are there GROUPIES on MJJC forums?

so does it also depend on wot mood mike is in and how his life is during that moment in time? cause it seems like he needed some close companionship when he got to kno this joanne girl following the whole sony thing yeh?
I reckon he gets really personal with all his fans. More personal that most other stars.

I think it's subjective tbh. Personal as in always does his best to communicate with them/has time for them or personal as in actually stays in touch, gets to know them personally? I know he had a very special relationship with his fans and vice versa but I honestly don't think getting a fan's number was something he did every day. There has to have been something almost "appealing" about the fan and as staywithme mentioned above; I agree that it also has something to do with the situation that he was in during that moment in time. Correct me if I'm wrong by all means. :]
Yeah but no celebrities take their fanship to this kind of level

sorry what kind of level? the dedication? or did you mean exchanging numbers? I'm confused lol!

If you meant exchanging numbers I agree that it is not only rare amongst other celebs but also with Michael. It probably wasn't something he did every day in comparison with communicating with his fans when he does public appearances.
ha yeah that's what i meant. I think that he was very personal with his fans, but not on that kind of level, but then again, neither is like all celebs.
Yeah I agree. I was watching a Chris Brown interview the other day and he said that he would date a fan as long as she's over the age of 18. In this day and age I think it's becoming more common though.
I think there is love to be found anywhere and everywhere, and this goes for stars too. But admittedly, it'd be kind of weird especially if the fan was over-excited all the time and wouldn't keep calm. This is probably the image stars have of fans but there is merit to be found everywhere.