Are you willing to die for Michael Jackson?

Are you willing to die for Michael Jackson to save him?

  • Definitely, I would gladly give up my life to save him

    Votes: 16 30.2%
  • I would risk my life to save him but I'm not sure if I would give up my own life just like that.

    Votes: 15 28.3%
  • I'm not sure, I really love him but I have my own life to live as well.

    Votes: 4 7.5%
  • I don't think so. I'll do what I can to save him but not until I put my own life at risk.

    Votes: 18 34.0%

  • Total voters
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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Melbourne Australia
This is a poll.
Hi, I know this could be a silly question but I was just wondering if anyone here is willing to give up their own life to save Michael Jackson.
I know we are all fans and we love him, but would we be willing enough to give up our own life to save him? If he is in danger, will we put our lives on the line? Or are we unsure or don't feel it's fair enough to give up our own lives.
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We all love him. But thats not the way to think. Im sure he wouldnt want us to think like that!! We wish the best for him and he wishes the same for us!! He knows we love him!!!! Love your siggy btw did u make that?
Michael will not want any of us to kill our selves for him because he did not want to die. I will do anything to help him in anyway I can. I dont mind even being arrested if it will clear him, But to die is not what Michael or God wants.
I would generally do all I can to save anyone. However, I would be lying if I told I know that I would definitely give my life for someone, even though, I am the kind who loves those who love him deeply. I wouldn't know until I'm in a situation where I have to choose.
This is a poll.
Hi, I know this could be a silly question but I was just wondering if anyone here is willing to give up their own life to save Michael Jackson.
I know we are all fans and we love him, but would we be willing enough to give up our own life to save him? If he is in danger, will we put our lives on the line? Or are we unsure or don't feel it's fair enough to give up our own lives.

How can Michael be in danger now? Most likely he's in a better place now.
No, I would not do that. I wouldn't sacrifice myself to save him if it meant I would die. As much as I love him, he's not my family. It would be a disgraceful act knowing I would do that and thinking of how my family would react to me doing that.
We all love him. But thats not the way to think. Im sure he wouldnt want us to think like that!! We wish the best for him and he wishes the same for us!! He knows we love him!!!! Love your siggy btw did u make that?

Yeah, I my siggy is my drawing! ;-)

Of course, MJ won't want any of us to die for him, but I'm talking if he is still alive, and his life is in danger and you have the power to save him but it would mean you will lose your life.
In my opinion, I don't care if he won't allow me to die. I would prefer him not to know if I would sacrifice my life for him. Saving him means a lot to the world, if he dies....I mean look at the world right now!!!! If I die, not many people would know of it and not many people will be sad. I'm just another human. Mj is different, he had touches the heart of so many people and bring so much joy with his talents and kindness. Something I could never do.
I wonder if anyone feels the same.
I remember you asked a similar question before (in Melbourne about Federer). ;)

If it was in the moment and someone (whether MJ or a stranger) was in danger, I'd probably not think and just go ahead and risk my life.

Back to your question - you may not consider yourself as 'valuable' to the world as Michael, but that doesn't mean our lives are less worthy. Don't wanna get all preachy, but how useful/valuable your life is depends on you. We're not born unable.
Dying is easy...the real question is "are you ready to live a life that attributes to Michael's goal of healing the world?

I have looked in the mirror and I am registered to recertify my CPR/FA/Disaster relief through my local RED CROSS Chapter, as I feel the driving force in every song of Michael's telling me to not just sit here, 'do something'!
I don't think this is that weird of a question - I'm mean, we all have "weird" questions going around in our heads, just that it isn't something that we regularly talk about.
I've actually asked myself a similar question, like how much is life worth and how would I react in a situation where my life would be taken away in exchange to the world keeping a certain person.
It's kind of a messed up thing to go around and think about, but I think that questions like these goes on autopilot for everyone of us.
Just like when someone close to you die an unnatural death you question if there was something you could've done.
Or if 2 people close to you were hanging from a building and you could only save one, who would you choose?!

I don't know what to answer your question though, and I kind of don't want to even have an answer to that question - sometimes the question itself is the answer, especially to who you are as a person.

This is a really interesting thread though - makes you think.
YES!! Definitely, I would give up my life to save him

If it was a chance to get him back..

I had trade place with him in a heart beat :yes:
Absolutely not. That would be very selfish to the people in my life with whom I have connections, share love and consideration.

Definitely, I would gladly give up my life to save him..
yeah i will
i mean i HATE my life
but he has children who loves him , he has ALOT of fans...
if it was a chance to save his life
then i'm ready.
enough said
No, I would never do that! I love him very much but he's not my family and of course I would try anything to save him but I find it too much to give my own life and hurt the people who love me...
No I wouldn't. I love Michael with all my heart, really I do. But I also love my family with all my heart and I would never do anything to hurt them, they need me and I would never want to leave them. Also, I don't think Michael would like to think that fans would feel like that about themselves.
Having said that, if he was in a burning building or something like that I'd risk my life to try and save him, but I think most people would do that for anybody wouldn't they.
If he(or anyone else) was walking on thin ice and it broke and he fell in the water I would try to save him but I would think of my safety first.I would look for a long branch, rope or something but I know if I came to close to the icehole I would fall in the water too and both of us might die.
There is no meaning in that.
Of course I would call for help or run to get help if I couldn´t reach him.
My cats who I have rescued from being killed wouldn´t have a home anymore and some of them are not social with strangers and I think other persons would think it was best for the cats if they were dead.

There might be another situation when I think I can save him without risking my life but something goes wrong and he is saved but I am not.But I´m not willing to die for him.

I´m willing to live for him, to contribute to make a better world.
No I would not die for him, I would have taken a measured risk for him but my life and my family mean more.

He would not want anyone to die for him.
Sorry but you a right, what a stupid thread!

Can't believe there were people who actually voted that they would give up their OWN life to save Michael! Please, please seek help for your own sake. In no way am I being sarcastic, I sincerely mean it, seek help if you voted giving up your own life.
This is a bit weird question to ask now but I always thought that had I been in a situation where I could have saved Michael by putting my own life at risk I would have. At least in theory, in real life you never know how you'd act.
I would have taken the bullet so to speak but unfortunately I couldn't do anything about the injection that killed him.

I would risk my life to save him but I'm not sure if I would give up my own life just like that.
Dying is easy...the real question is "are you ready to live a life that attributes to Michael's goal of healing the world?

Brilliantly said my friend, living a worthy life and making a real difference is SO much harder, and Michael did this his whole life. His music and his message is all about that, he was a lover of life even though it was so cruel to him at times.

I am not afraid of death, and if I was in a position, where it was his life or mine, I would chose for him to live and for me to die, purely because I think thats the most benefiical on a broad basis. Call that selfish, but I believe I've lived the best moments of my life because of MJ, and if I could give back in any way I would. He wouldn't want anyone to die for him of course, I know that. But I would do it in a heartbeat.
People voting for "Definitely, I would gladly give up my life to save him" should be ashamed! You would left your families and friends in grief? That's a shameful act!
There is only one person a human should die for - his kids.
I have my kids, i wouldnt give up my life...
I would do everything inmy power to safe his though...
You would left your families and friends in grief?

oh YEAH i would
i love him more than i love .them. ^_^
they hurt me enough don't know what i've been through!
and i'm NOT ashamed to say that i can die for him! :angel:
Umm ok, I love Michael Jackson and all but I would not die for Michael Jackson, I do have my own life to live. Sure I will always Miss MJ. But I don't think MJ would want me to hurt myself.
Sorry but you a right, what a stupid thread!

Can't believe there were people who actually voted that they would give up their OWN life to save Michael! Please, please seek help for your own sake. In no way am I being sarcastic, I sincerely mean it, seek help if you voted giving up your own life.

I think it's not fair to say that anyone who thinks that they would give up their life to save MJ is having issues and need to seek help. Everyone just have different believes and oppinions.

Although I would choose to give up my life in order to save him, I'm a completely normal person. I don't suffer from any sort of depression either and I'm successful at work and I have good education as well. I always look for opportunities to enjoy life and make full use of my living and I love my family and friends too.

Some of us feel that we are so in love and we could anything for that person. Even if I never really know Michael, I know him trought his artwork, through the kindnest that he had given to every living thing. I feel as if he is my family and I'm connected to him throught the love he has freely give.

I know close friends who are fans and I asked the same question and they would consider to sacrifice themself to save him. They are completely normal people.

There is nothing wrong. I believe we are smart enought to know this thread is just a question a fan sometime would think about but it mean no harm at all!
Oh, good god! I actually think I had heard/read everything until I saw this.

There is no way I would die for mj.
There is no way I would give up my life for anyone.

Seriously, whats up with this all. People have a life that was GIVEN to them for them to do what they want to fulfill their Dreams, their Ambitions, their Wants etc. Life is for living not to Wish it away.

I wont say anymore as I find this to actually be not only depressing but harmful as well.
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