*Audio Snippet* BBC Radio 1 Interview with Ne-YO: “ ... I actually hung up on him"


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Ne-Yo on Jo Whiley (BBC Radio 1), 27 July 2008

Ne-Yo talks about his first phone call with “big deal” - Mr. Michael Jackson.

Ne-YO: “ ....I actually hung up on him because I thought someone was playin'," he said. "'Who's this?' [high voice] 'This is Michael Jackson.' Click." :hysterical:

He admits having "lied" after that :D - Here`s an audio snippet of the interview:

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That must be kind of frustrating for Michael, lol. Everyone hangs up on him or doesn't believe him at first.

That's cool though. I'd just about die if Michael sang my own song back to me, lol. I'm glad Ne-Yo gives props to "Who Is It".
That must be kind of frustrating for Michael, lol. Everyone hangs up on him or doesn't believe him at first.

That's cool though. I'd just about die if Michael sang my own song back to me, lol. I'm glad Ne-Yo gives props to "Who Is It".
True :lol:

Everyone working with Michael has said the same exact thing... Will.i.am, Akon, Ne-Yo. None of them believed it when Michael first called them, and they hung up :rofl:.
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What about Missy Elliot, back in the Invincible era... Michael was sitting in a restaurant, just waiting for her to come and talk about the Vince-project.. Unfortunately, she was a no show. She thought that the caller was a prank...

Then later on, when Missy met Janet.. It became clear that MJ was the authentic caller... Missy was frustrated!! Imagine that!!
True :lol:

Everyone working with Michael has said the same exact thing... Will.i.am, Akon, Ne-Yo. None of them believed it when Michael first called them, and they hung up :rofl:.
Yesss, LOL. :lmao:
What about Missy Elliot, back in the Invincible era... Michael was sitting in a restaurant, just waiting for her to come and talk about the Vince-project.. Unfortunately, she was a no show. She thought that the caller was a prank...

Then later on, when Missy met Janet.. It became clear that MJ was the authentic caller... Missy was frustrated!! Imagine that!!
:bugeyed OMGAHAHAHA! I'm so sorry Michael, but I feel so baaad for you sometimes Mike.. like omg. :(:hysterical:
People not believing it's you on the phone! D:
But I guess... he might be used to it by now. :lol:

And the vid, pretty cool Michael sang one of Ne-yo's songs. :lol: I would like WOWHOLYSHIZZ myself. Michael Jackson singing my song!!?
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i much prefer this, hearing people talk about michael rather than a written piece. thanks for posting. and wow, michael singing one of neyos songs back to him! imagine that! incredible!
lol that was funny. and i never knew about the Missy Elliot thing. i feel bad for both lol
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I believe it also happened back when Eddie Van Halen was called to do guitar work on Thriller...he had several phone calls and kept hanging up because he didn't believe it was Michael...:lmao:
Ne-Yo sounds like a nice dude. :yes: And I was totally cracking up when he told about how he first lied to MJ about "having got disconnected" because he was embarrassed he had hung up on Michael! :lol: :lol: And yeah I agree with all of you...it must be frustrating for Michael to make phone calls because everyone just keep hanging up on him! :lol: :lol: I know I wouldn't hang up on him RIGHT AWAY....I'd be giving him teh 3rd degree first! :lol: "How did you get my number...where are you now? Okay...so if you are Michael...what was the name of yada yada yada"...I'd just ask him all these questions and if he didn't pass, I'd hang up. :lol: (Imagine MJ being on the phone like "HONESTLY...I am Michael Jackson!! I just can't remember the exact lyrics to ALL my songs...but I AM MICHAEL JACKSON!!! You have to believe me!!" :lmao: lmao: :lmao:)

What about Missy Elliot, back in the Invincible era... Michael was sitting in a restaurant, just waiting for her to come and talk about the Vince-project.. Unfortunately, she was a no show. She thought that the caller was a prank...

Then later on, when Missy met Janet.. It became clear that MJ was the authentic caller... Missy was frustrated!! Imagine that!!

Aaaaaaw no!!! :unsure: :lol: :lol: :lol: Poor Michael!! :lol: I bet Missy was kicking herself too about it!! Imagine MJ asks you to go have dinner wih him and you DIDN'T GO because you thought someone is just playing with you...and then you realize it REALLY was MJ, and he waited for you but you missed your ONE CHANCE!! :wild: God, I'd DIE if that ever happened to me! :unsure: :lol: :lol: I'd be CRAWLING in front of MJ, begging him to forgive me after that! :lol: :lol:

And about Ne-Yo... I like the song "So Sick of Love Songs", and I listened to "Go On Girl", and it's an okay song...I liked the part "Please don't worry about me, I'm fine..only gonna play the fool one time"...But if I'm honest I'm getting kind of tired of these r&b songs that sound the same. I mean, there is hardly a real melody in a song anymore, it's more like a "sung rap". And the sound musically....the "hand clap" sound...the drum patterns....they all sound the same. And even though the songs aren't that BAD....it's just that the since the SOUND is the same ...it gets boring. At least I get bored. Like, some song starts, and I already am not interested because it sounds like all the other songs. I hope that if MJ works with Ne-Yo he'll avoid the same sounds and will add something new to it.
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lol i can understand if your phone rings and they say hi its michael jackson, you are not going to believe it, and he gets it all of the time :lol:

nice to see Who is it in Ne-Yo's top 3 :D
I think it's a bit crap they way Michael is getting people like Neyo to send him material and he just chooses the ones he likes. Seems a bit lazy to me. I really hope I hope this isn't an indicator on the state of the new album and that Michael has actually been doing something all this time.
^ Everyone does that.. lol!! If an artist is interested on having a song or 2 by a sertain producer, that producer sends in a bunch of songs and the artist picks the one(s) he/she likes.. And/or if they want to take more part of the song, they will tell them how they would like it changed..

P.S. thanks for the audio..
I think it's a bit crap they way Michael is getting people like Neyo to send him material and he just chooses the ones he likes. Seems a bit lazy to me. I really hope I hope this isn't an indicator on the state of the new album and that Michael has actually been doing something all this time.

Well that's how music business works. And why should Michael accept the first song he gets? OF COURSE he is going to pick a song he LIKES and thinks has POTENTIAL!! I mean, come on!! Michael is an awesome talent and I think it is just great he keeps "challenging" NeYo and making him "thrive". Why go into a studio and waste time when you can both work separately on your own time and then get in touch and say what you like and what you don't like or what you came up with. I am sure Michael has spent enough time on his own writing songs and coming up with ideas. I think it's a bit mean to judge him and call him lazy just because he is asking an artist to send him songs to pick. How do you think ANY artist picks their songs or collaborates with other artists...? If another artist has a song, why should they fly across the continent to play that song in person when that can be dealt with in an e-mail exchange? It would be insane to spend thousands of dollars for flights and hotels and staff, not mentioning the TIME you would be wasting, if you do all that in person when an e-mail won't cost you more than a cent or two and reaches the other person in SECONDS.
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Well that's how music business works. And why should Michael accept the first song he gets? OF COURSE he is going to pick a song he LIKES and thinks has POTENTIAL!! I mean, come on!! Michael is an awesome talent and I think it is just great he keeps "challenging" NeYo and making him "thrive". Why go into a studio and waste time when you can both work separately on your own time and then get in touch and say what you like and what you don't like or what you came up with. I am sure Michael has spent enough time on his own writing songs and coming up with ideas. I think it's a bit mean to judge him and call him lazy just because he is asking an artist to send him songs to pick. How do you think ANY artist picks their songs or collaborates with other artists...? If another artist has a song, why should they fly across the continent to play that song in person when that can be dealt with in an e-mail exchange? It would be insane to spend thousands of dollars for flights and hotels and staff, not mentioning the TIME you would be wasting, if you do all that in person when an e-mail won't cost you more than a cent or two and reaches the other person in SECONDS.

Well yeah but I'd be a lot more comfortable if Michael was sending songs to Neyo for his input. It appears that people like Neyo are doing the hard work and Michael is simply saying yes or no. It just doesn't give me any confidence. Especially after Invincible seems to have been produced in much the same way.
Well yeah but I'd be a lot more comfortable if Michael was sending songs to Neyo for his input. It appears that people like Neyo are doing the hard work and Michael is simply saying yes or no. It just doesn't give me any confidence. Especially after Invincible seems to have been produced in much the same way.

Michael asking NEYO for HIS input...?? :mello: Uhm....I think MICHAEL is the one of the two with more talent and experience to give HIS insight on a song than vice versa. But that's just my opinion. Besides...the songs are for MICHAEL'S album...not for NeYo's album. Michael is looking for songs to record...not trying to sell HIS songs to someone.
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1) out of all the songs Neyo sends in Mike may pick one or 2 out of them all..

2) Michael has told Neyo where the songs are lacking.. Neyo said Mike would tell him, the lyrics can be stronger in this section, the hook is good but this section needs work etc...

Even songs that Neyo submits, Michael is tampering with and changes it..

Neyo is ONE of many working with Michael and if you go back to what will.i.am said before a long ago (at that time) he said that they have 4 songs together. 2 written by will.i.am, 1 by Michael, and 1 written together.

And of course, who knows what Mike will pick.. Mike may just pick the song he wrote himself..
That must be kind of frustrating for Michael, lol. Everyone hangs up on him or doesn't believe him at first.

Well, who would believe that. It's because Michael is above almost everyone, meaning even some of the world leaders admire him, and if you admire someone so much you usually think it's quite an impossible to meet or speak someday. You can imagine speaking to someone who you think is better than you in some way but it's very hard to believe when it happens. Because it would be kinda dream come true, you know.
Well yeah but I'd be a lot more comfortable if Michael was sending songs to Neyo for his input. It appears that people like Neyo are doing the hard work and Michael is simply saying yes or no. It just doesn't give me any confidence. Especially after Invincible seems to have been produced in much the same way.

well..Invincible is the first and last album to sell without promo, by any artist, in history. nuff said. lol
Yep yep... 10 million... c'mon now, that's so gangsta.

And I trust Neyo with MJ, they know what the deal is, and in the end, I'm sure it'll turn out awesome, just like it always does.
I think it's a bit crap they way Michael is getting people like Neyo to send him material and he just chooses the ones he likes. Seems a bit lazy to me. I really hope I hope this isn't an indicator on the state of the new album and that Michael has actually been doing something all this time.

Are you serious? :smilerolleyes: I swear to God, some of you people will find something negative in every damn thing. What about the fact that we've heard from people who work in the studio Michael is recording at that he spends hour upon hour in there, never coming out, that he's been seen going in with Akon, etc... One thing no one should ever make the mistake of calling Michael is lazy. Jesus.
What about Missy Elliot, back in the Invincible era... Michael was sitting in a restaurant, just waiting for her to come and talk about the Vince-project.. Unfortunately, she was a no show. She thought that the caller was a prank...

Then later on, when Missy met Janet.. It became clear that MJ was the authentic caller... Missy was frustrated!! Imagine that!!

Frustrated? nah I think she woulda been screaming and freaking out going "NOooooooooooo" :rofl:

she's a big fan :lol: poor woman, I'd love to hear her and MJ do a song together actually :kickass2:
well..Invincible is the first and last album to sell without promo, by any artist, in history. nuff said. lol

Or alternatively Sony spent millions promoting it and then cut back because the sales weren't justifying the expense.
That's bull shit. "Invincible" was Michael's fastest selling album, it came out of the gate strong and it sold 10 million copies. That's hardly doing badly. What's more, no one saw any posters or advertisments for the album when it came out, not on a big scale or broad basis. It's also widely thought that Sony bribed and payed CD vendors, DJ's and music critics not to display the album, to give it bad reviews and to not play any of the singles. Comparatively, to Michael's other projects, "Invincible" recieve nearly zero promo, and very few people seemed to even realize it was coming out. The biggest promo. for the album came on Michael's part, with two concerts, a CD signing and some interviews, some rather extensive. Like the one he did for USA Today.
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Are you serious? :smilerolleyes: I swear to God, some of you people will find something negative in every damn thing. What about the fact that we've heard from people who work in the studio Michael is recording at that he spends hour upon hour in there, never coming out, that he's been seen going in with Akon, etc... One thing no one should ever make the mistake of calling Michael is lazy. Jesus.

Well Guy Holmes did confirm this is the way Michael wants to work. Getting people like Akon, Neyo etc to send him their best material and changing the odd word here and there to get a writing credit. And I'm guessing that Neyo will not be paid to produce this stuff until it gets released. If it gets released at all.

Yes you hear about Michael spending a lot of time in a studio but studios are like 5 star hotels these days. Maybe Michael is spending his time recording, maybe he's watching DVD's, playing video games and who knows what. I just hope he is doing what people think he's doing and not just fannying about. We'll know when the album comes out....
damn poor MJ.. he waited for Missy..

MJ invite one of your fans, you'll never get a no show...

Love yah!

OT: i sent a mail to MJ last may.. it was sent back to me.. im sad