Assuming you believed Randy Phillips..


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
..Okay, so it is really unknown whether or not Randy Phillips was correct when he said the plan was to release a single before This Is It started.

But if he was correct, do you think we'll still see this single? I don't know. I consider a few things: 1. posthumous releases are not at all uncommon; 2. If the plan was to release a single before the concerts, that's within the next two weeks, so would there already be physical copies of the single, thereby making it that much harder to resist putting it out there?; Kenny Ortega's frustratingly vague statement that this was not, in fact, it, and that we'd see Michael's vision- surely this means his new music as well as the concerts!

I guess I'm thinking out loud, but I'm interested to see what you all think. Will the single be released as planned, assuming it WAS planned?
I just don't think Randy Philips really know anything.
Why the anger? Dude backed MJ 110%.
backed mj? he blatantly threatened him in the la times article. it was so obvious. and then aeg is paying for a cardiologist to live w/ mj. if he was so healthy y did he have a heart doctor and then later die of cardiac arrest?

something is up it smells too fishy
backed mj? he blatantly threatened him in the la times article. it was so obvious. and then aeg is paying for a cardiologist to live w/ mj. if he was so healthy y did he have a heart doctor and then later die of cardiac arrest?

something is up it smells too fishy

If he did have the medical exam, then they must have known that his body was full of drugs (as appears to be the case), in which case it would have been totally irresponsible to let him do the concerts.
not only that but if u have insured a man to play concerts then knowingly pay a heart doctor to stay w/ him, isn't that a conflict of the good health report?

read into it...if he doesn't do this, it'll be bad for his career...tehy had him on lock. remember it started as 10 dates.

if he bailed or tried to get out of it, they could've put an injuction on his performing basically saying if he doesn't complete the 50 then he can't perform again and once he's 'better' then he has to fullfill the concerts. it was a horrible contract

even further, they're alltied into this in a weird way. barack, tohme, and phillips. now mj is gone, barack owns most of the ranch, tohme is wanted for questions, and phillips can now go to their insurance carrier and get money since mj didn't do the hsows.

it all works out for them and mj is the one who paid thebiggest price.

one thing raymone did say that was spot on was how they were bragging about steering the kop in the right direction but six mo later he's dead
People can call me crazy...but i just saw something 'wrong' in the dude's facial gestures when he was talking. All that stuff about how he wanted to have been in MJ's body...that his health and shape was that good.

We are hearing VERY different things from friends of MJ now.
So now people turn on Randy too? This is getting ridiculous, it seems everybody is now hating everyone involved with MJ.
So now people turn on Randy too? This is getting ridiculous, it seems everybody is now hating everyone involved with MJ.

Could'nt agree more... I can understand when stupid News networks go on & on making theories out off rumours. But we fans who have followed Mike over the years must be more informed & objective.

Randy & Mike were mutually working with each other & no one was forced. Also, if Randy was forcing Mike then Kenny is wrong wen he says that Mike was in the best of spirits for the concerts..
um u guys this isn't a new thing. people were upset about this article before mj's passing. please don't think everyone is lashing out.

how can a man who's so sick and so medicated pass a physical? they only had insurance for the first ten shows....everything else was at risk.

sorry but they'er all tied together, barack with tohme who met with phillips who paid conrad
I my opinion we don´t actually know anything yet. So much of it is just rumours and I guess many times the media is saying that people said things that they may never actually have said. Now I mean what the Jackson family actually said. I don´t trust Brian Oxman.
With all due respect, I thinkwe don't know the first thing about any of this, and we are making connectino that are baseless. Instead of jumping on the people that dealt with him, and acting like we know all the circumstances, let's await the offical results and investigations, only then can we be certain. So easy to point fingers now, but it's useless.
i never thought i'd quote raymone but damn.....she said all these guys bragged about bringing mj back. he was gonna do shows, get back on his feet etc....and six months later he dies.

u don't think that there would be some apprehension about the fact that mj was only insured for ten shows? that's a lot of money and a lot of risk
not only that but if u have insured a man to play concerts then knowingly pay a heart doctor to stay w/ him, isn't that a conflict of the good health report?

preach it!

On another note, wasn't it reported that the physical covered various things including the psyhcological state of teh performer n the use of certain drugs, i.e. depressants. I may be trippin' but I swear I 'member reading that. If the exam covered something like that its not a long walk to conclude it wuold have covered pain killers.
You guys never cease to amaze me. Maybe he should have just cancelled the concerts and said MJ was addicted to drugs, was surrounding himself with bad people and that they couldn't in good conscious back him for the shows. I'm sure that would have went over very well with all of you.
I don't know what to believe right now, all I hope that when we eventually find out, we will find the truth consoling enough to cope with Michael's passing.
You guys never cease to amaze me. Maybe he should have just cancelled the concerts and said MJ was addicted to drugs, was surrounding himself with bad people and that they couldn't in good conscious back him for the shows. I'm sure that would have went over very well with all of you.
omg i don' tget it!

u have a company that has a vested interest in mj and him performingBUT they can't get insurance for the rest of the shows. so honestly, after the thinly vieled threat, i think anything is possible. they're all linked
You guys never cease to amaze me. Maybe he should have just cancelled the concerts and said MJ was addicted to drugs, was surrounding himself with bad people and that they couldn't in good conscious back him for the shows. I'm sure that would have went over very well with all of you.


Randy Philip took huge financial risk to make this concert happen... coz he trusted in Mike personally.

The insurance company were not ready to cover it coz of the negative image the media had created of MJ (abt him not honouring his commitments)..
backed mj? he blatantly threatened him in the la times article. it was so obvious. and then aeg is paying for a cardiologist to live w/ mj. if he was so healthy y did he have a heart doctor and then later die of cardiac arrest?

something is up it smells too fishy

Randy said the employment of Murray was nothing to do with AEG and that he was 'under Michael's employ', am I missing something here?
yes b/c aeg was paying him, not mike

and don't u think that b/c they couldn't insure that the risk was extremely great? and now it ends before it starts?

just things don't make sense.
yes b/c aeg was paying him, not mike

and don't u think that b/c they couldn't insure that the risk was extremely great? and now it ends before it starts?

just things don't make sense.

How do you know that? Have you seen the documentation? It's just reported, that's all. Since when do we just blatantly believe anything reported??
I don't know what others think but Im really very angry on AEG and that Doctor..Though its not clear what's the real reason behind cardiac arrest,if it was cuz of drug over dose then Randy and that Doctor are both responsible for this nightmare.They all knew about Mike's condition especially tht doctor I mean come on I dont believe that Doctor didnt knw about harmful effects of tht drug cocktail.If they really wanted him to perform then first they shud have done something about Mike's addiction but instead of that their eyes were just on profits and they knew Mike needed cash so they kept pushing him.Nobody knew about Mike's drug cocktails before now but they knew,and its their fault they didnt do anything about it.What kind of Doctor would let his patient take all those harmful drugs,he shud have stopped him but if he couldn't then he shud have made everyone aware of his condition but he didn't.There is something fishy behind all this,yesterday some TV news channels were saying that Mike even said to his few close friends that "If I don't tour,they're gonna kill me"..I dont know if thts true or not but I am just lookin at this perspective and ofcourse Mike couldn't show his helplessness to the whole world,it wud have destroyed his This Is It world tour before it wud have kicked off thats why all the ppl in rehearsals are sayin tht he was happy man and was very much lookin forward to tht tour.Maybe he was just pushed into it and didnt have anyway out of it so he said yes to AEG and signed the contract.I dont trust media either but still Mike has paid a big price,he lost his life all others will walk away and find out some ways but the damage thats already done we can never undone that.:(
I think that the truth may be something in between. A lot of the reports right now I think are false. If they were truth I don´t think he would have been signed up for any conserts at all. The media is inventing a lot of stories right now because it brings them the money, like they have always done. I think we should not speculate so much until we actually know what happend.
when it's his family that are saying it. there's so much going around that it makes my head spin. hell even geraldo made sense tonight and it was so morbid. said mj was worth more gone than alive to concert sad.

and that's what people wanna think. this was a way to get michael jackson and now he's gone.

once this settles down or more comes out, we'll have a clear picture. the weekend provided a lot of media news stories to come out an dno one can tell what's real and what's not
backed mj? he blatantly threatened him in the la times article. it was so obvious. and then aeg is paying for a cardiologist to live w/ mj. if he was so healthy y did he have a heart doctor and then later die of cardiac arrest?

something is up it smells too fishy

Tuna or Salmon then again it could be that cheap ass just playing.

Randy phillips doesn't have a say on when MJ releases a song huh? wouldn't that be controlled by Sony or his estate?
it's all just too damn eerie....i mean, fine one day and then gone?

i think everyone wants it to be someone's fault so they can have peace knowing it was something. cuz now we're all going stir crazy trying ot figure out what the hell is up an ddown