Attorneys for Dr. Klein on Larry King update pst 20

Re: Attorneys for Dr. Klein on Larry King

Well did they say anything worth listening to?
Re: Attorneys for Dr. Klein on Larry King

no! but i did only see the second half...

They were on for the last half hour. They did'nt say anything worth while. It was mainly his life has been interupted and they don't think he did anything wrong.
Larry asked them about paternity and they dodged that particular question.
Re: Attorneys for Dr. Klein on Larry King

Kleine just put those lawyers up to talk for him because he fears he's about to go down too.
Re: Attorneys for Dr. Klein on Larry King

They were on for the last half hour. They did'nt say anything worth while. It was mainly his life has been interupted and they don't think he did anything wrong.
Larry asked them about paternity and they dodged that particular question.

yea... when people complain about being victims of tabloids, the media.... etc... i just have no sympathy.
my first reaction is.... ok .. deal with all that for about 30 years... then come back and complain.

yea.. the last question was a good dodge.
Re: Attorneys for Dr. Klein on Larry King

Larry's crazy. yesterday, he said to Elizabeth Edwards after she said she's been feeling okay:

"You're Stage Four, though, right?"

does he realize that when he does that kind of thing he comes across as a TOTAL JERK?!

Re: Attorneys for Dr. Klein on Larry King

Kleine just put those lawyers up to talk for him because he fears he's about to go down too.

I think he is going down too.
His lawyers complain about questions not being asked for instance, no one has ever asked was Dr. Klein there when Michael died. No one ever said he was there. They were obviously doing damage control before the other shoe drops.
Re: Attorneys for Dr. Klein on Larry King

Kline is


Re: Attorneys for Dr. Klein on Larry King

They are just saying what they are paid to say. Klein is like Murrey and so many others in Michael's life, he comes off as shifty.
Re: Attorneys for Dr. Klein on Larry King

I think he is going down too.
His lawyers complain about questions not being asked for instance, no one has ever asked was Dr. Klein there when Michael died. No one ever said he was there. They were obviously doing damage control before the other shoe drops.

Yep damage control, like Murray's vid, everyone who has been on Larry King and Dileo coming here to answer questions... ALL damage control, what have they got to hide??!!
Re: Attorneys for Dr. Klein on Larry King

EXCLUSIVE: L.A. Coroner Chief Investigator Meets With Michael Jackson’s Dermatologist Arnold Klein

Los Angeles County Assistant Chief Coroner Ed Winter has told Radar exclusively that he had a private one-on-one discussion with Dr. Arnold Klein about the Michael Jackson death investigation.
Winter visited Klein’s offices in Beverly Hills on Wednesday, August 19, as reports surfaced that the dermatologist-to-the-stars was going to be charged in connection with the investigation.
Winter told Radar Friday: “I met with Dr Klein privately for a lengthy time to corroborate medical which Klein had turned over to our office weeks ago. At this stage in the investigation I cannot confirm if I removed further medical records from Dr Klein’s office.”
Following Winter’s dramatic visit, Klein’s lawyer Garo Ghazarian claimed that malpractice charges against his client were not imminent and that he was fully working with the coroner’s office in their probe. He said: “I have seen no cause for concern on behalf of my client.” -- who was present during Wednesday’s dramatic raid -- saw Winter pay a visit to the Mickey Fine Pharmacy in the same building, where Jackson picked-up prescriptions after his frequent visits to the dermatologist.
Jackson’s June 25th death is also the focus of an investigation by the Los Angeles Police Department, the State Attorney General’s Office, and the US Drug Enforcement Administration.’s-dermatologist
Re: Attorneys for Dr. Klein on Larry King

i don't feel sorry for two doctors at all :no:

i just feel sorry for the jacksons family and Michael too cause he didn't know what was going on :yes: :cry:
Re: Attorneys for Dr. Klein on Larry King

today i watch show call ET and they were talking with anyother doctor and she say she say how much stuff MJ had all the stuff he is taking and i can see her eyes lieing :yes:
Re: Attorneys for Dr. Klein on Larry King

ah for the sake of whatever....ONLY B/C he knows debbie that i'll post this. but ugh...i still can't stand him. at least when he's working.
The Mystery Woman Who Ratted Out Jackson’s Doc

By: Roger Friedman // Tuesday August 25, 2009
Now a new Michael Jackson mystery. Who was the anonymous woman who turned the DEA onto Dr. Arnold Klein?
In the affidavit that was made public yesterday as part of a search warrant, there was this little fact: an anonymous female called the DEA and turned in Dr. Arnold Klein, Jackson’s dermatologist. The caller gave a number of aliases under which Jackson received prescriptions from the dermatologist. They included Omar Arnold–a name first revealed in this column two months ago–as well as Fernand Diaz, Peter Madonie, and Josephine Baker. The police found a prescription in Jackson’s house made out to Omar Arnold.
And now I’m told that following the revelations about Dr. Conrad Murray yesterday, Dr. Klein is next. And the evidence concerning him will be much more detailed since Klein has been involved with Jackson for over 20 years. Nearly everyone in Jackson’s inner circles over the years has been involved with him, too.
And who is the mystery woman? The likely candidate, I am told, is Debbie Rowe. The mother of Jackson’s two eldest children worked for Klein in the 90s. She met Jackson in his office. She is said to hold Klein responsible for Jackson’s drug problems. In recent weeks, Klein has even had her barred from his offices. Rowe is said to have been very upset when Klein started suggesting he was the children’s father. “It made her skin crawl,” says a friend. Rowe would be only one of many who’d know what Klein gave Jackson over the years–and certainly an excellent witness in a trial.
any Dr that gets infront of a tv camera and talk about their friend/patience medical condition with no regard....makes me sick...

Klein is slime...

but the thing is..there might be other celebs catch up in this... even Larry King said he is a doctor to a friend of his....
yep. liz taylor goes to him as well. and carrie fisher. he's the type that collects celeb friends. mj was the jewel of his collection
I think whoever it was has been the one leaking stuff to TMZ as well. They were the first ones to know almost every alias that they have been looking for. Either it's the same person looking for some $$$, someone very close to this person, or someone very close to the case. Who knows...
You know what....I've felt from jump street that Kline is the one who first introduced Michael to this propofol. Nobody just gets up and wants propofol like that.

Michael got put onto it by some who is...

1. A medical professional capable of supplying it.
2. Someone he relied on for advice.
3. Someone he "thought" he could trust.
4. Someone who didn't mind giving him something that he shouldn't really be getting under normal circumstances.

They said that the people most likely to use propofol in the way it was being used in Michael's case is doc's themselves.

Kline fit the bill for all of these and I wouldn't be surprised if he (Kline) is doping up himself too.

That said....Way to go Debbie!

I don't agree with some of your choices but no matter what, you're 'a friend to the end like chucky' when it comes to Michael.....Go girl!!!!

P.S. Go back to his office just to make him freak out...then take pictures so you can laugh at his stupid a$$ later. :p

You're going down're going DOWN!
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You know what....I've felt from jump street that Kline is the one who first introduced Michael to this propofol. Nobody just gets up and wants propofol like that.

Michael got put onto it by some who is...

1. A medical professional capable of writing prescriptions for it.
2. Someone he relied on for advice.
3. Someone he "thought" he could trust.
4. Someone who didn't mind giving him something that he shouldn't really be getting under normal circumstances.

I agree with you. But count number one out. Remember, propokill cannot be perscribed. It should be "a medical professinal capable of ACCESSING it."
I agree with you. But count number one out. Remember, propokill cannot be perscribed. It should be "a medical professinal capable of ACCESSING it."
Yep your right there and plus it is meant only to be used inside a hospital , not at a home!
or a med clinic. but kline has used it on mj and the theory is he taught murray how to use it and may have obtained it for him