are there GROUPIES on MJJC forums?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
pls dont hurt me for asking such a question

i noticed dirty diana describes this and mike talked about it in his interview.

do you think there are any groupies (girls or boys) on this forum?
ive read peoples posts on here who seem to have followed him alot and met him many times. does that make them groupies?
Conventionally speaking, Groupies are usually girls who follow rock bands on tour in the hope of having sex with members of the band.
That's the consensus of the term, but there are variations. I guess you can also describe them as people who are extremely devote and follow their favorite acts all over the world without the desire to sleep with them, but the description above is the most widely agreed one.
Just extremely devoted fans!

Like D.S said, the word groupies traditonally means something else.
There are even impersonator groupies out there. Don't ask me how I know;)
There are also groupies whose intention is to lurch onto any famous personalities in the hope of themselves being a star, or getting money

Michael describes them in the lyrics with "i will be the freak you can tone, if you make me a star"

I think there is a film Eddie Murphy plays of the girl who sleeps around with everyone, climbing the ladder of influence going for everyone from a minor actor, to an actor, to the scriptwriter, to the director, so as to get the major role in the movie and ultimately become "the star".
Ive travelled to different countries to see Michael, Ive met him, his beutiful family, his parents, been inside his home, slept on the street outside hotels, been to concerts and events......

does this make me a groupie??? no, me and all the other fans who have been doing this over many years are just active fans.........

groupies are totally different and over the years I really dont think I have ever actully witnised any mj fan doing things which are usually associated with the word "groupie". Sure some MJ fans can be abit extreme and things that have been done may not be acceptable to some, but to call people like me "groupies" is not right.
Ive travelled to different countries to see Michael, Ive met him, his beutiful family, his parents, been inside his home, slept on the street outside hotels, been to concerts and events......

You have GOT to share your experiences with us sometime!
Ive travelled to different countries to see Michael, Ive met him, his beutiful family, his parents, been inside his home, slept on the street outside hotels, been to concerts and events......

does this make me a groupie??? no, me and all the other fans who have been doing this over many years are just active fans.........

groupies are totally different and over the years I really dont think I have ever actully witnised any mj fan doing things which are usually associated with the word "groupie". Sure some MJ fans can be abit extreme and things that have been done may not be acceptable to some, but to call people like me "groupies" is not right.

Why do you think she was talking about you?
Anyway I remember on there was someone who said they nearly got with Jermaine lol ugh :doh: she was banned before I got get any more info outta her lol. Arent there fans Ive heard of who um, how can i say this, got with Mike's entourage in the hope of getting closer to Michael. Like his bodyguards and stuff. Dont know if any of them are on the forums though.
As silly as these kind of people sound, i really want to hear their stories. I mean as stupid as you may dismiss it, there is always a chance of them being true.
wow you've met him???? how was he? was he friends with his devoted fans who followed him all around the world? i mean you know like real friends?
I'd like also to read your stories with michael jackson..he must have been very funny and lovely to have as a friend, thats the impression i got from the videos i've seen so far..
I've never been to a concert of michael jackson :(
I'd love to meet him and talk to him and maybe be his friend :cool:
if only there was a travel time machine... :(
Conventionally speaking, Groupies are usually girls who follow rock bands on tour in the hope of having sex with members of the band.
That's the consensus of the term, but there are variations. I guess you can also describe them as people who are extremely devote and follow their favorite acts all over the world without the desire to sleep with them, but the description above is the most widely agreed one.
Yeah, that's why the word "groupies" has a negative connotation. And groupies don't necessarily love the artist's music and/or care about the artist as a person, which is what differentiates them from fans. They just wanna have sex with the stars and that can be all that matters to them. There ain't no real love between groupies and stars.
Ive travelled to different countries to see Michael, Ive met him, his beutiful family, his parents, been inside his home, slept on the street outside hotels, been to concerts and events......

wow wow wow!!! That sounds truly amazing. I'd love to hear more! (though I guess you've posted in old threads or something....I'm still finding my way around here :D)
wow i would really like to hear stories from the fans who have met him. even if they just caught a glimpse of him, its still so interresting to read! i need to search to see if it is a thread about this somewhere :)
Yeah, I always thought a *groupie* was someone who slept with the band and lead singer.

Well if so, there aren't any groupies on here.
If anyone has slept with Michael they ain't said. Either it was nothing to brag about or their being polite by STFU about it.
I doubt there are actually MJ groupies. It would be so freaking hard to get to him. You'd have to cross like 5 people or more before actually being in the same room with him. I mean i know you never know, but i find it so difficult that this kind of thing would ever happen.
There are people on here who have followed him everywhere but not to have sex with him!
All the girls who hang out in the threads of "Man In The Mirror" lol *hides*
i mean its one thing to meet him for a second which would be amazing!! and follow him all around the world like so many fans do. but for him to actually like you and let you into his thats wow. espeically with all these people around him being a big star. im soo jealous of that joanna girl at the invincible signing who michael liked and got her digits from..and then was seen with her. how many girls does this happen to? that was one lucky fan. and she didnt necessarily have to be some labeled groupie to get close , but a fan that went to a signing.
oh i was waiting for another signing one day ;-(
i mean its one thing to meet him for a second which would be amazing!! and follow him all around the world like so many fans do. but for him to actually like you and let you into his thats wow. espeically with all these people around him being a big star. im soo jealous of that joanna girl at the invincible signing who michael liked and got her digits from..and then was seen with her. how many girls does this happen to? that was one lucky fan. and she didnt necessarily have to be some labeled groupie to get close , but a fan that went to a signing.
oh i was waiting for another signing one day ;-(

no way! that's crazy! I wonder what he saw in

But about groupies, I really can't see Michael sleeping with someone just like that....maybe I'm being naive but I don't think he'd have one night stands....
i mean its one thing to meet him for a second which would be amazing!! and follow him all around the world like so many fans do. but for him to actually like you and let you into his thats wow. espeically with all these people around him being a big star. im soo jealous of that joanna girl at the invincible signing who michael liked and got her digits from..and then was seen with her. how many girls does this happen to? that was one lucky fan. and she didnt necessarily have to be some labeled groupie to get close , but a fan that went to a signing.
oh i was waiting for another signing one day ;-(

stories are twisted when told, speculation without real facts causes hurt and pain, Joanna and many other fans who travelled alot and were recognised and known by Michael have been the subject of too much gossip over the years, leave them alone.
now now be careful with the whole Joanna convo here, we've been here before an ya'll know were we stand on that point.
She's a private citizen and not a celeb, therefore we shouldn't be gossiping about her.
i mean its one thing to meet him for a second which would be amazing!! and follow him all around the world like so many fans do. but for him to actually like you and let you into his thats wow. espeically with all these people around him being a big star. im soo jealous of that joanna girl at the invincible signing who michael liked and got her digits from..and then was seen with her. how many girls does this happen to? that was one lucky fan. and she didnt necessarily have to be some labeled groupie to get close , but a fan that went to a signing.
oh i was waiting for another signing one day ;-(

Hmm, I think there was something "different" about this Joanna girl and Michael probably thought the same, too.

Did you see the way they hugged and spoke to each other? It was like 2 friends who hadn't seen each other in ages. She didn't act crazy/hyper like normal fans would if they ever got the opp. to meet him, but she was really calm and I think she must have treated him like one of us.

But if the stories are true of her turning into some psycho obsessed **** then, well, I feel sorry for Michael cos' I can understand that it must have hurt him a lot.

Just think about it; only 1 in 20 "fans" probably got the opp to meet him and he very rarely took it onto a personal level. There was quite clearly something different about her which made her stand out from the crowd, you know? And I'm not just talking about her being tall and blonde, lol.

Oh, and I don't think she seems like the sort of fan who would be in the man in the mirror section of the forum either! (lol).

*I hope my post is not breaking the rules"
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