Are you guys dropping all plans for the 25th?


Proud Member
Sep 11, 2009
Are you guys dropping all plans for the 25th? I mean like regular stuff that you'd probably have to do on any Friday, are you dropping them? Unfortunatly my schedule for that day is packed with all this unnecesary stuff that I can't seem to get out of and it's making me angry. I'm in central USA so I don't think there's any fan meetups or anything around there (don't think I can go to those anyway, parents seem kind of tired of my love for MJ).

A death anniversary is never something pleasant to go through so I'm not really sure what to do on that day.
For those who aren't going to any MJ-FAn meetups, what will you be doing that day? Are you going to drop your plans or continue like it was just another day? What about June 14th?

Mods, I know this probably isn't the right section for this question, but can I request that it be kept here for a while?
This section is usually the most active out of all of them and I just need some responses to get an idea of whats going on with other fans on these two days. Thank you!!
I usually volunteer on Fridays but I'm not sure I will be able to on the 25th. I couldn't even on the 1st. I felt so bad. And the 25th will be so much worse. I don't know how I will cope. Though doing something is better than sitting at home and thinking about it I guess. Or is it? I'm not sure. I will still be thinking about it while volunteering, except instead of being alone at home, I'll be surrounded by people who won't know why I'm upset. Ugh. :(
I don't know yet. I am thinking of probably having a day off that day, or half a day... I will go to our fan-made memorial wall here in Moscow to be among other fans...

We collected money to pay for a memorial clip to be shown on big screens next to major roads and streets on June 25th. The same clip will be shown in several other cities as well. One of the screens is near our memorial wall so it will be nice to see that clip there... It should be shown every 5 minutes for the whole day...
Yes. taking the day off...will most likely go to the Apollo.
I don't know yet. I am thinking of probably having a day off that day, or half a day... I will go to our fan-made memorial wall here in Moscow to be among other fans...

We collected money to pay for a memorial clip to be shown on big screens next to major roads and streets on June 25th. The same clip will be shown in several other cities as well. One of the screens is near our memorial wall so it will be nice to see that clip there... It should be shown every 5 minutes for the whole day...

Wow! what a great thing to do for Michael (the memorial and the clips!) Where is your Michael memorial wall? Is it in Moscow somwhere or St. Petes. I went to Moscow and St. Pete 2 years ago, and Moscow is one of my favorite cities. Just wondering, I know Russia is a lot more than those 2 cities, but just wondering if I could imagine where his memorial is.

I will have a candle lit all day long and hav the monthly prayer at 5pm east. time for Michael. I will play his music all day long!!!
Me and my sis are going to a fan-meeting in the south of our country and on our way we are passing by Michaels HIStory statue that fans made into a memorial-place since june 25th...
We'll bring flowers, burn insence and candles and spend some time there....

I feel depressed just thinking about it right now....
Wow! what a great thing to do for Michael (the memorial and the clips!) Where is your Michael memorial wall? Is it in Moscow somwhere or St. Petes. I went to Moscow and St. Pete 2 years ago, and Moscow is one of my favorite cities. Just wondering, I know Russia is a lot more than those 2 cities, but just wondering if I could imagine where his memorial is.

I will have a candle lit all day long and hav the monthly prayer at 5pm east. time for Michael. I will play his music all day long!!!

It's in Moscow near the American embassy. Fans began gathering there after all the flowers etc were removed from the street in front of the embassy. It's not anything official, just a part of the wall covered with MJ posters where fans bring flowers and candles... Nothing as beautiful as in Munich, because people here ruin our memorial every week :(

Here's the clip. It says "we love, we remember" It was initially done by the fans in St. Petes and they shared with us :)

I arranged to leave work early on the 25th of June. I am going to go to
the ocean, which is close, and spend time with Michael's music, light a candle
and remember a man who has affected me and my life so much.
I thought he might smile if I marked off a section of sand and cleaned the area
myself. Any beautiful shells I find, I will put in a special place and maybe add
to my collection on his birthday and next year.

Then I'm going to light a candle in church and pray for his children and mother
and thank God, again, for the magic and miracle that was Michael.
I arranged to leave work early on the 25th of June. I am going to go to
the ocean, which is close, and spend time with Michael's music, light a candle
and remember a man who has affected me and my life so much.
I thought he might smile if I marked off a section of sand and cleaned the area
myself. Any beautiful shells I find, I will put in a special place and maybe add
to my collection on his birthday and next year.

Then I'm going to light a candle in church and pray for his children and mother
and thank God, again, for the magic and miracle that was Michael.
how sweet :(
I have to to school, but apart from that I will just be all alone, reflecting on the past year, maybe light a candle for MJ, all I know is the flood gates are going to be opened
All I know is I'm gonna feel like crap the entire day.

The only plans I have right now is to play MJ music for the ENTIRE day in my house, and the volume will go very high with windows down when I'm driving my car.
Because I live in Australia, I woke up on the morning of the 26th of June to a text message with the terrible news. I turned on the TV and at that stage it was still not confirmed, family were still arriving the hospital, and it was hours before Jermaine made the announcement. So, this happened on the 26th of June for me. What then is the official date for me to commemorate MJ's passing?
Take day off work,
put on black pants, red shirt, loafers,
download 'We've had Enough',
make an online donation to UNICEF,
take my dog to a nearby lake
where there is a tree that hangs low,
climb it, pray and meditate for MJ and his children.
Then get KFC, go home, light a candle,
listen to The Gloved One's music,
and probably come in here.
(I only have a couple friends out in reality
that are MJ fans, and they aren't closeby).
Well my mum said that we might be going 2 sydney that day as her & my stepdad want 2 go to the collingwood game there. All i know is that im gonna be a mess that day
I arranged to leave work early on the 25th of June. I am going to go to
the ocean, which is close, and spend time with Michael's music, light a candle
and remember a man who has affected me and my life so much.
I thought he might smile if I marked off a section of sand and cleaned the area
myself. Any beautiful shells I find, I will put in a special place and maybe add
to my collection on his birthday and next year.

Then I'm going to light a candle in church and pray for his children and mother
and thank God, again, for the magic and miracle that was Michael.

Wow, you made me cry... again. :cry: This is very sweet and beautiful!
Not 100%, but good thing for me is I took only 3 out of my 4 weeks of vacations this Summer, so thanks God I had the chance to get away from my job the whole week. And then, Monday 28 is a holiday here, so I will just have to go back to work the 29th. I am thinking about leaving the city, as far as possible, with no tv/radio/computer/phones. I need to be on my own, but at the same time, I feel I need to be with friends who understand my pain, but also to support others who are in deeper pain too.

to be honest I don't know what I am going to do.

but I think the simpler, the better, the more personal, the better.

I arranged to leave work early on the 25th of June. I am going to go to
the ocean, which is close, and spend time with Michael's music, light a candle
and remember a man who has affected me and my life so much.
I thought he might smile if I marked off a section of sand and cleaned the area
myself. Any beautiful shells I find, I will put in a special place and maybe add
to my collection on his birthday and next year.

Then I'm going to light a candle in church and pray for his children and mother
and thank God, again, for the magic and miracle that was Michael.

Take day off work,
put on black pants, red shirt, loafers,
download 'We've had Enough',
make an online donation to UNICEF,
take my dog to a nearby lake
where there is a tree that hangs low,
climb it, pray and meditate for MJ and his children.
Then get KFC, go home, light a candle,
listen to The Gloved One's music,
and probably come in here.
(I only have a couple friends out in reality
that are MJ fans, and they aren't closeby).

all these are lovely ideas. climb a tree, beeing just there... think of what he gave us, his music, his love, our love....
Concerts, music and videos on the 25th. I don't mourn, I celebrate the fact that the man was here in the first place.
yes. i'm dropping all plans that day. it will be a day when time will stand still for me. and i'm gunna make sure i'm alone, that day.
after my nephew graduation I am going to work for a half day no radio, no TV, no internet don’t care for any special tributes on MJ just going to relax and mourn and have a moment to remember the impact he had on my life growing up. I still can't believe he is gone feel empty inside
The one thing I know I will be doing on that horrible day. Is just staying in bed sleeping trying very hard not to think about it. Though that is going to be very hard to do with my bedroom being a shrine to Michael. But that was what I was doing most of that first horrible month. I know by 6:30 pm on June 25th I will be an absolute mess because that was the time when I had gotten the horrible news about Michael. And I have been crying on and off over him ever since.
It's my brothers 19th Birthday on that day, but I will be giving him his gift a day before.
I just want to bE by myself on that day and I have told everyone to leave me alone.

Will start the day remembering him and listening to songs that remind me of MJ,
then I will have a KFC lunch and watch some Michael clips,
and then i will dress in nice formal clothing (I respect Michael, so I want to look nice for him while I remember him) and head off to the MJ fan vigil at Federation Square with some candles so I can remember him with other fans.

My day is going to be all about MJ, because he made his life all about pleasing and loving everyone else. :)
I'm not going to my cousin's wedding because my family are travelling to London on the 25th. As if I'm gonna spend the day travelling for a WEDDING when its the day my hero of 7 yrs passed away!
dont have any regular plans. just made myself unavailablefor work. but thats it. best to try and act like any other day. making it special will just make it worse
I had to postponed my graduation at collage, they wanted to set my final exam to June 25th.
I probably spend this day with my 2 friends also Michael's fans, with who I shared so many tears this year. I def. won't turn on tv or the radio, I'm already sick of all tributes party which are being organized, where you can take a photo with some impostor or order a drink called "Billie Gin" (with no offense to ppl who are going to attend to such, it's just nothing for me)
If they won't make it to come to my place, I want to spend it alone. Just me and him. I'm gonna talk to him, listen to him and trying to comfort myself, that is one year less 'till we meet again. It's just unbelievable how time runs... :cry: