Arnold Schwarzenegger, Maria Shriver announce separation

What purpose does all this serve anyway? I read that up until a week or two ago, her ex husband thought the child was his? Now what? What does the child think? Hasn't his whole life been turned upside down? And why? So some investigative reporter can pat him or herself on the back and say, look at me, what I found out...
At least Arnie was discrete about this and it is no one's business except his and his family's.
Who wins in this sort of situation? No one. Who loses? The child...

ETA: I just read that Maria Shriver is the one who leaked this to the much for keeping discrete..
I never would of guessed their relationship was falling apart. Shame on you Arnold. I still love your movies though.
What purpose does all this serve anyway? I read that up until a week or two ago, her ex husband thought the child was his? Now what? What does the child think? Hasn't his whole life been turned upside down? And why? So some investigative reporter can pat him or herself on the back and say, look at me, what I found out...
At least Arnie was discrete about this and it is no one's business except his and his family's.
Who wins in this sort of situation? No one. Who loses? The child...

ETA: I just read that Maria Shriver is the one who leaked this to the much for keeping discrete..

Arnold is not very bright if he thought he could keep this secret hidden forever. It was bound to come out sometime. The lying cad should have learned to control himself or at the very least been honest to his wife and family....and the people of Caleeefornia. Family values. HA!
I'm not going to judge anyone but I cracked up when I heard he's got a nickname S***minator :happy:

Maria files for divorce, to get half of Arnold's wealth
The Associated Press reports today that yesterday, 25 years after their fairytale wedding on Cape Cod, Maria Shriver filed for divorce from Arnold Schwarzenegger. The former television journalist and Kennedy family heiress cited irreconcilable differences but offered no additional details about the breakup.
Shriver's filing does not indicate the couple had a premarital agreement which means Schwarzenegger's earnings from a career as a Hollywood megastar likely will be evenly divided with his estranged wife.
I'm with Arnold on this one. Being a male, i can understand his side. With his fame and money, everyday have to be a temptations where women throw themselfs at you.
Thats why i understand guys like Arnold, Tiger, and other celebrity guys that fuck around. The temptations are to much, and there is to much beautiful women on this earth.
A man will always be a man.
I'm with Arnold on this one. Being a male, i can understand his side. With his fame and money, everyday have to be a temptations where women throw themselfs at you.
Thats why i understand guys like Arnold, Tiger, and other celebrity guys that fuck around. The temptations are to much, and there is to much beautiful women on this earth.
A man will always be a man.

Man is supposed to be a civilized human being, not running around like uncontrollable rabbits. No excuses.
Well, Arnold is civilized, only he is civilized with more women then the average man. Respect to The Sperminator.
Today, nothing is forever and marriages do not last forever :fear:, the world is so modern and love is not taken seriously.

But in this case, after 25 years of marriage they parted ... something big and maybe serious happened. :unsure: Sad. I hope they really have made the right choice and that is a civilized separation.

Well, "love" has never really been taken seriously. Historically speaking, marriages were born from political/social/economic ambitions, or in the case of Oriental cultures, family obligations. The idea of marrying for love is strictly a 20th century fancy, especially popular in the 1950s.

With that said, I'm not surprised at the turn of events.

Man is supposed to be a civilized human being, not running around like uncontrollable rabbits. No excuses.

"We are no guiltier in following the primative impulses that govern us than is the Nile for her floods or the sea for her waves." ~Marquis de Sade

Thank you for allowing me the chance of using this most amazing quote. Such brilliant philosophy! :D
I'm sorry that's no excuse. He needs to keep it in his trousers and stop being so god damn disrespectful to women. He has a choice, doesn't matter if there are women throwing themselves at him. It's up to him to resist that temptation-there are plenty of men that do.
It is only through the eyes of our current social culture, no doubt influenced by the ultra-religious revival of the 1950s, that such things are viewed as "temptations," though. I don't mean to derail the thread into some sort of philosophical discussion, however, keep in mind that the things we hold as "values" are subjective/ever changing rather than absolute truths.
Well, Arnold is civilized, only he is civilized with more women then the average man. Respect to The Sperminator.

The Sperminator is MARRIED (but not for long). I don't understand why these ingrates get married if they aren't going to honor the vows they took to remain faithful. Don't get married and then you (man in general) can run around like wild rabbits all you (man in general) want if that's what makes you (man in general) happy...and I suspect in the long run it doesn't.
I'm with Arnold on this one. Being a male, i can understand his side. With his fame and money, everyday have to be a temptations where women throw themselfs at you.
Thats why i understand guys like Arnold, Tiger, and other celebrity guys that fuck around. The temptations are to much, and there is to much beautiful women on this earth.
A man will always be a man.



And he never really love her (perhaps to some extent he has truly loved his wife...) and worst of all, he did not respect her!!! :doh: And I bet with you, this was obviously not the only betrayal of him. :fear:

Men are all equal, only change of address. -_- Sure, there are some men who are exceptions... Very few and in this case, they are an endangered type of man. They are the minority. *big sigh*

Well, "love" has never really been taken seriously. Historically speaking, marriages were born from political/social/economic ambitions, or in the case of Oriental cultures, family obligations. The idea of marrying for love is strictly a 20th century fancy, especially popular in the 1950s.

With that said, I'm not surprised at the turn of events.


And that's exactly why I made ??my choice: to remain single. -_-
The Sperminator is MARRIED (but not for long). I don't understand why these ingrates get married if they aren't going to honor the vows they took to remain faithful. Don't get married and then you (man in general) can run around like wild rabbits all you (man in general) want if that's what makes you (man in general) happy...and I suspect in the long run it doesn't.

Its not that easy.
With the way our society is build, and with the morality that we have inherited from the bible, a man (and women) is looked upon in a better light if he is married. It is a sign that he is mature, and that he have good family values. Therefor he gets allot of benefits, in terms of career and how the society views him. That especially applies for someone who is politician. So it makes sense for someone like Arnold and other high placed men to marry, but like i said earlier, a man will always be a man, no matter what he preaches.

I remember i saw a clip on Youtube of Arnold in Brazil when he was much younger, and you could see in that clip what kind of man he is.
He was in some kind of carnival, dancing with women, and he couldn't control himself, grabbing the women on their asses and boobs, even tho they clearly didn't want him to do that. Absolutely no respect towards the women. I take it Maria didn't see those clips, otherwise she would never marry him.

Thats why i am never amazed when these kind of story's comes out, and i dont want to judge them, knowing i probably wouldn't be better myself.
Also, from the news, we dont know if they had a happy marriage. Many people, especially females, are so fucking fast at judging Arnold, even tho they know nothin of the relationship he and Maria had.

*Sorry for my crappy English, but you get my point.
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And that's exactly why I made ??my choice: to remain single. -_-

Its not that bad. There are men who dont cheat, even tho they are rare.
I say the ONLY men who dont cheat, its those guys that have understand that they are by nature, pigs. Pigs who fucks everything with two leg, (and sometimes four leg lol).
A man who dont put himself in temperating situation, because he appreciates his relationship.

But if you want to be 100%, find yourself the most ugly dude and marry him. :D
I am never really shocked either whenever something like this comes out. I sadly think to myself, here's yet another cad...they all cheat. And I guess you have just confirmed that. Men will be men, boys will be boys. But I don't buy that reasoning. I think they cheat because they rationalize it by saying that is what men do and there is too much temptation, etc. Particularly with wealthy, powerful men like the sperminator. And that Weiner congressman. People like that think they can do anything they want and get away with it. They have zero respect for their wives/partners.

It is men like this that make me very afraid of marriage or even commitment of any kind. It just doesn't exist.

The world would be a better place if men would start thinking with their brains and not their wieners.
Its not that bad. There are men who dont cheat, even tho they are rare.
I say the ONLY men who dont cheat, its those guys that have understand that they are by nature, pigs. Pigs who fucks everything with two leg, (and sometimes four leg lol).
A man who dont put himself in temperating situation, because he appreciates his relationship.

But if you want to be 100%, find yourself the most ugly dude and marry him. :D


Seriously... :fear: I do not trust any man. No woman should never blindly trust in a man. Trust... distrusting him. One eye open and one closed. Pretend to be silly, naive and that blindly trust. This is how it should work. No betrayal is perfect.... in the end, the truth falls to earth. Always! -_-

People like that think they can do anything they want and get away with it. They have zero respect for their wives/partners.

It is men like this that make me very afraid of marriage or even commitment of any kind. It just doesn't exist.

The world would be a better place if men would start thinking with their brains and not their wieners.

suzynyc;3426573 said:
The Sperminator is MARRIED (but not for long). I don't understand why these ingrates get married if they aren't going to honor the vows they took to remain faithful. Don't get married and then you (man in general) can run around like wild rabbits all you (man in general) want if that's what makes you (man in general) happy...and I suspect in the long run it doesn't.

Societal pressure, really. I can't imagine any other reason why people would get married in modern times, anyway. It's never exactly been a very functional experience, at least in the way we would prefer to imagine it. The main reason why the divorce rate is much higher in modern times than in prior times is because women have more rights/social acceptance than they used to hold, and therefore can divorce without much of the social stigma that existed previously. Of course, extra-marital affairs have existed since the times of the old aristocracy (and before), predominantly on the male side, but among aristocrats also openly on the female side (see Émilie du Châtelet and her husband, Marquis Florent-Claude du Chastellet-Lomont. The Marquis du Chastellet had affairs, and his wife, la Marquise du Châtelet, had affairs with prominent men, among them the philosophe Voltaire and the poet Jean-François de Saint-Lambert).

Fathering "illegitimate" children <i>a la</i> Arnold has, of course, been something which has been part of human life since time immemorial. However, in the scope of society's structure, it is inconvenient to do such a thing in financial terms, which is why children born out of wedlock or through affairs have historically been shunned by their fathers, as the discovery of their very existence could prove disastrous to the family ties the father's "legitimate" union helped bring about, along with any social/political/economic benefits gained from said union.

Nowadays, the rationale for keeping things secret is to appeal to the moral values of society, a far less understandable cause. Although religion and society were big factors in times prior as well (usually unfairly stacked against infidelity by women), they were not the sole factors which called for the secrecy behind the origin of so-called illegitimate children.

With that said, I can't believe Schwarzenegger's mistress went through with the pregnancy. Had I been in her place, I would have gotten an abortion ASAP. Actually, had I been in her place, I would have never slept with Arnold. I'm sorry guys, but The Terminator is butt ugly&#8482;.

Ashtanga said:

And that's exactly why I made &#8203;&#8203;my choice: to remain single. -_-

Unyoked is best, as Anna Bjins once wisely said. Here is the link to that beautiful poem, the reason why I'll forever remain single:

Why? To be both lord <i>and</i> lady of my estate, thus having full control of it. A statement befitting a "paranoid controller" like myself. :p
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Mikage Souji;3426747 said:
Societal pressure, really. I can't imagine any other reason why people would get married in modern times, anyway. It's never exactly been a very functional experience, at least in the way we would prefer to imagine it. The main reason why the divorce rate is much higher in modern times than in prior times is because women have more rights/social acceptance than they used to hold, and therefore can divorce without much of the social stigma that existed previously. Of course, extra-marital affairs have existed since the times of the old aristocracy (and before), predominantly on the male side, but among aristocrats also openly on the female side (see Émilie du Châtelet and her husband, Marquis Florent-Claude du Chastellet-Lomont. The Marquis du Chastellet had affairs, and his wife, la Marquise du Châtelet, had affairs with prominent men, among them the philosophe Voltaire and the poet Jean-François de Saint-Lambert).

Fathering "illegitimate" children <i>a la</i> Arnold has, of course, been something which has been part of human life since time immemorial. However, in the scope of society's structure, it is inconvenient to do such a thing in financial terms, which is why children born out of wedlock or through affairs have historically been shunned by their fathers, as the discovery of their very existence could prove disastrous to the family ties the father's "legitimate" union helped bring about, along with any social/political/economic benefits gained from said union.

Nowadays, the rationale for keeping things secret is to appeal to the moral values of society, a far less understandable cause. Although religion and society were big factors in times prior as well (usually unfairly stacked against infidelity by women), they were not the sole factors which called for the secrecy behind the origin of so-called illegitimate children.

With that said, I can't believe Schwarzenegger's mistress went through with the pregnancy. Had I been in her place, I would have gotten an abortion ASAP. Actually, had I been in her place, I would have never slept with Arnold. I'm sorry guys, but The Terminator is butt ugly&#8482;.

Again.... I agree with you! -_-

Mikage Souji;3426747 said:
Unyoked is best, as Anna Bjins once wisely said. Here is the link to that beautiful poem, the reason why I'll forever remain single:

Why? To be both lord <i>and</i> lady of my estate, thus having full control of it. A statement befitting a "paranoid controller" like myself. :p

I love it! :wild: Thanks for the poem. :) I remembered this book:


From Booklist

Tuccillo, coauthor of the enormously popular He&#8217;s Just Not That into You (2004), ventures into fictional territory that distinctly echoes Sex and the City. Julie Jensen, 38, and her friends are singletons living it up in New York, but they would all much rather be in committed relationships. On a whim, Julie decides to write a book about the experiences of single women around the world. Taking a leave of absence from her job as a publicist, she jets off for parts unknown. Her first destination is France, where she encounters the enigmatic and charming Thomas, who is in an open marriage. Even as she visits other countries, Julie can&#8217;t help but long for Thomas, who meets up with her again in Bali, jump-starting a whirlwind affair. While Julie is off seeing the world, her friends are back in New York, growing closer to each other as their lives take some disastrous twists and turns. Both entertaining and thoughtful, Tuccillo&#8217;s debut is a must-read for women navigating the sometimes treacherous dating world. --Kristine Huntley --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.


Glad you liked it. It is a good poem. It sounds like modern feminist literature, but it was in fact written in the 16th century. Hers is probably the most sober and honest depiction of married life ever penned down upon paper. Of course, modernly, abuse goes both ways--there are men who also suffer abuse at the hands of their female spouses, but this is a rare sight either due to legitimate scarcity, or the lack of men properly reporting the abuse out of fear of being made fun of, etc.
Glad you liked it. It is a good poem. It sounds like modern feminist literature, but it was in fact written in the 16th century. Hers is probably the most sober and honest depiction of married life ever penned down upon paper. Of course, modernly, abuse goes both ways--there are men who also suffer abuse at the hands of their female spouses, but this is a rare sight either due to legitimate scarcity, or the lack of men properly reporting the abuse out of fear of being made fun of, etc.

:agree: with you again.... It is a fact... the world, people, everything is a big mess. :doh: :(
:agree: with you again.... It is a fact... the world, people, everything is a big mess. :doh: :(

Stop being a dramaqueen, the world is a great place. Only find the nice things about it, is all.
Stop being a dramaqueen, the world is a great place. Only find the nice things about it, is all.

No, the world is the world. Make of it what you will. There are things of varying degrees--the world is tinted with the most varied shades of grey. It is neither the paradise some make it out to be, nor the Hell others envision in it. We should not ignore the problems which exist within it--this is akin to mimicking an ostrich with its head buried in the sand--, but we should not forget the beauty of the world either.

I don't think Ashtanga is being a drama queen--look at her other posts in other threads. She's pretty in tune with the beauty of the world, I think. With that said, she's allowed to express her views, whatever those may be, without having others call her names.
Stop being a dramaqueen, the world is a great place. Only find the nice things about it, is all.


No, the world is the world. Make of it what you will. There are things of varying degrees--the world is tinted with the most varied shades of grey. It is neither the paradise some make it out to be, nor the Hell others envision in it. We should not ignore the problems which exist within it--this is akin to mimicking an ostrich with its head buried in the sand--, but we should not forget the beauty of the world either.


I don't think Ashtanga is being a drama queen--look at her other posts in other threads. She's pretty in tune with the beauty of the world, I think. With that said, she's allowed to express her views, whatever those may be, without having others call her names.

Thanks! :blushing: :hug:

I'm not perfect (no one in this world is) and I'm far from perfect, but every day I try to do my best with people and the world. :)
I don't think Ashtanga is being a drama queen--look at her other posts in other threads. She's pretty in tune with the beauty of the world, I think. With that said, she's allowed to express her views, whatever those may be, without having others call her names.

As i am allowed to express my views, and if someone calls it a name, who cares?

Good answer!!