bad things.... There are no media in heaven I think / hope. I hope he will only can watch the earth and see who positive things are happening...
I'm in as well! I'll be in the Middle East with his birthday and im going to walk like a female version of MJ on the streets!!! :dance:
Yes! I've always thought it's just wrong somehow to make such a big deal out of the day someone died, I mean as "their day". It certainly wasn't their day, was it? I mean, remember that day, yes, but in more of a somber, "Oh God, tomorrow's June 25th..." kind of way. For celebrating Michael, I want August 29th, for certain. That was the wonderful day, the day he took his first breath. Let's not focus on the day he took his last :sad:
I, and I'm sure you too, really would like to hear medias each year saying: "Good morning, we are August 29th 20.., and it's Michael Jackson's day today!" :wild:
Yes! I've always thought it's just wrong somehow to make such a big deal out of the day someone died, I mean as "their day". It certainly wasn't their day, was it? I mean, remember that day, yes, but in more of a somber, "Oh God, tomorrow's June 25th..." kind of way. For celebrating Michael, I want August 29th, for certain. That was the wonderful day, the day he took his first breath. Let's not focus on the day he took his last :sad:

That right...! im totally agree with you...
Yes! I've always thought it's just wrong somehow to make such a big deal out of the day someone died, I mean as "their day". It certainly wasn't their day, was it? I mean, remember that day, yes, but in more of a somber, "Oh God, tomorrow's June 25th..." kind of way. For celebrating Michael, I want August 29th, for certain. That was the wonderful day, the day he took his first breath. Let's not focus on the day he took his last :sad:

i agree totally, but you made me cry a little with the last few words :), I can't help it, sorry :cry:

btw... I'M IN ! ! ! :):)
you can put something in facebook

everyday 29 August...we do something together...all over the world such as light a white candles,put white roses,wear MJ t-shirt,etc. so the whole world will see how we will never be forgotten
It would be a great way to celebrate him at fan events with friends and family of michael!

I really hope this happens and if obama gets wind of this then i think we're onto a winner
oooh ooh, count me in!!! Pick me, my lord!!! I'm in, most definately, man. :clapping::D

I think most of us celebrate his burfday anyway:punk:
Sign me up!! August 29th!! Michael Jackson Day! August needs a proper holiday/observance anyway.

John Lucas