Arnold Klein Claims Partial Credit for "This Is It"

I still think back to Klein's original statement to the media just days after Michael passed away: "Dr. Klein is aware of media reports connecting him to Michael Jackson. Because of patient confidentiality Dr Klein will make no statement on any reports or allegations." At that point, I still had respect for him, as that was the right thing to do.

But, just days after assuring the world he would not divulge any private matters to the media in order to protect Michael's confidentiality, he realized how much he enjoyed the media attention so he... Sold stories about Michael's very private medical history to all the tabloid shows, gave an hour-long interview to Larry King specifically in violation of Michael's patient confidentiality, spread and fueled rumors suggesting that he was the kids' real dad, tried to interfere with the very serious court matter regarding custody without any grounds what-so-ever, used Michael's name and medical history to help promote his own convention, plastered very private pictures that Michael allowed him to take of his children and Klein's family on shows like Larry King, and now this...

Klein, yet another repulsive, exploitive creep who Michael put all his trust and friendship into, only to have it mean absolutely nothing as soon as he was no longer getting paychecks from Mike... I'm just sick and tired of all of this, for every one positive event people like this make sure to divert the attention to more negativity. I need a break...
Oh I guess they fed that THIS IS IT Is a hit and its making money and Michael estate is pulling in money. I guess Dr.Klein ran out of customers, and money. His bum ass better go to some local clinic and become an assistant he claims he cares for Michael children just a crab ass clown. Thriller is how old??? michael made history with that album and it sucks to be in their shoes right now eatting off of one man's death a fucking mess
tmz is so much sounding like Roger Friedman, these days. and it's interesting how rumours were about that Michael was in bad shape. now that the movie is a hit, and MJ looks great, Klein comes out of the woodwork along with the other termites, once again. if Klien was not a liar, he would have come out about this, BEFORE the movie proved to be a hit. but then, Klein would have been a liar, anyway.
i just have one question for Arnold Klein.."Why?" and he BETTER not tell us that its Human Nature either! :crosses arms:

He's another one that if i got a hold of him id be on the 5 o' clock news...all for love though...L.O.V.E. LOVE
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and money seekers.... do they sleep at nights?

Just btw, is MJ's money a free-for-all?

This is why I feel confident in the Branca/McClain executorship. These guys aren't wilting wallflowers. They are going defend every penny for MJ and the MJ3. They did it & proved it decades ago to MJ, and MJ chose them to run his ship, even though the ship belongs to his kids.
Klein knows that some of us know what his involvement was for years so he is trying to "escape" forward..trying to paint the picture he was just "helping" and making things "better" is a strategy only....
Branca and co are the best people to manage the estate - unfortunately MJ needs good lawyers now more than ever...
This is a breech of confidentiality between doctor and patient , They should take his bloody licence away, then let us see what TMZ he will be running to.
Klein knows that some of us know what his involvement was for years so he is trying to "escape" forward..trying to paint the picture he was just "helping" and making things "better" is a strategy only....
Branca and co are the best people to manage the estate - unfortunately MJ needs good lawyers now more than ever...

Wait till they arrest this guy. All his talking will have done him no good.
tmz is so much sounding like Roger Friedman, these days. and it's interesting how rumours were about that Michael was in bad shape. now that the movie is a hit, and MJ looks great, Klein comes out of the woodwork along with the other termites, once again. if Klien was not a liar, he would have come out about this, BEFORE the movie proved to be a hit. but then, Klein would have been a liar, anyway.

surprisingly RF wrote a piece on how Klein suing MJ and exposing his medical history.. I was shocked when I read what he wrote but he actually sided with MJ.. Check it out..
AARRGGHHHH WHY DO THEY NEVER END. This drives me up the damn wall these people always tripping on Mike!

Goddamn moneygrubbers!
i just have one question for Arnold Klein.."Why?" and he BETTER not tell us that its Human Nature either! :crosses arms:

He's another one that if i got a hold of him id be on the 5 o' clock news...all for love though...L.O.V.E. LOVE

LMAO!!! It's all for love!!!!! L.O.V.E.

Like Whoopi Goldberg sadly said in reference to Latoya getting paid for some interviews after her brother's death..."He's the gift that keeps on giving.."

I like what another poster had to say too, about the idea of us fans suing all that had a hand in Michael's death.
This man's got indeed some nerves!! He has full credit for Michael's death so he'd better stop claiming things like this.

edit: sry wrong doctor delete pls
thx gbee
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Michael was once sued by a pharmacy over an unpaid bill of $100 000:

The owners of famous Beverly Hills outlet Mickey Fine Pharmacy sued Jackson on Wednesday for reneging on an oral bill-paying agreement, insisting he owed over $100,000 from prescriptions dating back to 2005.

And let's face it, he has been sued many times in the past for unpaid bills. Although the facts of this specific claim have to be heard, it wouldn't surprise me if Michael hadn't paid Klein in some time.
John Landis wasn't the only person to write Thriller. he co-wrote it with Michael. that article needs to get it right.

I'm not surprised about Klein. we'll never hear the end of him. he's here to stay. I'm waiting for his next bit about the kids.
Michael was once sued by a pharmacy over an unpaid bill of $100 000:

And let's face it, he has been sued many times in the past for unpaid bills. Although the facts of this specific claim have to be heard, it wouldn't surprise me if Michael hadn't paid Klein in some time.

it wouldn't surprise me if Michael hadn't paid Klein in some tim
yeah its abit hard to pay when u are dead. and just aswell he didnt pay. did u see what hes was charging mj. talk about taking the piss.klien will want credit for the moonwalk next
I hope ALOT of these claims get thrown out, especially the landis claim...Thriller is more then 20 something years old, is this EVEN a valid claim? I feel Klein is only suing because he didn't get his way with the children and figured he would get is way one way or another.
I think I read that on here somewhere already? (but maybe I read it somewhere else instead).
Every time I read an article about Klein, I feel sick to my stomach after that and just pure, raw anger. I'm sure poor Katherine is ready to bang her head against the wall whenever this jerk's name pops up in the press now.

I hope he realizes how pathetic he is to join in on all the litigation goin on with someone who's passed away.

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Yes, Klein was responsible for MJs performance in This Is It. And he also taught Michael how to moonwalk. Yeah, right! I think Dr. Klein may be sampling too many of his own medications. Klein is still being investigated. Trust when I say that Michael was not the only celeb he has taken advantage of. Michael was naive to trust this man. There are too many of these "Dr. Feelgoods" in Hollywood. It's time our government shut down doctors who abuse their authority. Klein and Murray will have their day in court and hopefully a very long stint in jail!
Thriller Video

John Landis wasn't the only person to write Thriller. he co-wrote it with Michael. that article needs to get it right.

I'm not surprised about Klein. we'll never hear the end of him. he's here to stay. I'm waiting for his next bit about the kids.

The song Thriller was written by Rod Temperton. John Landis was the director, co-producer and co-writer for the video Thriller. Depending upon what was written in his agreement with Michael Jackson and Epic records, he is entitled to some royalty rights. Michael's finances were not being properly handled in the last several years of his life. So there are several outstanding claims against his estate. Branca and McClain and their attorneys will review those contracts and handle the claims accordingly.
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Access hollywood just put klein on blast on their friday show. Billy Bush said a few weeks ago, klein called and wanted to do an interview with him. At first Billy agreed, but after thinking it through he rejected klein offer for an interview.

They will have a poll on this on their site later today

He pretty much called klein an attention whore....ha ha ha. So I guess, was the last resort for him. He has been shopping his interview around, and I am pretty sure other shows have turned him down as well. I wonder how TMZ will feel to know they were sloppy second.
Patiently awaiting the day Murray and Kleine are arrested. I hope they are arrested on the same day. That'll make it more dramatic and shocking when it hits the news. (not shocking for the majority of mj fans though). And that way, either of them won't try to run away if the other is arrested before them.
Just a year and a half ago Michael and John Landis were working on a new music video. So what the heck was he doing to file a lawsuit?

Plus wasn't Branca the lawyer that screwed MJ when he first signed up for Sony in 91(conflict of interest)?
you know this comes from TMZ right?, have you seen that they are like best friends now, that Harvey guy and arnold klein, see i mean, they are totally supporting klein, i saw the interview and how ugly Arnold klein is didnt stop me from seeing it entirely, all i can say is that Klein is a snake, in one moment he even asks when was the day MJ died, i mean wasnt he his friend, wow, how soon he forgot that date...

Then the shoking allegation that MJ would like to pee in a cup????, i mean this guy is so freaking crazy, he must be the one who does that, and in his crazy mind he just drop it, as is it was MJ doing that,

i really believe he is really afraid of going to jail or getting in problem and he is in a very disguised way trying to dirt MJ so people would hate MJ, by saying those crazy stuff people would just distrust MJ, then he very smartly say something about the wine and the you know the jesus juice, MJ would call the wine that, but that was so his kids would not hear the word wine, that was why Michael called the wine like that of course the ones in that trial, the lying family heard this and took advantage of course, i think KLEIN is a perv who has no guilt whatsoever and who would throw his own mother to death just to save his ass, by saying stuff defamatory (they are COMPLETE LIES, im so sure, i can totally tell when a person lie), i mean that guy is gay and he's super smart, like a snake, he is sooo dirty, he said to the TMZ guy that would love to come always to that you know live stream, i mean thats so ridiculous, never take anything from TMZ as true, at least no when it comes to crazy Arnie Klein, Michael was sure amused by this guy, i mean he seems fun, but he is a shady character, and michael jsut fall n those characters like he did with Bashir, but that guy knows how to buy you, he was saying to that harvey guy, oh you are so smart, and making fun, he was acting as if he was cool, ugh, it remind me of a priest a saw a documentary about a priest who raped adolecents, one of his victims kill himself, and that priest i saw a documentary about years ago, when i saw his facial expressions(arnold klein's) that face like laughing and making jokes all the time came to my mind, cause the abuser priest was just like that, like he was all laughing making jokes saying im innocent while ironically laughing, imean one would at least be a little serious whn saying "im innocent", and believe me he wasnt he was found guilty after a time, UGH anyway, Klein is one of those shady characters, add to that he is super smart, and he does not care about NOTHING...