*Audio Snippet* BBC Radio 1 Interview with Ne-YO: “ ... I actually hung up on him"

Well Guy Holmes did confirm this is the way Michael wants to work. Getting people like Akon, Neyo etc to send him their best material and changing the odd word here and there to get a writing credit. And I'm guessing that Neyo will not be paid to produce this stuff until it gets released. If it gets released at all.

Yes you hear about Michael spending a lot of time in a studio but studios are like 5 star hotels these days. Maybe Michael is spending his time recording, maybe he's watching DVD's, playing video games and who knows what. I just hope he is doing what people think he's doing and not just fannying about. We'll know when the album comes out....

Guy Holmes? The same duech bag who showed true unprofessionalism by talking trash about Michael the second their little deal fell through? Come on. Why are you so negative? Michael doesn't need anyone to write for him and he doesn't steal or need to take writing credit for songs he doesn't do. He never has done that, and he's always giving co-writers credit to people who add as little as a sound effect to a track. It seems to me like you're just looking for something to gripe about, making strange and accusatory assumptions based on nothing.
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True :lol:

Everyone working with Michael has said the same exact thing... Will.i.am, Akon, Ne-Yo. None of them believed it when Michael first called them, and they hung up :rofl:.

yeah I have to laugh at that but thinking about it if Michael rang me out of the blus I would also be shocked :wild:
Guy Holmes? The same duech bag who showed true unprofessionalism by talking trash about Michael the second their little deal fell through? Come on. Why are you so negative? Michael doesn't need anyone to write for him and he doesn't steal or need to take writing credit for songs he doesn't do. He never has done that, and he's always giving co-writers credit to people who add as little as a sound effect to a track. It seems to me like you're just looking for something to gripe about, making strange and accusatory assumptions based on nothing.

Sorry but you're the one swearing and being overly aggressive. I'm simply a fan expressing things as I see it, nothing wrong with that is there?
hello babies i am back after long interlude of computer being fixed all up and running again. love yous! xxxxx
Well Guy Holmes did confirm this is the way Michael wants to work. Getting people like Akon, Neyo etc to send him their best material and changing the odd word here and there to get a writing credit. And I'm guessing that Neyo will not be paid to produce this stuff until it gets released. If it gets released at all.

Yes you hear about Michael spending a lot of time in a studio but studios are like 5 star hotels these days. Maybe Michael is spending his time recording, maybe he's watching DVD's, playing video games and who knows what. I just hope he is doing what people think he's doing and not just fannying about. We'll know when the album comes out....

And this Guy Holmes told you that personally? :doh: :rolleyes: Have you ANY idea about how the music business works??!! And song writing in particular??! :rolleyes: Do you think OTHER ARTISTS or SONGWRITERS do it differently? :doh: Have you ever heard of "pitching songs"? As tough as it is...you won't get a dime for any of the work you did for a song as a songwriter, until it is actually on an album and SELLING. And you may "pitch" your song to someone...and they can ask you to change it...so it's up to you if you wanna do it or not. If you don't, they may not take the song into consideration, if you do...you might get your song on the album. That's how it works. And I think it is just absolutely preposterous for you to come here and imply MJ would be using other artists and would be taking credit for their work. Michael doesn't need ANYONE's help, he is very much capable of writing amazing songs on his OWN. I am hoping you realize how ignorant and ridicilous your comments are. You're one hell of a fan for calling MJ a lazy opportunist....Some "fans" just never cease to amaze me....

Sorry but you're the one swearing and being overly aggressive. I'm simply a fan expressing things as I see it, nothing wrong with that is there?

Well I think you're in an urgent need for better glasses...I think your "vision" is extremely blurred. :doh: :rolleyes: And please get acquainted with th music business and how it works before you start making accusations and before you start speculating on what Michael may or may not be doing in the studio. If you aren't happy with Michael or his work or the way he works...then you are free to just GO AWAY and disappear. Go do something else. Go listen to Guy Holmes. Just a suggestion...
It's simply the music business folks.. It's very cut throut..

Maybe Michael has not gotten neyo in the studio yet simply because he's not sure if the songs he submitted are up to par yet..

PLUS if you notice a little pattern, it seems like Michael is taking each producer and focusing fully into what that person brings to the table.. We heard about Akon, will.i.am and Neyo ages ago.. But the only one that was in the studio was ALWAYS will.i.am.. AKON was left out just like ne-yo.. We started thinking is will.i.am the main producer?? etc.. NOW will.i.am and Michael finish recording, and he's focusing on Akons work.. Once Akon and Mike finish up, Neyo will get the call in.. WATCH!!!!
And this Guy Holmes told you that personally? :doh: :rolleyes:

I have it on good authority from a personal friend. And Neyo etc have been sending him songs as he said. Whether Michael is using them is a matter of opinion. You don't think so? Fine, but you're a long way from proving me wrong.

Michael doesn't need ANYONE's help, he is very much capable of writing amazing songs on his OWN.

Indeed, and that's what I think Michael should be doing. I'll ingore the rest of your abuse.
well nobody who gets a phonecall from m ichael believes its him because there are so many nutcases pretending to be him on the phone so i wouldnt believe it either lol but i agree he must really get frustrated thast nobodhy believes its him
Well MICHAEL said he's writing most of the songs himself. But once again, I suppose believing Michael is just too difficult for some people. I'm sure Guy Holmes knows so much more about Michael then anyone else, including Michael himself, most especially since he hasn't seen or heard from Michael in WELL over a year.

What's more, I find it so totally audacious to critisize Michael over collaborating and to make assumptions that he's simply using other people to do all of the work, and then to call him freaking lazy when he's worked harder in his life then anyone anybody here has ever met, I would bet my life on it, since the age of 5. Michael's trying to best assess how to come back in to the lime light, on a performing front, because the last few years for him have been hell, and he needs to get a good hold on things before he's ready. He doesn't owe this to anybody, he's doing it because he want's to and because he's still gracious enough to share his talent with the world, even after they treated him less then the dirt they walk on. If you aren't happy with what he does, nobody is forcing you to buy it. But to complain about it, as though he isn't fulfilling your wants and thus should be chastised, is so beyond the point of ridiculousness, that it isn't even worth addressing. Of course, I have addressed it and I'm sure I'm simply wasting my time, as what I've said I'm certain will fall on deaf ears.
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I really hope that Mike will write at least half of the new album himself if there's one.
This is the only warning. Stop the personal attacks or you will have action taken against you. If you have issues with the validity of another poster or the way they post put them on ignore before I have to get involved in it.
Guy Holmes is far long GONE as far as being involved with Mike... lol!!

It's my PERSONAL beliefe that Michael NEVER really planned to do a comeback of ANY sort with Guy Holmes, I think he was simply having Guy Holmes of a way to help him while in a rough and confusing time... I PERSONALLY think Mike knew all along he would NEVER do a comeback with someone that his claime to fame is CRAZY FROG and that's basically it...