Artist Recalls 20+ Friendship with Michael Jackson (Great story)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Springfield, MO
Please forgive me if this has already been posted (I looked around but didn't see it).

This is a video of a kindly old man artist who knew Michael for decades and created several pieces of art for him including the famous Heal The World logo. He talks about knowing Michael personally and more. It's really a great video and shows (once again) what a sweet soul Mr. Michael Jackson had.
Oh my God, THANKS. THANK YOU SO MUCH, why we never got to see these things on TV?? why, this is a man who knew him, what a sweet man David Nordahl, i will have that name on my mind, what a talent,

is not news he would give his first interview now, isnt it sick how the press wanted ONLY bad stories??? my God, the press still doing his bad work, thanks God for David Nordahl, he's a light between so much darkness, i mean there is a lot of light we would love to see, but the press only wants bad things and the good things remain hidden, and this man just knew Michael was a good man, people would love to see these kind of true things, more than most prefabricated stories to make Michael look nothing like he was...

DAVID NORDAHL, ill keep that name in my mind
is not news he would give his first interview now, isnt it sick how the press wanted ONLY bad stories??? my God, the press still doing his bad work, thanks God for David Nordahl, he's a light between so much darkness, i mean there is a lot of light we would love to see, but the press only wants bad things and the good things remain hidden, and this man just knew Michael was a good man, people would love to see these kind of true things, more than most prefabricated stories to make Michael look nothing like he was...

DAVID NORDAHL, ill keep that name in my mind

I agree. It's totally disheartening realizing again how really despicable the press actually is. Makes you sick.

Thank you Mr. Nordahl for always being a true friend of Michael's.

And thank you defdave for posting. Great start to my morning.
This is wonderful and it came from THE NEWS on ABC. Obviously some press is GOOD press. Its just that we seem to see so much of the 'bad' press. It truly is nice to see on the news though.
This is wonderful and it came from THE NEWS on ABC. Obviously some press is GOOD press. Its just that we seem to see so much of the 'bad' press. It truly is nice to see on the news though.
Yeah u right, i just hope more press will be like that, cause they would be doing a good thing

And David Nordahl, i didnt knew him, i mean i never saw him before, i heard of him, from Michael admiration for his work, but i never saw him before, so too that one show saying a real story THANK YOU, really THANK YOU ALL:yes:
people would love to see these kind of true things, more than most prefabricated stories to make Michael look nothing like he was...

Don't think so. Most people simply want to be entertained. Also, if people would want to read the truth, the press probably would not constantly fabricate stories.
People always love most what they can relate to. They don't want MJ good they want him bad.
Indeed "Thank God for David Nordahl".:clapping:
Come into the light people.
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See, why can't the media broadcast more stories like this from people who truly were friends and knew Michael....

That was so refreshing to listen to.
Thank you so much for this. Its so nice to hear nice stories about Michael for once from the media. At least Michael had some true friends. Too bad most of his friends turned out to be money seeking backstabbers.
People always love most what they can relate to. They don't want MJ good they want him bad.

And That Is It.

Many who believe the worse in Michael are the worse themselves. It's easy to relate and believe in the evil of others if you are evil. Like a thief who thinks everybody is a thief.
Thanks for posting this. I had read the other article as well and saw many pictures of the paintings ( some of them are huge!) inside Neverland. His paintings also appear in the book 'Dancing the Dream'. I have a feeling David Nordahl's work will also feature prominently in the Opus!
Mr. Nordahl seems like a very kind, warmhearted, easy going kind of guy. Thank you Mr Nordahl for being a true friend to Michael Jackson.
See, why can't the media broadcast more stories like this from people who truly were friends and knew Michael....

Because as Dr Feelgood said a few posts before, the public wants drama. It must be true to some extent because things like the National Enquirer keep on going strong and don't most people know this is a trash magazine? Ok....I admit it. When the line at the supermarket is very long I am sometimes caught reading through it too because I'm curious. The difference is...I don't believe the stories.
makes you wonder huh? such polar opposites...
this man vs. what the media managed to convince others of. makes you wonder just how gullible can the powerful human mind be?

or is it, those who believe the worst, just want to believe it?

thanks for the vid. the newsman says that the public believes otherwise. but that is subliminal seduction at work. there are members of the public that believe as this friend of Michael's does. painting the entire public with a brush is subliminal seduction, especially in the way that he says it.
wow this is an amazing story.. I recognize his art.. beautiful art!!
And That Is It.

Many who believe the worse in Michael are the worse themselves. It's easy to relate and believe in the evil of others if you are evil. Like a thief who thinks everybody is a thief.
That is so true.

I wish we could send him a thank you for all the beautiful art he has made :)
Thanks so much for this! I read that article about him a while back and just loved it. I wish there was a clean clip of this interview, the reporter kept interrupting and speaking over him. =/ Thanks, though. =)
Mr. Nordahl is very right when he says they started on him right after Thriller (just look at the press conference Frank Dileo did in the 80s reading MJ's statement regarding false rumors about him). He really knew Mike and was truly his friend. I'm glad to see this was on the local news. This was nice to watch. Thanks for posting defdave.
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Beautiful post! :huggy: That man is pure blessings. I wish more would come forward like this. And his artwork is amazing!
Nice video and article. Good to know Michael had some true friends. I mean, I'm sure he had plenty, it's just that they either remain quiet or they say nice things about him (and to the media that may not attract ratings or sell tabloids and magazines, sadly).

Sometimes I picture Michael up in heaven like in one of those Nordahl paintings of him - surrounded by children and finally free to be in their company and to help them and love them, all the while keeping watch over his own beloved children here on earth.

More people should hear about this kind of stuff. The positive things. When you guys see these kinds of positive articles and videos do you share them on your Facebook or myspace pages to get the word out? I've done that a couple of times but not too much because I'm afraid of appearing obsessive about MJ (well, I am a little but what's wrong with that? Heh). But I really want to spread positive information about him to some very ignorant people.
aahh what a sweet person!! :huggy: I'm so happy to know who is behind those beautiful, wonderful paintings!! I looove them all!!

thank you for posting defdave!! :)
And That Is It.

Many who believe the worse in Michael are the worse themselves. It's easy to relate and believe in the evil of others if you are evil. Like a thief who thinks everybody is a thief.
And this sums it up. I still never thought MOST of the world was against MJ. I think the media portrayed it that way Even MJ said in the Martin B doc that "Not everybody thinks that" when he correct Martin on something in saying "everybody thinks this about you". So even MJ knew.