Are you at peace with yourself? Do u love yourself? Do u like/dislike the reflection in the mirror?

Hey from what I read it's time for a change! :yes: Just start by loving yourself. And then you gotta put your heart on the line. Don't be afraid, things will work out fine! :yes: Perhaps you could start by coming to Amsterdam the 29th? Who knows, you'll meet the love of your life there! Take for example Lars and Louise who are very happy now, they've met eachother at an MJ event! :wub: :D
Hey Staffordshire Bullterrier.... >>> :hug:

You should not be so worried about these things. I'm sure you'll still find a special girl who loves you truly. :yes: These things happen unexpectedly in our lives. :wild: You know, God is looking at you and at some point it will put that girl in your path. :cheeky:
I think people who put themselves first in any relationship are have an effective and long lasting relationship there are so many compromises..believe me I know I have been married for 26 years....lots of giving and taking. I think you need a confidence boost I am sure you will be just fine. The old saying have to love yourself before you can truly love anyone else.....I think self confidence is a state of mind....maybe speaking to a counselor or taking a class on self confidence...or maybe reading a book would help....see people need people the right people around them....I know that when my husband or one of my children lack confidence about somthing...I always try to chear them on and tell them they will be just fine...and I am sure you will be too if you surround yourself with the right kind of people....:)
Maybe i should go back to it, just go look around in town and visit all the fitness clubs, see which ones look nice and all..and then choose one from it. And basically just go once or twice a week. Maybe i should just do that, got nothing to lose or anything. Cause i did notice that each time after fitness earlier this year, i felt good. I felt fit and it definitely gave me a you say....a good feeling i guess.

Exercise makes you more happy and it'll make you look better which means girls will find you more attractive and you'll be confident (Y)
I feel good about myslef. I dislike it when older guys look at me like a sex object, i don't wear skimpy clothes. I just wear regular clothes, guys still give me a weird look- i don't get it.
Maybe you should take a stroll down memory lane. Spend some time w/your friends, do some of the things you used to do when you last happy. Maybe talking w/your friends might help you. You keep mentioning them so maybe you need them to help you find your way. Could you stay w/any of them for a weekend or a few days? Also, maybe if you can figure out what you want to focus on as a career might help take your mind off some of your concerns. I think there are lots of things you can try. Maybe a dance class would be a good idea as well. Find a dance that interests you & try it. It's a good source of exercise, fun, & a way of making new friends.
I'm not happy with myself when I look in the mirror but I really am trying to get that confidence back again. I'm only slim (5' 4" and about 8.5 stone) but I go to the gym, swimming and gym classes regularly as it makes me feel better about myself.

I've been through a lot of s*** recently and it's knocked the little confidence I had down to zero again.

There's always little things that can make you feel better about yourself though. Eat a banana instead of a couple of biscuits. Might sound stupid, but I like having a long bath/shower and exfoliating, shaving, listen to some good/calming music.

It's so weird but I hate walking outside on my own. I feel (for some God unknown reason) that everyone is staring at me which is ridiculous but I get very conscious (particularly when I'm on my own) and get clammy hands and feel embarrassed :(
Hi :)
When I read it I immediately thought of myself, to be honest. I think my behaviour is similar in a lot of ways. I don't go out very much and usually sit at home or do sports. On my own. And it's funny that the same lines of "On The Line" really touch me aswell. I can almost picture Michael saying that to me. I also think that I'm taking myself way too serious. Kinda like a perfectionist.

I have no clue what helps. I thought about changing my religious believes somehow. Buddhism seems to be about coming to peace with yourself and your environment. Maybe this could help to boost someones confidence.
If someone think he or she is useless and hopeless, I would like to tell them to visit old people living alone or visit an orphanage. No one is useless. Everybody needs someone and I'm sure you can be that someone to somebody