Arnold Klein Claims Partial Credit for "This Is It"


Arnold Klein Claims Partial Credit for "This Is It"
Posted Oct 29th 2009 8:42PM by TMZ Staff

Dr. Arnold Klein claims his medical treatments during the last three months of Michael Jackson's life were partly responsible for "This Is It."

Dr. Klein's rep is responding to the story we broke -- that he's filed a creditor's claim for services he performed on Jackson during the last 3 months of his life. Klein wants $48,522.89 for his services -- 179 procedures.

Dr. Klein's rep says the bills were all "valid medical treatment." The statement goes on ... "As anyone can see from viewing "This Is It," Michael Jackson looked great, and this was due, in part, to Dr. Klein's skill, hard work and dedication."

The statement addresses the weekend charge for medical services, claiming Klein needed to rent a helicopter to get to Jackson.

As we reported, on one Saturday Jackson went to Klein's office and got 4 I.M. Injections for a minor Restylane treatment -- we're told an I.M. Injection is typically a Demerol injection.

In the statement, Klein says he'll donate any money he receives from the estate to a charity that provides assistance to inner city kids with HIV.

What an A*HOLE!
Dr. Klein's rep says the bills were all "valid medical treatment." The statement goes on ... "As anyone can see from viewing "This Is It," Michael Jackson looked great, and this was due, in part, to Dr. Klein's skill, hard work and dedication."

He better have some proof to show for the amount he's asking. Anyways, he performed a service and wants to get paid. This should be expected. I guess the last bit of the quote irritates some people.

In the statement, Klein says he'll donate any money he receives from the estate to a charity that provides assistance to inner city kids with HIV.

Would be interesting to see if he actually does...
This guy is sick and needs to be put in jail. He was never Michael's friend. He is probably one of those doctors that encourages people to get all these things to make more money for themselves. He is sick.
John Landis is also suing the estate:

Three-Sided 'Thriller' Assault on Jackson Estate
Posted Oct 29th 2009 7:15PM by TMZ Staff

Michael Jackson's estate was hit with three major creditor's claims today -- and they're all from people who claim MJ owed them tons of cash from "Thriller."

First up -- John Landis -- the guy who wrote and directed the "Thriller" video and documentary back in 1983. Landis claims Jackson owed him more than $400,000 from a deal MJ made to take "Thriller" to Broadway -- a deal Landis said MJ didn't have the authority to make in the first place without his consent.

Next up -- the company who hired Landis to do the "Thriller" gig also filed legal documents. Levitsky Productions claims they weren't paid profits they were entitled to from the music video in more than 4 years. They want more than $1,000,000.

Lucky #3 -- George Folsey Jr. -- the guy who produced the "Thriller" music video and documentary. Folsey claims Jackson stiffed him out of his cut of Thriller-related merchandise -- such as video games, toys, comic books, DVDs, CDs, dramatic and musical works and more. Folsey Jr. also wants more than $1,000,000.
Is he serious???...someone should snap his neck....Kline taking partial credit for TII......this guy needs to STFU!!!!!!!!
all these ppl who suing should be ashamed of them selves
John Landis is also suing the estate:

Three-Sided 'Thriller' Assault on Jackson Estate
Posted Oct 29th 2009 7:15PM by TMZ Staff

Michael Jackson's estate was hit with three major creditor's claims today -- and they're all from people who claim MJ owed them tons of cash from "Thriller."

First up -- John Landis -- the guy who wrote and directed the "Thriller" video and documentary back in 1983. Landis claims Jackson owed him more than $400,000 from a deal MJ made to take "Thriller" to Broadway -- a deal Landis said MJ didn't have the authority to make in the first place without his consent.

Next up -- the company who hired Landis to do the "Thriller" gig also filed legal documents. Levitsky Productions claims they weren't paid profits they were entitled to from the music video in more than 4 years. They want more than $1,000,000.

Lucky #3 -- George Folsey Jr. -- the guy who produced the "Thriller" music video and documentary. Folsey claims Jackson stiffed him out of his cut of Thriller-related merchandise -- such as video games, toys, comic books, DVDs, CDs, dramatic and musical works and more. Folsey Jr. also wants more than $1,000,000.

I wouldn't be surprised if Ola Ray wants some more money now too. I know John Landis was suing MJ before (I don't know if it was for Thriller on Broadway-does anybody?) but I wonder about the other two. Did they just decide to sue MJ's estate?
why? why? WHY!!!!!!!!!!???????? was michael surrounded by such imbeciles!

he'll sue but will give the money to a charity? then why sue in the first place? right... the selfish jerk wants attention and make himself look good at the expense of Michael.
didn't Klein say they were friends? Gawd.... with friends like these who needs enemy's.

Landis? no comment. Seems like open season to ca$h in. sick. sick. sick.
Landis is old news and yes it has to do with the Broadway thing, and the broadway deal is no more, so what the hell Landis is trying to achieve .

the other two are new , they did not sue mj when he was alive .
Everyone wants a piece of the money. They all make me sick. Poor Michael. He can never be left alone. I read someone say that why he can't have no drama for just one day? It's awful when people should be celebrating him right now.
I think it's more of a publicity stunt to try and taint the jury pool if he ever ends up on trial or anything for giving MJ propofol, demerol, morphine or whatever.
I wouldn't be surprised if Ola Ray wants some more money now too. I know John Landis was suing MJ before (I don't know if it was for Thriller on Broadway-does anybody?) but I wonder about the other two. Did they just decide to sue MJ's estate?

Ola was trying to sue him while Michael was still alive so you can imagine.
Landis is old news and yes it has to do with the Broadway thing, and the broadway deal is no more, so what the hell Landis is trying to achieve .

the other two are new , they did not sue mj when he was alive .

Thanks. So if MJ didn't make a cent off the Broadway deal and it fell through what is Landis doing? He's ridiculous. I hope the judge throws it out. Shouldn't Levitsky Productions be suing $ony not MJ? :smilerolleyes:
All these people who are now suing for money and wanting credit should get a life.They need to show proof of this suit. They are still trying to get money from a Dead man.Shame on them.
The estate had better get on this and start shutting these claims down. Yes. Whoever is legitimately owed money should get it. But the rest need to seriously take a walk.
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1. they are not suing for money they are filing for creditor's claim - that means that they are not paid for a job and asking money for a service that they have provided.
2. there is a certain deadline to file so if anybody wants to get paid they need to file now.
3. what will happen now is that the executors can accept the claim(s) and pay them or ask for additional documentation and agree upon a reduced payment or reject the claims.
4. if they reject the claims then these people will have a month to actually sue for payment.

and IMO MJ looked better.
Klien wants the attention, the guy does not need 40.000$ at all, his practice makes 20.000$ a DAY , he is a paid consultant for huge cosmetics companies, also a professor at UCLA , and one if not the best dermatologist in the wolrd . I hate him with passion, but it seems he is enjoying all the attention he is getting .

I'm still sure his ass is busted on those 27 prescribtions he wrote to himself .
This is just a mess. Why is it MJ? its not MJ its the ESTATE. If certain people need to be paid then the ESTATE needs to get on it!!

Its all these damn "handlers" who f**k everything up for Mike, when he was alive and now when he has passed. And Mike put his trust in these people to handle financial business and they always let him down. Pay who needs to be paid...and shut down every other POS who is just or trying to cash in, and be done with it.

I am soo tired of this ish hanging on MJs name.

and Klien needs to STFU
First off where were all these ball@#s wonders when Michael was alive?? Why are they waiting until he is not here to defend himself to sue him? And while yes I know that Michael's children will probably never want for anything financially don't these people realize-and I thought this when Paul Anka cried about writing This Is It-that when they are suing Michael's estate that should they win they are LITERALLY taking money out of his children's hands? Isn't it enough that these kids lost their Dad, now they have to lose out on his hard earned money too should these leeches be successful???

I really really wish there was some that Michael had as a friend through out his life that was not a show business person that he could confide in and ask for advice that actually wasn't out to screw him or get something from him but had his best interest at heart. This person would be a true friend-which he sorely needed-and be able to actually get through to him and make him see that these people he was associating himself with were the scum of the earth. Some with Street Smarts that had no agenda and just loved him for him, not who he was. That is what he needed as a friend in his life.
maybe we should collectively sue a couple of people for destroying MJs life and thereby robbing us from the TII concert experience causing us significant emotional distress and suffering