Arnold Klein holding a "Heal The Skin" conference in Arizona


Serious WTF?
Omgggg is this real...OMG SERIOUS?This looks so cheap and some of these pics are awful... WTHEF?
is that for real? it doesnt even look real. u sure that its him?

whats with th pics.. a photo of the blanket incident? let it go already.. that was like 2 seconds of mjs 51 years.

only good thing I can say is that I assume he is teaching people about Vitiligo.
Yes, this is 100% Dr.Klein this is where he has put out all of his press releases and he has also had it before Michael died.
"Arnoid William Klein MD in memory of Michael Jackson heal the skin"
W.T.F. is it some kind of joke?
Is there any way the estate can stop him from using MJs name ever again?
He was his client, but everything is suppossed to be confidential.
Is there any way the estate can stop him from using MJs name ever again?
He was his client, but everything is suppossed to be confidential.

You would think that would be a major no no. I let Karen know, she's already let the family know about fake accounts posing as the kids. Klein is making a profit from Michael.
Yes, this is 100% Dr.Klein this is where he has put out all of his press releases and he has also had it before Michael died.
So he was advertising this conference before Michael died? If Michael was still his patient then that could mean Michael knew about it and thought it was ok. Klein holding it like this NOW though seems very low.

Over on Klein's page someone left this message, which sounds incredibly DUMB! It makes it look like MJ fans are so dumb that they can't even put together a coherent sentence! I really wish that MJ fans would EDUCATE themselves so they wouldn't sound like freaking IDIOTS.

"What a loser! Talking Sh!t about MJ & his kids, not he was to profit from the dead man. Loser."
No he had his Twitter before Michael died. He is just now advertising this conference.
So he was advertising this conference before Michael died? If Michael was still his patient then that could mean Michael knew about it and thought it was ok. Klein holding it like this NOW though seems very low.

Over on Klein's page someone left this message, which sounds incredibly DUMB! It makes it look like MJ fans are so dumb that they can't even put together a coherent sentence! I really wish that MJ fans would EDUCATE themselves so they wouldn't sound like freaking IDIOTS.
No he had his Twitter before Michael died. He is just now advertising this conference.
Ok. Thanks for clearing that up! Makes him look even worse.

I am appalled by all of Michael's assumed confidantes completely taking advantage of him now. :mad:
For the ones that were wanting to know if this was serious. I contacted Dr.Kleins PR person Jason and it is confirmed. Dr.Klein also has the link to his Twitter on his web site.
And next, Conrad Murray will hold a "Heal the heart" Conference, tribute to MJ. Dah !...
Alright let's not jump on the hate wagon already shall we? He might simply be wanting to educate people about vitiligo and use Michael as an example. I doubt he is stupid enough to go waving confidential medical files around. If he is proving to people that MJ suffered from this disease then GOOD.
True, BUT (and this is a big but) Klein is using Michael name and image for HIS profit. This is a man who is under the radar of the LAPD, a man who enabled Michael. He is more than welcome to have a conference about vitiligo but don't use his patient as his focus.
Alright let's not jump on the hate wagon already shall we? He might simply be wanting to educate people about vitiligo and use Michael as an example. I doubt he is stupid enough to go waving confidential medical files around. If he is proving to people that MJ suffered from this disease then GOOD.
Sounds weird. Everybody wants a piece of the action? And a second helping too? Yeah, I'm sure educating people about vitiligo would be good (he won't be addressing his peers, right?) but this seems as if Michael will be the focal point of his speech. Not amusing.
As good as him educating about Michael's vitiligo sounds in theory... I wouldnt be surprised if it went right off track and into Michael's other surgery because we all know that's what the nosey people wanna hear about... and Klein doesnt exactly seem to be one for shooting down rumours does he? His BS answer about paternity confirms that. I hope he proves me wrong though.