Are there any Dr's on this board? I am scared I have something unknown

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Proud Member
Oct 29, 2004
I have these 3 little red what look to appear to be pimples or zits but when I pop them, they bleed & look like this

I don't know if its chicken pox, (I've had before) or Herpes Virus or cold sores

I normally do get Cold Sores but not on my cheek ; they form around my lip. I feel fine otherwise. I have put Peroxide on them and that doesn't help to get rid of these; They kind of itch, but not too bad.

My sleeping / eating habits are not the best but they are not the worst.

Anything else you need to know?? Please anyone I am scared out of my wits.:bugeyed
Before anyone tells me to go see someone, without even helping me first- I have no $$ =/ please just help me.
No offence..but they kind of remind me of some sort of STD a kid from my school used to have..
Whatever they are, don't pop them. That will leave you scars or causes it to infect!
actually now that you mention it, I think theres a free clinic- but i have never been to one so I don't know what they'd be able to do.
Maybe they are mosquito bites? Those itch and cause bleeding when you try to pop them! :eek:
I'm a Scientist, which isn't a doctor but we do look into stuff like this.

How old are you? It could be Acne...which are red spots and they can bleed if scratched but I don't think it's anything serious. It happens to people as they get older.

But if your worried or if it gets worse, see a doctor. They can only help you really :)
thank you everybody. if its not my health to be concerned with - How do I get rid of bedbugs?? I have actually gotten this scab on my leg before. Yes it could be flea too- but the cats stay indoors.
It looks like acne. My husbands brother has it really bad, try a medicated face wash(I've heard Proactive works). I wouldn't worry about any STD or anything. Have you tried anything different lately? My brother is allergic to a certain pasta sauce and every time he eats it he breaks out in a rash. IF, it's bed bugs, disinfect your beds and house with a pesticide and sanatize your mattress with an antibacterial spray. And even might want to contact an exterminator. But first just try a face wash. Because it just looks like adult acne.
you should see a skin doctor and they can get you some cream to treat it :yes:
Ok now it gets cruel. Don't eat chocolate and/or other candy for a while. And if you do, don't drink more than a glass of milk per day. Also stay away from fast food. Don't eat it more than once a week.
Drink a lot of water. When I say a lot I mean a lot and when I say water I mean water. Make it to a minimum of 3l per day.
If it then still doesn't go away or at least much better after two weeks, then you at least know it's not about your food habits and you should really go to a skin doctor in that free clinic.

If it's bed bugs or fleas you should know by constantly getting more.

Whatever it is, don't touch it, don't try to pop it. Use some extra face wash like pro active maybe... but maybe just washing with water and no soap should help also.

it looks like some sort of acne to me too as I'm working with many youngsters... hope you'll get rid of it soon. But you'll need some self discipline.
you should see a skin doctor and they can get you some cream to treat it :yes:

^ this.

They always say never to ask for help in a forum when it comes to things like this. Many symptoms out there can be of various reasons. Your best bet, money or not, go to the clinic to have someone at least look at it.

Definitely never scratch or pop facial pimples. They do scar and even though they go away, as you get older they come back as dark spots. :doh: From here on, leave them alone. Try to focus your mind elsewhere then they itch.
Don't pinch them either. You can permanently bruise the inside of those bumps.

I hope its nothing serious.
ha very funny. :smilerolleyes: I wash my sheets ; Perhaps buy a new mattress??

Callpest control. But try going to a doctor first. It will be a lot cheaper than buying a new mattress or pest control, and you aren't sure its bed bugs.
I would say going to a doctor is the only realistic option, people here can only guess what it is so...
Sorry, I'm just been silly.
Hope you'll go to see a doctor and get rid of this problem :flowers:
( And if the bugs causing it, maybe it's time to show them to doctor, too. And to buy for them a new mattress. )

O'k, better I'll say it shortly: Get well soon! :flowers:
Are you taking any strong medicines? I mean for any other disease .
RERe: Are there any Dr's on this board?

Sorry, I'm just been silly.
Hope you'll go to see a doctor and get rid of this problem :flowers:
( And if the bugs causing it, maybe it's time to show them to doctor, too. And to buy for them a new mattress. )

O'k, better I'll say it shortly: Get well soon! :flowers:

Thank you:cheeky: & thanks to everyone else. If I have $$ from my next paycheck, which BTW is very little, I will try to schedule a dr's appoint.
BTW I used ProActiv ; Its not for everyone. What are some other scrubs or facial washes I can use that I can buy anywhere???
You could try what we use in the hospital, PLAIN old fashioned Dial bar soap, the yellow one that's been around for eons. Wash skin thoroughly and rinse/dry well, but don't then cover it up with cream or something. It's cheap, readily available in the U.S., and has been recommended by dermatologists for ages for varying skin issues. And give it a week or more to see if it helps/hinders/or does nothing. I've seen it do wonders for patients as well as some of my family members.

Another thought, does it seem to appear related to "that time of the month"? Hormones can directly play a role in "skin outbreaks".

Ultimately seeing a physician (free clinic if available) is probably the safest recommendation.
p.s. I forgot to mention my skin is comibination & seems to be very sensitive.
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