As a pure Dancer who....


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
As a pure dancer who is the best in the pop/music world now that our dear MJ has gone?

I've put 5 candidates forward that I can think of so far (In no particular order) -

Chris brown (not so sure though)
Justin Timberlake
Beyonce knowles
Robbie Williams (LOL)

Is there anyone else I've missed!?
no one will compare to michael jackson, half of these people get their moves from michael! wouldnt say they were unique.

i'm going to go with Omer Bhatti though, i like him.
I know its hard but dont compare them to MJ, I know they are no where near him.

But someone NOW in the commercial pop/music world is now the best dancer so it has to be one of these....i mean there all ok dancers but compared to MJ then......LOL!!
:lol: UGH! Fine. If I had to pick one I'd go with Usher. He seemed to be going toe to toe with MJ at the 30th Anniv special. MJ had to push that ass out the way tho on stage. "U in my way Usher. I got this!" :lol:

I don't like CB.. I think he's a hot sloppy mess all around...
Janet is the only person who comes to my mind straight away.

But I see the people on that list as pop music/RnB singers who dance because of their status as a pop musician - not because they're a pure dancer.

I don't know. It's a good question! :)
oh my days here we go again.

We all know Michael was the best do we need anymore of an ego boost??
Let me break it down like this:
Mikey didn't just dance.
My boo, (that's right my boo!) floated when he walked.
He had a swagger to him, not show off ego swagger.
He breathed dancing, he ate that for breakfast.
Ain't none of these lil wannabes gonna dance like him.
They ain't got the spirit.
Mikey had something you can't put a name or finger on when he danced.
More than grace. More than talent. More than moves.
As a pure dancer who is the best in the pop/music world now that our dear MJ has gone?

I've put 5 candidates forward that I can think of so far (In no particular order) -

Chris brown (not so sure though)
Justin Timberlake
Beyonce knowles
Robbie Williams (LOL)

Is there anyone else I've missed!?
Although the artists you mention are OK dancers, they lack a certain quality which I like to refer to as 'magic'. When Michael danced, it came out of his soul, he was one with the music. The artists mentioned above can do dancemoves because they practised the dancemoves a lot and still it doesn't look as smooth as Michael Jackson. You have to understand Michael was the last one in a generation of real entertainers such as James Brown, Jackie Wilson, Fred Astaire, Sammy Davis Jr (Michael named all these persons as his influences). He was an artist. The hat, the glove, the show. He was so much in one man. Michael studied the greats and became greater. Michael danced with the energy of James Brown and with the grace of Fred Astaire.

Sammy Davis Jr.:
Fred Astaire:
James Brown:
Jackie Wilson:
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God! Hes asking who is the best now MJ is gone. Not, who is taking MJ's place.
Why is the Robbie Williams on that list? WTF? Disgraceful.
As a pure dancer who is the best in the pop/music world now that our dear MJ has gone?

I've put 5 candidates forward that I can think of so far (In no particular order) -

Chris brown (not so sure though)
Justin Timberlake
Beyonce knowles
Robbie Williams (LOL)

Is there anyone else I've missed!?

I have to go with Usher.
Blanket. I heard he used to dance all the time with his father and that he can not only dance great, but moonwalk too. Yep...Blanket. lol
None of those people even compare to Michael Jackson!!
Beyoncé and RW?! :bugeyed

Janet's the best female dancer out there for sure though.
lmaoo why is Beyonce on that list, OMG lmaoo anyway IF I have to choose from that list I will say Usher, at least he looks fluid when he dances and not as if he's "thinking" about it

I agree. IF I had to choose.

And Mike liked him most too. :)
He's still nowhere near him though!
Michael Jackson wanna be, first got famous by using Michael moves to get noticed

Chris Brown
another wannabe, worked alot with Rich and Tone Talauega, so not surprising his chorography is like Michael

Justin Timberlake
worked alot with WADE ROBSON when in NSYNC, so again no wonder his style is simliar to Michael

Beyonce Knowles
works alot with LA Veille Smith, enough said

all the artists mentioned have worked for years with choroagraphers who learned their craft touring with Michael. Most of them spent their childhoods , like us watching Michael dance, and then encorparate his style into theirs. There are very few in the current dance industry who have not been influenced in some way by Michael.
Let me break it down like this:
Mikey didn't just dance.
My boo, (that's right my boo!) floated when he walked.
He had a swagger to him, not show off ego swagger.
He breathed dancing, he ate that for breakfast.
Ain't none of these lil wannabes gonna dance like him.
They ain't got the spirit.
Mikey had something you can't put a name or finger on when he danced.
More than grace. More than talent. More than moves.

Yeah, the "more than..." is what distinguishes MJ. It's inexplicable and emotion driven.

I remember the James Ingram story in which he said that Michael went into full dance mode just in a recording session and it blew Ingram away. He said he'd never seen anyone actually dance during a recording session, that everybody else always reserved their voices to record the tracks, but Michael danced.

That's the "more than..." that Michael had. He danced as he sang, expressing the words of a song with his voice and his body. It was innate, not just part of the act, which is the case for most performers.

There are good singers and good dancers today, but NO BODY OUT THERE is both to the extent the gifted one was.
I think Beyonce is pretty good especially that move she does at the start of the Crazy in Love video. Ever tried doing it(one where she drops down quickly after walking along) I remember some people trying it in the office I worked in when I came out... none were successful LOL! :) I obviously don't think she compares to Michael, I just mean she is a good dancer in general.
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I think Beyonce is pretty good, especially that move she does at the start of the Crazy in Love video. :)

um thats cos she was TAUGHT that by La Veille Smith, who was the choroagrapher of that video and most of her videos and live perfomances since then! Ever wonder why her permance on the WMA's 96 was Dangerous like, well thats cos it was La Veille, who was there that night and gave all of us in the front who recognised him, a high five!!
Chris Brown no question is the best dancer on that list say what you want he obviously sucks when imitating MJ but he's good at his own stuff. Its obvious also that no artist compares to MJ. Some of you need to seriously give another artist Credit once in a while you know Michael would have.
As a pure dancer who is the best in the pop/music world now that our dear MJ has gone?

I've put 5 candidates forward that I can think of so far (In no particular order) -

Chris brown (not so sure though)
Justin Timberlake
Beyonce knowles
Robbie Williams (LOL)

Is there anyone else I've missed!?

What's the point of listening who could fill Michael's void as a dancer in pop music. Michael is untouchable, and Usher, Chris Brown, Justin Timberlake and Beyonce Knowles are very chreographed dancers not fluid like Michael. Also Robbie Williams isn't a dancer, he's never considered himself a dancer, and his style is strutting and posing on stage like Freddie Murcury, Mick Jagger or Iggy Pop and Robbie isn't anywhere near as good as those three.

The fact is no one can fill Michael's void as dancer in music, and it's never going to happen. The DVD's of Michael performing are there and more will be released, and his videos will be on television for years and all the above dancers will always be in Michael's shadow just as no group will ever fill the void The Beatles left except Michael's void is bigger because it was there this decade when his career was inactive and no one has come close to his genius as a dancer.
No-one on the list or anywhere else. Everyone else in my opinion is s**t compared to Michael.