Assuming you believed Randy Phillips..

If he did have the medical exam, then they must have known that his body was full of drugs (as appears to be the case), in which case it would have been totally irresponsible to let him do the concerts.

we have to remember that most musicians who go on tours are full of drugs anyways. Most of them don't die. drugs just sort of come with the territory in the industry.

read into it...if he doesn't do this, it'll be bad for his career...tehy had him on lock. remember it started as 10 dates.

if he bailed or tried to get out of it, they could've put an injuction on his performing basically saying if he doesn't complete the 50 then he can't perform again and once he's 'better' then he has to fullfill the concerts. it was a horrible contract

even further, they're alltied into this in a weird way. barack, tohme, and phillips. now mj is gone, barack owns most of the ranch, tohme is wanted for questions, and phillips can now go to their insurance carrier and get money since mj didn't do the hsows.

it all works out for them and mj is the one who paid thebiggest price.

one thing raymone did say that was spot on was how they were bragging about steering the kop in the right direction but six mo later he's dead

OH MY!!! I read into it and this article, imo, is a vital piece of evidence to be utilized in a court case. The words highlighted in "red" adds up, totally!

What caught my attention in this LA Times article are the following:

Phillips had his eye on Jackson for some time; approached him in 2007 but, was turned down. Apparently, he was watching Mike like a hawk; an animal just about to make his deadly attack on his prey when he is vulnerable.:yes: Eventually, he got him because MJ needed money.

Tohme was indentifying himself as MJ's manager dealing with Barrack (Colony Capital) as well as Anschutz (Qwest Communications International Chairman --- owns United Artists Theaters; associated with film industry). However, within 1 day, the very next, DiLeo declared his manager status stating that Tohme had been fired a month and a half ago. Tohme refused to take this; DENIED being fired.

Toward the very end of the article, Phillips is being quoted as saying about the Arena 02 performances:

The concerts, Phillips acknowledged, are a do-or-die moment for Jackson. "If it doesn't happen, it would be a major problem for him career-wise in a way that it hasn't been in the past," he said.

This article in my opinion is a "bombshell." Very informative and interesting read. Thanks so much for pointing this out.

I cannot get over the words, DO or D-I-E????? Wow!
thank u. note that this came out after some fan went to the media and said mj was complainingthat he didn'twant to do all those dates.

this was their counter message. like they were fighting w/ each other through articles or something.
Not to sound crazy...but it seems that Ian Halperin guy isn't wrong about everything. Recently in a article from him , which i thought was complete nonsense..he said that Tohme really wasn't so good for MJ at all...neither was AEG.
when something is a rumor. something has to be a lil if im talking about michael jackson, one thing is true...his name is michael jackson.

ian is a piecec of poo
If you invest in something, you want a return. Surely that's all that Mr. Phillips really said. I don't think anything sinister of it.
From what the article states, the investors did M.J. a favour in helping to restructure his finances and organising the concerts to make money for M.J. and themselves, of course.
if mj was missing rehearsals like they say he was, that could cause someone to be nervous.

i just think they put immense pressure on the man
You know, I will never forget Randy talking about Michael's reaction when he told him that he had added all those dates. He said that Michael asked him how if he really wasn't willing to do too many. Randy actually laughed and took Mike's concerns lightly. But I do believe that Michael was happy about the tour but he had concerns about doing as many as they wanted him to do. I feel Michael may have been overwhelmed and this alone could have cause escalating stress as the first tour date drew near. I think the wait of this tour killed Michael. His heart stopped because he was under so much stress. Sure, he was happy. But that doesn't mean he wasn't stressed.

Why haven't we heard anything from Randy Phillips?
do u really think that if mj said 'wtf?' that he'd say that? of course not. mj was going to be a moneymaking machine for aeg.