August 19 News and Mentionings

Sony/ATV Signs Middle East Licensing Deal
August 19, 2008
By Andre Paine, London

Sony/ATV Music Publishing has made a license agreement with Rontana Audiovisual, a leading producer, distributor and publisher of Arabic music and film. The deal covers the Middle East and gives Rotana's publishing arm the right to license and collect for Sony/ATV across the region.

"We are very excited to be working with Rotana in the Middle East and we applaud Rotana's efforts in opening up new, legitimate markets for our songwriters," says senior VP Sony/ATV Music Publishing International Guy Henderson in a statement. "With Sony ATV's global reach and its desire to find and develop new opportunities for its writers, we see this agreement with Rotana as a natural progression for our worldwide business plan."

As well as having 120 local artists on its recorded music and publishing roster, Rotana has a track record of licensing Media networks including radio and television conglomerates. THE COMPANY'S FILM DIVISION HAS THE LICENSE FOR FOX RELEASES. Rotana is also attempting to expand in digital exploitation and synchronization.

MJ is totally gonna rack up the cha-ching with this deal, all of that Middle Eastern money coming his way and notice the FOX connection.

Rotana belongs to prince ALWALAID BIN TALAL the one who made The Kingdom for Intertainment with Michael Back in they are still good friends...the prince's family are very good friends with Michael ,too.
Rotana belongs to prince ALWALAID BIN TALAL the one who made The Kingdom for Intertainment with Michael Back in they are still good friends...the prince's family are very good friends with Michael ,too.
Cool that is good to know and thanks Big Apple2 for the article

love it!
I would not waste my time on this Matt Fiddles guy. He is making a fool out of himself. No one knows who he is or what he is about. His identity is being "friends" with the Jacksons. He is a nobody and what he is doing is so predictable. I think that we should ignore this guy.

Regarding Kim, if some people want to be big as Michael, they can do that. Kim just felt that it was not in the cards for her. She made her mark and decided to leave the business and have a normal life. I think she made a wise decision.

Sony/ATV Signs Middle East Licensing Deal

Interesting. I wonder if those Bollywood type songs would be in the licensing deal.
He is trying to drag MJ into it, now he is claing to have been a bodyguard. He story changes like the british weather.

he has been the bg for mj when he's visited abroad. and the only ones really paying attention to this dude is's a joke to other news outlets...something to talk about and laugh.
For those who don't know Kim Wilde, she was a big star in Europe in the Eighties. She had some major hits b4 she thought it was enough. She had a one-off comeback hit a few years back with German hitsinger Nena. She still performs and is actually a very nice lady :)

Kim with "you came" with images from Bad tour performances in the video:

More current and live with Nena:
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he has been the bg for mj when he's visited abroad. and the only ones really paying attention to this dude is's a joke to other news outlets...something to talk about and laugh.
He was a volunteer bodyguard for ONE DAY in 2001, He never met Michael again after that. He met Jermanie and Tito last year and started to ingratiate himself with them, inviting them down to Devon to speak in schools and offering to bring MJ down there as well. He was never an official bodyguard and he really did not know the family. I have read all his newspaper articles and they change like the weather.
Thanks Hoofmark for the youtube vids of Kim.
u can't integrate urself unless both parties are willing participants. stop acting like he weasled himself in there w/o anyone one is ever at fault if their last name is jackson, right datsy?
Rotana belongs to prince ALWALAID BIN TALAL the one who made The Kingdom for Intertainment with Michael Back in they are still good friends...the prince's family are very good friends with Michael ,too.

WOW! That's very interesting, I had no idea.

I wonder if Michael had to put in one of his "calls," to help get this deal signed. I recall in a recent article, Martin Bandier said that sometimes they ask MJ to make a call in order to secure a deal. I guess Michael Jackson is Sony/ATV's "secret" weapon. LOL!