Artist Recalls 20+ Friendship with Michael Jackson (Great story)

Because as Dr Feelgood said a few posts before, the public wants drama. It must be true to some extent because things like the National Enquirer keep on going strong and don't most people know this is a trash magazine? Ok....I admit it. When the line at the supermarket is very long I am sometimes caught reading through it too because I'm curious. The difference is...I don't believe the stories.
It only take a million readers to keep a paper alive. NE has about 2 million readers each week (and even some of these people do not believe everything they read in them but they buy them. I hate it but I knew someone who use to buy them but they do not believe the stuff. They buy it for entertainment which I use to tell them that was stupid so why support it). Now take 2 million reader and compare that to 100 or more million people. that is a drop in the bucket.
makes you wonder huh? such polar opposites...
this man vs. what the media managed to convince others of. makes you wonder just how gullible can the powerful human mind be?

or is it, those who believe the worst, just want to believe it?

thanks for the vid. the newsman says that the public believes otherwise. but that is subliminal seduction at work. there are members of the public that believe as this friend of Michael's does. painting the entire public with a brush is subliminal seduction, especially in the way that he says it.
the last part very truth

Beautiful post! :huggy: That man is pure blessings. I wish more would come forward like this. And his artwork is amazing!

yeah he's pure blessing thanks God for people like David Nordahl, such a talent!

About someone who said that fears looking obsessed with MJ, im not cause i really am, he was a GENIUS, he was one of a kind, such a magnificent talent..., i mean the problem would be if you were obsessed with an actor say, cause he/she looks good hahah, that would be, well you know, but is good if they like that
I've seen this artist before. He is a very nice person. Of all the people that new Michael, I like to hear positive stories like this one. A true friend would not focus on hurtful things about someone they cared about. Whether or not it is fact. Thanks for sharing!