Aug 29th. World Wide Balloon Releasing for Michael


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
So, I'm not sure that this is the correct place for this. But I wasn't sure if 'Fan Gatherings and Vigils' was if this is in the wrong place please move!

Anyways, I was talking to Jenny from this forum, and we came up with an idea that everyone could do together for Michael's birthday, yet all do from where we are, all around the world.

I'm sure you have all heard of it before.

On August 29th, go out and purchase a helium balloon. Either write a message on the balloon, or write a note and tie it to the balloon. Whenever you feel you are ready, go outside and release the balloon. The idea is that the balloon will go to 'heaven' and Michael will get all of our messages.

It is a very comforting thing to do. I think we should all take pictures as we do it as well, it could be turned into a very great video to watch every year on his birthday, I think.

Does this sound like a good idea??
helium balloons are expensive, we released some on the 13th July but it was cool tho



aw those are good pictures! where I live you can buy a helium balloon filled up for like 48 cents. I am just going to be buying one =]
Yeah I'm totally in. I work at 8pm that night, but I'll release it in the day. I live in the city on the 8th floor of an apartment, but I also live in the main shopping part of town, so everyone should be able to see it :)
Yeah I am DEF going to do this!!! :)
I am driving to London to be at Trafalger Square on Michael's Birthday and then on to the O2 :)
I will fly my own personal helium filled balloon either from the O2 or maybe where I live before I head off?
I live near the English the my balloon might end up in France!!! :)
I will send a message to Michael on it and also my email addy so whoever finds it can reply!!! :)
Great idea!

Listening to speed demon right hope my balloon goes with this speed!!! :)
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yup, I am doing it. This also helps with the grieving process, it help to let go of the person that has passed away. I know it is way to soon for that but it may also help some people to do it. Happy 51st Michael..:) I will always love you...

Edit.....I live In RI my balloon might end up in California.....stranger things have happened
I don't like doing that, cause the balloon ends up in lakes and nature and animals are tryin to eat it and die because they can't digest it...

Sorry guys.
I don't like doing that, cause the balloon ends up in lakes and nature and animals are tryin to eat it and die because they can't digest it...

Sorry guys.

Understandable! Maybe a more environmentally friendly thing to do would be to plant something...I don't know if it is the right season where you live, but that would be a really great idea. =]

I never really thought about what stray balloons can do to the environment and animals...hrmph...:(
yup, I am doing it. This also helps with the grieving process, it help to let go of the person that has passed away. I know it is way to soon for that but it may also help some people to do it. Happy 51st Michael..:) I will always love you...

Edit.....I live In RI my balloon might end up in California.....stranger things have happened

Oh God NO. :( Do we have to really let go? :(
Cant believe this is true..........even now......swung from being in Denial to anger.............back and forth...........mixed emotions..................letting go? NEVER. Will be forever in denial it seems...............:(
Understandable! Maybe a more environmentally friendly thing to do would be to plant something...I don't know if it is the right season where you live, but that would be a really great idea. =]

I never really thought about what stray balloons can do to the environment and animals...hrmph...:(

Plant a tree is a good idea, but not everybody can do it. I like the 'we all look at the sky at the same time'' one :)

Maybe just do a good action on this day, like heal the world or earth song inspired... clean a park, help a elder, plant a tree, donate to a foundation, smile to a stranger etc and come back here to tell the others what you've done...
Plant a tree is a good idea, but not everybody can do it. I like the 'we all look at the sky at the same time'' one :)

Maybe just do a good action on this day, like heal the world or earth song inspired... clean a park, help a elder, plant a tree, donate to a foundation, smile to a stranger etc and come back here to tell the others what you've done...

good idea! :)
I am going to do it. It just feels so sad that we are able to do only this little thing for him, just a little balloon with a note… , for his birthday….. … . Oh my Gosh, I am crying again… .

PS.Also, I think to do a donation will be a good thing .
I like the idea but it reminds me I sent MJ a balloon last year on his bday :cry:
I read somewhere, and I think it is here since it's the only MJ forum I belong to that at a certain time of the day on August 29th everyone would play "Heal the World". Does anyone know about that idea here. And if not, maybe we can decide the time to do it or maybe another song?? Just an idea I got from ....somewhere.
I read somewhere, and I think it is here since it's the only MJ forum I belong to that at a certain time of the day on August 29th everyone would play "Heal the World". Does anyone know about that idea here. And if not, maybe we can decide the time to do it or maybe another song?? Just an idea I got from ....somewhere.

Hmm...I haven't heard this I don't think, but it's a good idea!

There are plans for listening to Cry at 10:30 PM on August 29th and look at the stars :) We will all be connected together for will be amazing.
I will release him a few Happy Birthday balloons. I feel so honored to share his birthday!!!