Are you willing to uphold Mj's legacy and fight for justice

so people who said YES, WHAT exactly have you done?? If you are in the UK have you attended ANY of the London demos?? If you are not in the UK have you organised a demo where you live? Have you signed a petition to remove Murrays Medical licence, either online or a physical printed one? Have you asked organisers of demos how you can help? Have you sent a a banner? Have you ask for a copy of the petition to be sent to you? Have you helped spread the word about demos, have you posted links to demos groups facebook group and youtube videos? Have you shown your support and defended the demos when they have come under attack on forums, facebook or twitter??

Even here on MJJC, how many of you are even aware of the section called MJJC WANTS JUSTICE DISCUSSION or the facebook group MJJC WANTS JUSTICE??

How can you say you want Justice yet are not actully doing anything???
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Moonstreet, my question was to gauge the feeling on the board at this time. I am concerned about the recent lack of support for Michael and the support of a conviction for Murray. It was not a question to criticise people but simply me putting my thoughts out there. Everyone can support Michael in their different ways- including posting on this board in a positive way and not in a negative way. I cannot attend demos etc due to chronic health problems but support the cause for MJ 100%.
so people who said YES, WHAT exactly have you done?? If you are in the UK have you attended ANY of the London demos?? If you are not in the UK have you organised a demo where you live? Have you signed a petition to remove Murrays Medical licence, either online or a physical printed one? Have you asked organisers of demos how you can help? Have you sent a a banner? Have you ask for a copy of the petition to be sent to you? Have you helped spread the word about demos, have you posted links to demos groups facebook group and youtube videos? Have you shown your support and defended the demos when they have come under attack on forums, facebook or twitter??

Even here on MJJC, how many of you are even aware of the section called MJJC WANTS JUSTICE DISCUSSION or the facebook group MJJC WANTS JUSTICE??

How can you say you want Justice yet are not actully doing anything???

*sigh* :no:
This thread makes me want to scream!! I better not get started because it won't be appropriate.
so people who said YES, WHAT exactly have you done?? If you are in the UK have you attended ANY of the London demos?? If you are not in the UK have you organised a demo where you live? Have you signed a petition to remove Murrays Medical licence, either online or a physical printed one? Have you asked organisers of demos how you can help? Have you sent a a banner? Have you ask for a copy of the petition to be sent to you? Have you helped spread the word about demos, have you posted links to demos groups facebook group and youtube videos? Have you shown your support and defended the demos when they have come under attack on forums, facebook or twitter??

Even here on MJJC, how many of you are even aware of the section called MJJC WANTS JUSTICE DISCUSSION or the facebook group MJJC WANTS JUSTICE??

How can you say you want Justice yet are not actully doing anything???

Nothing can be done. Courts don't take notice of outside support. They won't say "Oh, we don't think he did it, but thousands of Michaels fans think he did, so I guess he did" - they're there for one reason. Yes, I would like Murray convicted, but I don't and shouldn't do anything to speed up that process (or sway opinions). What you are insinuating is that if we don't do anything we don't care - we want Murray to walk free. Not at all.

To be honest, I hate getting involved in things like this. MJ has gone, and in my opinion Murray has done it. If a jury doesn't see it that way, so be it. My life doesn't depend on something like that. I have his music, his videos, and everything else. If I wasn't 12 during the trial I would have possibly done more to show my support, but without Michael here it's not the same. Michael has left, Murray is still here. It's going to stay that way whether Murray has his medical liscence or not.

And of course, the most relevant point to me. I'm 17, painfully shy and reclusive. I couldn't do all that even if I wanted to.
Moonstreet, I'm gonna make a bold statement here. As long as you keep piping on about fans "not being bothered" or anything insinuating that fans do not care I WILL NOT BE ATTENDING ANY JUSTICE DEMO THAT YOU ARE ASSOCIATED WITH EVER AGAIN.
so people who said YES, WHAT exactly have you done?? If you are in the UK have you attended ANY of the London demos?? If you are not in the UK have you organised a demo where you live? Have you signed a petition to remove Murrays Medical licence, either online or a physical printed one? Have you asked organisers of demos how you can help? Have you sent a a banner? Have you ask for a copy of the petition to be sent to you? Have you helped spread the word about demos, have you posted links to demos groups facebook group and youtube videos? Have you shown your support and defended the demos when they have come under attack on forums, facebook or twitter??

Even here on MJJC, how many of you are even aware of the section called MJJC WANTS JUSTICE DISCUSSION or the facebook group MJJC WANTS JUSTICE??

How can you say you want Justice yet are not actully doing anything???

Because, in my honest true opinion, creating a lot of noise is sometimes not the WISEST way to go about it. OK?
Especially not in a case like this. Sometimes you can harm things without proper research and UNDERSTANDING of how the system works.

I am 100% with Tom on this topic.
Plus, posts like the one I quoted push me further and further away from this forum. Such a turn off.
And of course, the most relevant point to me. I'm 17, painfully shy and reclusive. I couldn't do all that even if I wanted to.

Wow ok i have not been on hear for a while, mainly because i did not like the way people were turning on this forum and this is an example of that....

Tom i didnt quote ur whole post however agreed with it all, but one important thing stood out to me what u said at the end!! You should in no way be made to feel like u need to share these things with people because they are bullying you into doing something that in my opinion is going to make no difference what so ever!

Yes moonstreet it is amazing people are trying to do something to make a difference in this case but lets face it its not going to work :( My god i wish it would i wish us fans could make a difference but unfortunatley we cant! It is in the hands of the court now!
However if you feel it will make a difference to the case fair enough and you are doing what u feels need to be done, but posting your previous post which i forgot to quote :doh: is not only in my opinion quite un needed but will stop people from wanting to come! Why not explaine what u are hoping to achieve without going well over board and making people feel like they need to give u reasons why they cant come have u ever thought this reason maybe ur constant negativity towards the fan community????

Im not trying to start Drama as this is the reason i left this board in the first place but i just had to have my say!!

Moonstreet, I'm gonna make a bold statement here. As long as you keep piping on about fans "not being bothered" or anything insinuating that fans do not care I WILL NOT BE ATTENDING ANY JUSTICE DEMO THAT YOU ARE ASSOCIATED WITH EVER AGAIN.


Because, in my honest true opinion, creating a lot of noise is sometimes not the WISEST way to go about it. OK?
Especially not in a case like this. Sometimes you can harm things without proper research and UNDERSTANDING of how the system works.

I am 100% with Tom on this topic.
Plus, posts like the one I quoted push me further and further away from this forum. Such a turn off.

I totally agree :no:
Guys this is all getting way too heated in here. People in the end of the day should not be guilted into doing something. They should do it at their own free will. Justice is imperative here and yes I do believe making noise does help get the point across. But it has to be understood that it is simply not feasible for people to attend every demo. Some people are uncomfortable with doing things like this and that is their personality, people should not be guilted into it. I applaud you Moon, people like you and Mayah and Pez work tirelessly to educate the public and some of them are painfully ignorant about what has happened. I truly and honestly respect you for what you are doing. I admire your dedication to this so much. But the impression I am getting is that it is being dealt with the completely wrong way in recruting people to come to the demos. People simply cannot be made to feel guilty about not being able to come, that is simply not fair. It makes you no less of a fan. As I said before you guys do an amazing job and I respect you a lot, I always have done for years. Justice is important but as Tom rightly said we on a whole are quite powerless, but it doesn't stop us making noise. The main thing is the guilt tripping people does need to stop, it simply isnt fair.
Guys this is all getting way too heated in here. People in the end of the day should not be guilted into doing something. They should do it at their own free will. Justice is imperative here and yes I do believe making noise does help get the point across. But it has to be understood that it is simply not feasible for people to attend every demo. Some people are uncomfortable with doing things like this and that is their personality, people should not be guilted into it. I applaud you Moon, people like you and Mayah and Pez work tirelessly to educate the public and some of them are painfully ignorant about what has happened. I truly and honestly respect you for what you are doing. I admire your dedication to this so much. But the impression I am getting is that it is being dealt with the completely wrong way in recruting people to come to the demos. People simply cannot be made to feel guilty about not being able to come, that is simply not fair. It makes you no less of a fan. As I said before you guys do an amazing job and I respect you a lot, I always have done for years. Justice is important but as Tom rightly said we on a whole are quite powerless, but it doesn't stop us making noise. The main thing is the guilt tripping people does need to stop, it simply isnt fair.

can i add to this, that Michael has accomplished something remarkable. he has inspired a fanbase that runs across so many gamuts, unlike anything before. and, yes, as Tom said, that includes fans that are painfully shy, and have gone through stuff that other fans, might not be able to imagine. Michael represents those fans in a special way cus of what he went through, as well as representing the other gamuts of the varied fans here. sometimes Michael couldn't go outside, for various reasons. there, he represents the painfully shy fans. other times, he could go out, there, he represents other fans. and his personality, is someone the child inside all of us, can relate to. mostly, he represents much of the pain that much of us went through, and the disinfranchisement of many of the fans, as well. so, at times, many of those fans might not have the courage to go outside and deal with this nasty world. but they have another way to fight, which i'm sure, all the fans can relate to. in the quiet privacy of their own homes, they can continue to buy MJ's music, and keep his legacy going, no matter what the press says.

yes..i went to MJ's trial, and represented..but it made me feel like a stranger in a strange land, because i had to do something i with an outside world, that has its nastiness. and i never went out, after that, ever again. i still buy his music, though. and, then, a dear friend told me that they weren't able to attend the trial, and they felt guilty. i told them that they had children to deal with, and that was important. in their quest to raise their children with MJ qualities, they were keeping the legacy. and in watching the coverage of the trial non stop and giving it ratings, they were keeping the legacy, because they were letting the press know that interest in Michael will remain, forever, no matter how much the press tries to turn off Michael's shining light.

in conclusion, there are myriad ways to uphold MJ's legacy, per your own personal personality. and i know you all are doing that. Interest and love for MJ, remaining, is the paramount way, that his legacy never matter what the naysayers say...and that's how you have, and will continue to defeat them. the only way the naysayers can get a true victory, is if you lose interest in, and love for MJ.

case closed.

so, heartfelt congratulations to all the fans who keep his legacy alive, from those that arrange and go to the demos, to those who continue to buy his music in the privacy, and protective comfort of their safe homes, and etc., and to those who do a combination of those things.

after all, there are naysayers who will never change, no matter what anyone does(and that's on the naysayers.); as is with the case of anything in life, there are people that are set in their ways, no matter what knowledge is out there.

but the naysayers' real goal is to make MJ's fans indifferent to him. evidence shows that the naysayers never are able to do that, and never will be.

so, the fans have won, anyway.

MJ is already planted in the wombs of many mothers, who are MJ fans, passing him onto countless generations. how can anyone stop that? it's too late to stop that.

the MJ fans have won.

MJ has won.

and that's a beautiful thing.
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Because, in my honest true opinion, creating a lot of noise is sometimes not the WISEST way to go about it. OK?
Especially not in a case like this. Sometimes you can harm things without proper research and UNDERSTANDING of how the system works.

I am 100% with Tom on this topic.
Plus, posts like the one I quoted push me further and further away from this forum. Such a turn off.

Lock this thread down already! I don't even understand the POINT of this thread... aren't you all TIRED of yelling at each other on this board? Why can't anyone have a difference of opinion with out being called a traitor or not a TRUE fan? Who in the HELL has the authority to say who is a true fan and who isn't??? I will repeat this again and again... unless you spoke to Michael Jackson PERSONALLY and SPENT a SIGNIFICANT AMOUNT of time with him over many years then you are NOT in a position to say what HE would have wanted because you DO NOT KNOW. U just THINK you do. And attacking others sure as HELL isn't the way to get your point across. It's getting SO OLD and SO tired. Aren't yall tired of raising up your blood pressure for something that YOU CANNOT change? NONE of this ranting and raving and starting endless threads on who is or is NOT a fan and JUSTICE this and JUSTICE that will bring him back. Why don't we all try focusing instead on living lives that Michael would approve of, by giving back to our communities in HIS name or donating to charities or planting trees or SOMETHING, instead of sitting up in here on this board acting all self righteous because you think you're better than someone else because you "dropped everything" and stood outside of Michael's hotel. How do you know that someone else might have wanted to come but could not for financial or personal reasons??? Ridiculous.

Oh.... and I completely agree with Limonali AND Tom on this topic. I wonder if some people even realize how they come across when they get on twitter and facebook and their blogs ranting and raving and looking like nutty MJ fans who have no IDEA what they are talking about!!!! It's like are you kidding me? I get the fervor, I get the passion but it's completely misguided and looks downright SLOPPY.
I have never been sure about the demo's. I do not understand what protesting in trafalgar square or outside the American Embassy will actually achieve in all honesty. No fan, however much they care, can change the law. Murray might walk free, but that is nothing to do with people not attending demo's, it is all down to whatever happens inside the courtroom, same as if he IS convicted it will not be down to the demo's, but what happens in court.

But putting all that to one side I do not like to see people accusing others of not caring just because they do not attend demo's. For a start, not every fan believes he was killed/murdered, some believe it was an accident or there was more to it. That doesn't mean they don't care/aren't fans, just that their beliefs are different. Same as the ones who believe he may be still alive I guess. I personally think the key is to respect everyones beliefs, not become angry at those who do not believe the same as you do. It doesn't mean you have to agree to keep the peace, or do not have the right to say you disagree, but forcing others to either agree or shut up is not fair, and throwing accusations is just way beyond. If someone cannot/does not want to attend a demo for ANY reason, whatever they might think happened to Michael that should be respected and not challenged.

I have never, and will probably never in the future attend a demo. If I thought it might bring Michael back to life then of course I would, but it won't. It does not mean I don't care or that I'm not a real fan. After all, Michael had millions of fans worldwide, I don't think millions of people have showed up to these demo's have they? Does that mean that Michael didn't have millions of fans then? And that he really wasn't that popular? I don't think so somehow.

I hope that the truth comes out over what happened that day WHATEVER that may be (and it is certainly not my place to say; after all I'm just a fan, same as EVERYBODY else here), but I do not think that this whole attitude of who the bigger better fans are, and that nobody else cares is really helping anything and especially not Michael's legacy.

I hope I made sense.....peace.
I don't think demo's are the only option to uphold Michael's legacy. To tell you the truth, I never saw the point of these demos either. because it's one thing to stand near the court house and show Michael our support and quite the other - to stand at the US embassy in some distant country, where no one really knows what the deal is. You don't have to go to demos to educate people. You can just talk to people you know and explain things to them so they will know better what kind of person Michael was and pass the info on to their friends etc.

But having said that, I am not against demos. If some fans want to arrange them, that's fine. As long as they don't shame other fans for not attending.
guys, this thread I posted was for unity. But I do not like the negativity towards fans that can't/don't go do demos. My original reason for starting the thread was to share how I felt about some folks and their negative posting on the board recently against MJ. It is NOT an invitation to to bash other fans about the way they choose to support MJ. We all support MJ in different ways. To me all this is good if it is done postively. It is NOT about how many people camped outside MJ's hotel etc back in the day. You cannot measure fandom that way. It is about the feeling fans hold in their hearts for MJ and his legacy. I was disturbed by the tone of some of the posts on the board as of late and so was the management.