Are you guys dropping all plans for the 25th?

I plan to treat it as any other day. If I want to remember Michael, I'll do that whenever. It doesn't matter what day, month or year is showing on the calendar. I don't want to travel to any fan gatherings, as there's no one I 'know' online that I have any interest whatsoever in meeting, and if I'm not gonna be alone then I'd rather spend the day with people who I actually know and love and have a real tangible bond with that I can relax around.
I don't wanna be around my MJ stuff and sit around the house listening to his music and wallowing in self-pity. I think maybe in the afternoon I'll go shopping. There's some picture frames I've had my eye on for a while, so I'll put off getting them until the 25th and go then so I can be out of the house. Maybe visit my favourite book shop and take a look around HMV, too. :)
I will be at work. Will try not to watch to much tv, because it will be everywhere again. I try not to make to much of a deal out of it, because every day it's a big deal.
I took the day off...I'll be by myself that day....I'm gonna be alone with Michael, I guess you can say...and I'm gonna write him a letter, actually....:wub:
I have classes on June 25 I'm planning to not go though I will go and be with other fans at the park.. there will be a little get together hopefully..
Unfortunately for the past year every single day has been dropped for Michael... I find myself talking, listening, watching and thinking of him all the time, and I can't help it. I don't hang out with my friends like before, I don't live my everyday life like before, and I still have not gone back to uni, it was suppose to be temporary cause I couldn't go back to school at the start of the year, and now it's been a year and I'm still not able to... so I guess June 25th won't be that different, the only difference is that I get to be the way I am everyday without being judged and pointed at, and I'm sure I'll cry more cause i'll be reliving that night where I heard the news and collapsed. Although I am looking foward to be able to meet other fans and pray with them and celebrate the life and cry the loss... I guess in some ways it would make me feel better to not feel alone in this situation... cause since June 25th, I've never felt so alone in my life!
I plan to treat it as any other day. If I want to remember Michael, I'll do that whenever. It doesn't matter what day, month or year is showing on the calendar. I don't want to travel to any fan gatherings, as there's no one I 'know' online that I have any interest whatsoever in meeting, and if I'm not gonna be alone then I'd rather spend the day with people who I actually know and love and have a real tangible bond with that I can relax around.
I don't wanna be around my MJ stuff and sit around the house listening to his music and wallowing in self-pity. I think maybe in the afternoon I'll go shopping. There's some picture frames I've had my eye on for a while, so I'll put off getting them until the 25th and go then so I can be out of the house. Maybe visit my favourite book shop and take a look around HMV, too. :)

I have to say, your idea sounds the most productive. Instead of wallowing in self-pity over the loss, it's much better to surround yourself around the people you love, and remember all the joys you still have in your life.

I do plan on being around my 2 music-nerd friends that day. They're not MJ fans per say, but they love any type of music and, in fact, encourage my love of MJ. They're gonna hang w/ me and we'll probably watch a few videos I have of him that day. But I wanted to go to the Library that day and get some things. I know he loved increasing his knowledge whenever he could, and that kinda sparked an interest in me too. I also wanted to hit up a record store and just go hog wild, haha! Get some more music! My main way of remembering and celebrating him is increasing my talent in singing/songwriting.

I do just wanna treat it like a normal day...sort of. I will slide in some music and movie watching, but I wanna stay positive. I don't need to remember how I felt last year. I will do nothing but send me down a spiral of depression, and who needs that!?

The taste is going on in Chicago too, so I might even walk around the park that day as well! Maybe see some MJ shirts that'll surely put a smile on my face!
I'm just going to be at home. I'll light a candle all day, proberly listen to his music. I'm not too sure what else I'll be doing. All I know is that I want to be left alone on that day.
Well on the 25th of june, I might just try not to cry all day but just to be happy I'm going to keep sayin "RIP Mike 1 year ago today" & then at home I'm going to listen to Numer Ones album. Then I'm going to wacth videos on youtube like his interviews also. Listen to some MJ's music on the radio, & then try to dream about mj when I be sleeping the next day :( I kown is going to be a sad day on that day. But I will not get depressed or be sad also I'm just going to say "I'll will be ok for the rest of my life".
Unfortunately for the past year every single day has been dropped for Michael... I find myself talking, listening, watching and thinking of him all the time, and I can't help it. I don't hang out with my friends like before, I don't live my everyday life like before, and I still have not gone back to uni, it was suppose to be temporary cause I couldn't go back to school at the start of the year, and now it's been a year and I'm still not able to... so I guess June 25th won't be that different, the only difference is that I get to be the way I am everyday without being judged and pointed at, and I'm sure I'll cry more cause i'll be reliving that night where I heard the news and collapsed. Although I am looking foward to be able to meet other fans and pray with them and celebrate the life and cry the loss... I guess in some ways it would make me feel better to not feel alone in this situation... cause since June 25th, I've never felt so alone in my life!

Showman74--You really are not alone. It is still so hard on us fans since we really don't know the details of what happened nor has anyone been charged for killing MJ. That will help me a lot when that day comes and I hope it helps you too. I will spend the day listening to MJs music, reading what the fans have to say online and I plan to light a special candle for MJ.
I will be at work. Will try not to watch to much tv, because it will be everywhere again. I try not to make to much of a deal out of it, because every day it's a big deal.
Wow you took the words right out of my mouth!

It'll be just another Friday (in my mind, for now), except that I'd have to be reminded of the sad day. Doing something special would only be torturing myself.
Well I requested the day off. I'm not sure how my emotions will be, and where I work there is a lot of downtime. And I'm afraid I'll just start crying while I'm working. I don't plan on doing anything special, probably will just listen to his music and light a candle for him.
Good Question! For me personally despite the invite to go to London's 02 I'm going to do my own thing on my own. It's my way, thats how I deal with things.:yes:
I'll be at home, lighting a candle, after walking by the sea, thinking of our angel :angel:
I can't do crowds.:doh:
Just me and MJ. I'll message my MJ friends on that day of course, but just need to deal with and get through that day my own way.:boohoo
Most Likely I'll be working just as I was last yr on June 25th.. I'd like the day to go on as normal as possible. It's a very sad day sure but I would rather think of happier times
dont have any regular plans. just made myself unavailablefor work. but thats it. best to try and act like any other day. making it special will just make it worse

That's what I think.. I'd try to take my mind off it rather than focus on it.

I will celebrate him on his birthday - the day he came in to the world - that is something to celebrate. Not on the day he left. In my opinion. The day he left is not to celebrate.
That's what I think.. I'd try to take my mind off it rather than focus on it.

I will celebrate him on his birthday - the day he came in to the world - that is something to celebrate. Not on the day he left. In my opinion. The day he left is not to celebrate.

I feel exactly the same way.
I'm at a total loss. I just don't know how I'm going to be, so I'm afraid to make any plans. I'm up and down about it all of the time. I really don't want to spend the day alone, but at the same time, I don't think I can handle a crowd of people either. :weeping:
I have a half day at work which will work out for me, cause I dont think I could cope being around people all day and having to pretend to be 'OK'. I'll probably spend a lot of time in my room, maybe go to the park if the weather is nice. Just be alone mainly, and try to grieve and work through some of the pain. It's all still sitting on my chest, I find it hard to cry. This is so depressing. I'm definatley gonna avoid TV and people on that horrible day :(