Attn sony! Ideas for new videos


Hello everybody,

I thought that alongside the thread about the new album it would be also useful to share ideas about forthcoming videos. So if you have any revolutionary ideas do not hesitate to share them.

As a matter of fact, when the new album comes out, we will probably have some music videos, but how are they gonna look like? Michael always tried to surprise us with new videos, so this is also something that we should not forget to include in his legacy!

We have several options:

1) Animation / Cartoons /3D
2) A compilation of older videos or pictures
3) Videos with dancers
4) Or short films with actors
5) Or... nothing at all :-(
Michael is as famous for his ground-breaking videos as he is for his music, dancing, shows and angelic voice. Arguably, also as much as his personal life and celebrity.

Any new videos by Sony/The Estate should be just that, new.

A re-hash of old videos, compilation of This Is It clips etc would be awful.

They owe it to Michael to use the latest state-of-the-art techniques to make an amazing video that will be trailblazing and talked about forever. They could make Michael "live" again though computer simulation or clever editing of unreleased stuff. Cartoon, animation, etc etc. The video is as important as the song!

This is his legacy, people, it needs to be brilliant.
hey Sony/estate:

*First of all. Make a official TEASER for the new album, like you guys did for the History album.
For this video use some CGI of MJ, you can include a little bit fo TII footage.
(as I understand he was planning to make something about 20 minutes long to promote Invincible)

* groundbraking videos, use latest technology to include MJ in the new videos,

* short films with actors combine with footage of Mj in the studio

* if he wrote songs like Heal the world etc, make a nice one, videos like Heal The World, Will Be There there shouldn;t be a need to add Mj in them, specially if he just want to send a message,

* Cartoons are ok too

* videos with pictures are ok too but it depends on the song. A song that is similar to Heal The World will be ok to us pictures I guess

MJ refused to accept technology limitations, so push it to the limit
I'm sure you guys can came out with something cool, if you don;t know how go to pixar or james cameron for ideas or recommendations

These are my ideas, I can't came with other ideas, not sure what more can be done for the videos,
Last edited: I understand he was planning to make something about 40 minutes long to promote Invincible...

Sorry to go a tad OT, but I never knew about this - do you know anymore about this envisaged 40min Vince album promo??
Michael was a genius when it came to short film and videos to support his music.
He wove messages and symbolism throughout and I just don't see how anyone
else could do that with his songs.

I agree that just MJ recording the music, if it exists, would be the best. No one
could do justice or come anywhere near what his vision would be.
To add to the list, Sony could decide to lend songs to big budged theatermovies, like Michael did with the blockbuster Free Willy (Will You Be There). In this way Sony could promote a song with a music video compiled from the best images of the movie. I would suggest to choose a movie with big boxoffice potential (great exposure for the song), with a theme/story similar to the song, and it should be a movie that Michael would have loved, like Free Willy/ET or something big like Avatar. This could be a good marketing strategy!
Sorry to go a tad OT, but I never knew about this - do you know anymore about this envisaged 40min Vince album promo??

I think he was referring to the Unbreakable Video that was supposed to be something like 20 minutes long with actors like Mel Gibson and Chris Tucker in the cast.
Too bad it wasn't released...sorry for the little OT.
Studio footage of MJ recording the songs.

I agree with this...

yes, Michael's videos were always ground breaking, but he was the person who came up with all the ideas. He's not here anymore :( So it won't be the same. It won't be his vision, it won't be his creation.

If Sony decides to make music videos they should hire directors from Michael's previous projects for the job - people who worked with Michael and know his approach to this..
I think he was referring to the Unbreakable Video that was supposed to be something like 20 minutes long with actors like Mel Gibson and Chris Tucker in the cast.
Too bad it wasn't released...sorry for the little OT.

Yes it was 20 minutes, sorry for the mistake, I still have 40 minutes in my mind,

here is more story:
NOTE: Jackson had planned an epic 20-minute Brett Ratner directed video for "Unbreakable" from the Invincible album. Though various reports circulated that the piece was to also co-star Chris Tucker and had gone into production, we couldn't find any clips of a finished product.

Here is a chronology of facts that documents the feud between Sony Music and Michael Jackson with detailed examples. June 2001 Sony Music pick "You Rock My World" as the first single off of INVINCIBLE. Michael Jackson favored "Unbreakable" and had already started to conceive the video for the song. The last-minute change of single forces him to rush the conception of a new video to accompany "You Rock My World."

Too bad he couln't do it
I agree with this...

yes, Michael's videos were always ground breaking, but he was the person who came up with all the ideas. He's not here anymore :( So it won't be the same. It won't be his vision, it won't be his creation.

If Sony decides to make music videos they should hire directors from Michael's previous projects for the job - people who worked with Michael and know his approach to this..

you're totally right
Michael was always filming stuff and I have no doubt he has tons of unreleased footage that could be utilized to make a video. At the same time, the world is too technologically advanced for a group of people not be able to come together and brain storm on something fantastic that Michael himself would've loved!
Im for using the new technologies of animations and creating a new level of videos = immortalizing Michael! (for example: TO - Space Odyssey 2010 - amazing and unbelievable animated movie)

They should definitely try and do something different other than the compilation of videos that record companies usually do when an artist passes away. When Aaliyah died this is all we had, just compilations of her videos which were good but we'd seen them all hundreds of times before. They should be different just as Michael would have wanted it, they could have other artists mime the words in the song but with Michael still singing it like they did with Aaliyah's 'Miss You'. Or they could have the dancers from TII dancing to the song or maybe Janet Jackson could star in the video and instead of miming it she could just do like a visionary music video, a bit like the one she did with Hype Williams.
there are 3D scans of MJ faces, they were made in 1996 I think. You guys remember right? but who has them now? estate/Sony?
there are 3D scans of MJ faces, they were made in 1996 I think. You guys remember right? but who has them now? estate/Sony?

I knew I was not dreamin' when this came to me yesterday! but was'nt it more than his face though that was done?
I think he was referring to the Unbreakable Video that was supposed to be something like 20 minutes long with actors like Mel Gibson and Chris Tucker in the cast.

Thanks Romano and chacal for clearing the misunderstanding up - I wondered how I had totally missed news of a 40min Vince album promo!! lol. Yeah, I remember all the news regarding the planning and prep for the (never-to-be-filmed) Unbreakable short film, I used to keep up to date by checking Planet Jackson - though news of it starring Mel Gibson and Chris Tucker confused me; I always wondered whether it was planned as a "sequel" to the storyline in YRMW? Whereas the song and "Transformers fighting"-esque sound effects at the track's beginning bring to mind a more futuristic, sci-fi visual. Alas, we will never know :(

Anyhoo - back on topic now :)
I knew I was not dreamin' when this came to me yesterday! but was'nt it more than his face though that was done?

I think his full body
some old articles:

To make him dance you still will need a real person, just like what he did in Ghosts (with the skeleton), if they will ever use this technology they better look for someone capable of just doing that, but there is no one alive that can dance like him
They should definitely try and do something different other than the compilation of videos that record companies usually do when an artist passes away. or maybe Janet Jackson could star in the video and instead of miming it she could just do like a visionary music video, a bit like the one she did with Hype Williams.

Janet Jackson starring in the video? Is this a Michael Jackson short film or a Janet Jackson one? Please no Janet. This is Michael's video- nobody should be confused about that. Yes, she is a sibling but that does not mean she should have anything to do with any of his projects, imo. Why do you think Michael only worked with her once? They wanted to have their own identities, and yes that still applies now and forever.
I do agree that compilations of other videos would not be a good idea. The technology is there to do some different and unique things, and also I like the idea of using footage of studio sessions. I just hope they do it right, I don't want to see another "Who is It' compilation video, please no.
Janet Jackson starring in the video? Is this a Michael Jackson short film or a Janet Jackson one? Please no Janet. This is Michael's video- nobody should be confused about that. Yes, she is a sibling but that does not mean she should have anything to do with any of his projects, imo. Why do you think Michael only worked with her once? They wanted to have their own identities, and yes that still applies now and forever.

Janet Jackson starring in the video? Is this a Michael Jackson short film or a Janet Jackson one? Please no Janet. This is Michael's video- nobody should be confused about that. Yes, she is a sibling but that does not mean she should have anything to do with any of his projects, imo. Why do you think Michael only worked with her once? They wanted to have their own identities, and yes that still applies now and forever.

I agree- no janet! I mean it is his sister no offense, but this is a mj video not hers.
I would love for you SONY to revamp ALL the Old Videos ....All of Them and release them on DVD To ALL Countries for purchase.
A re-hash of old videos, compilation of This Is It clips etc would be awful.

They owe it to Michael to use the latest state-of-the-art techniques to make an amazing video that will be trailblazing and talked about forever. They could make Michael "live" again though computer simulation or clever editing of unreleased stuff. Cartoon, animation, etc etc. The video is as important as the song!

This is his legacy, people, it needs to be brilliant.

You are totally right!

Must be something great and brilliant. And I wouldn't like that the video has sucess just because the death and is the firt postomous. I would like the video has sucess because what has in it. When I heard about this video video I think, OH GOD THEY WOULD MAKE MICHAEL ALIVE!!! This will be great
They should use the images of Michael that used to make the skull Ghosts dances like him. I think ... But t would Have The Same dance routine. They should use the same technology and now it is much better