Attorneys for Dr. Klein on Larry King update pst 20

This is from the Sun about Klein, but who knows... Exclusive:

MICHAEL Jackson's ex-wife secretly reported dodgy doctor Arnold Klein to police for supplying the tragic singer with powerful drugs, sources revealed last night.

Debbie Rowe, 50, posed as an anonymous tipster to tell cops how MJ used aliases to get the drugs from Klein.
Court papers show detectives received a tip-off from "an unknown female caller" who revealed MJ went under names including Omar Arnold, Fernand Diaz, Peter Madonie and Josephine Baker when he saw Dr Klein.
The aliases meant doctors could keep MJ's drug addiction under wraps, and allowed the star to build up stockpiles of sedatives including propofol - the powerful drug blamed for his death.
Cops found a prescription issued by Klein for an Omar Arnold when they searched MJ's Los Angeles mansion after his death in June.
Ex-nurse Debbie - surrogate mum to MJ's eldest kids Michael, 12, and Paris, 11 - worked as an assistant at Klein's Beverly Hills clinic in the 1990s, when she met MJ.
Last night sources told The Sun: "Rowe holds Klein totally responsible for Jackson's drug addiction.
"She believes there is no way he could have got hooked without the help of Klein - and she is potentially the only one who can prove it.
"She must have suspected what was going on for years.
I just had a brainstorm and for some reason I never thought about this!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe someone else has thought of this and posted it somewhere...... But I just realized that Dr. Murray probably got the Propofol or Diprivan from Dr. Klein. As a plastic surgeon he would have access to that drug because he would have to put people to sleep for the operation.
I just had a brainstorm and for some reason I never thought about this!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe someone else has thought of this and posted it somewhere...... But I just realized that Dr. Murray probably got the Propofol or Diprivan from Dr. Klein. As a plastic surgeon he would have access to that drug because he would have to put people to sleep for the operation.

it really isn't that hard to get, you can order it online, see my post above. Murray would not have needed Klein for this, although I don't doubt Klein gave propofol to MJ in the past :(
I have to say I didn't like Debbie much, I even thought she was in it with Klein, but if this latest article is true big respect to her! I hope she helps the authorities to get all those bastards in jail!
Debbie Rowe, 50, posed as an anonymous tipster to tell cops how MJ used aliases to get the drugs from Klein.
Court papers show detectives received a tip-off from "an unknown female caller"
If some woman called anonymously, how do they know it was DR?
it makes me so upset to think 3 months ago we were worrying about Michael visiting Klein's office all the time...we were all worried but we never got a clear answer. and now a few weeks later he's dead I can't believe it
I just wanted to ask. Did anyone see Dr. Klein appear on Larry King last week again? this time with his lawyer.

He was "setting the record straight" that Michael was in "great health". Like none of us fans knew that. We all knew he was in bad health so that's why we didn't freak out that much even when we found out he had a personal doctor...

He also said "I lost my best friend." Best friends don't go on national television and claim that you're the father of their children, causing more controversy for them when their image is already tainted by bastards like you. When I heard another lie come out of his mouth, I was like stfu..

I thought that appearance by him was so stupid. Just another attempt to gain some sympathy by lies.
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I just wanted to ask. Did anyone see Dr. Klein appear on Larry King last week again? this time with his lawyer.

He was "setting the record straight" that Michael was in "great health". Like none of us fans knew that. We all knew he was in bad health so that's why we didn't freak out that much even when we found out he had a personal doctor...

He also said "I lost my best friend." Best friends don't go on national television and claim that you're the father of their children, causing more controversy for them when their image is already tainted by bastards like you.

I thought that appearance by him was so stupid. Just another attempt to gain some sympathy by lies.

I am still asking myself if I really saw him on the show last week.

Did you notice he changed the story a bit when LK asked him why he went to court during the custody hearing?

He claimed he just wanted to make sure that the children' money was secured. And he succeed in doing it because the judge named the guardian ad litem that will make sure the Jacksons don't spend the children' money. Whatever.

He did take a stab at the Jacksons, stating they all have filed for bankruptcy...and they are not good with money.

Now that the Jacksons are trying to make the will invalid, I think Klein is VERY LIKELY to come back into the picture.
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I am still asking myself if I really saw him on the show last week.

Did you noticed he changed the story when LK asked him why he went to court during the custody hearing?

He claimed he just wanted to make sure that the children' money was secured. And he succeed in doing it because the judge named the guardian ad litem that will make sure the Jacksons don't spend the children' money. Whatever.

He did take a stab at the Jacksons, stating they all have filed for bankruptcy...and they are not good with money.

Now that the Jacksons are trying to make the will invalid, I think Klein is VERY LIKELY to come back into the picture.

i think you are right.:no:
Klien , what a stupid asshole, the Jacksons were smarter than you , they used you to justify why they should have the money instead of the "jew" kids . damn you klien , your ass will be busted soon because of those 27 prescriptions you prescribed for yourself .
This is from the Sun about Klein, but who knows... Exclusive:

MICHAEL Jackson's ex-wife secretly reported dodgy doctor Arnold Klein to police for supplying the tragic singer with powerful drugs, sources revealed last night.

Debbie Rowe, 50, posed as an anonymous tipster to tell cops how MJ used aliases to get the drugs from Klein.
Court papers show detectives received a tip-off from "an unknown female caller" who revealed MJ went under names including Omar Arnold, Fernand Diaz, Peter Madonie and Josephine Baker when he saw Dr Klein.
The aliases meant doctors could keep MJ's drug addiction under wraps, and allowed the star to build up stockpiles of sedatives including propofol - the powerful drug blamed for his death.
Cops found a prescription issued by Klein for an Omar Arnold when they searched MJ's Los Angeles mansion after his death in June.
Ex-nurse Debbie - surrogate mum to MJ's eldest kids Michael, 12, and Paris, 11 - worked as an assistant at Klein's Beverly Hills clinic in the 1990s, when she met MJ.
Last night sources told The Sun: "Rowe holds Klein totally responsible for Jackson's drug addiction.
"She believes there is no way he could have got hooked without the help of Klein - and she is potentially the only one who can prove it.
"She must have suspected what was going on for years.

:punk::clapping::clapping::clapping:Thank you Debbie for doing the right thing again! :clapping::clapping::clapping: