Are the tabloids worse in the US and the UK than other countries

UK tabloids are just spiteful. The tabloids and the people that buy them seem to wallow in other peoples misery. If a celebrity in the UK puts on even a tiny bit of weight the tabloids are ripping into them for being fat, yet other times they are saying they are "too thin" and therefore probably "having a nervous breakdown". If somebody IS having a nervous breakdown they are poked fun of and laughed at. I'm sick of my countries whole attitude these days. Britain are notorious for having a "dark" sense of humour, but in my opinion it crossed the line between "dark" and outright sick, nasty and evil a long time ago. I would give anything to emigrate away from this hate filled place.
YES american and british tabloids are the worst!
the american tabloids destroyed Michael and the british ones destroyed Princess Diana, they are the 2 best examples of what tabloids can do to a person's life

and before anyone sayd we're guilty because we buy it - I don't buy any papers and don't watch tv, they never stick to presenting the facts they always try to influence people's perception a certain way and try to brainwash the public

Yeah this is so true. I dont buy tabloid papers and hardly watch any TV.

Jackie xx
UK tabloids are just spiteful. The tabloids and the people that buy them seem to wallow in other peoples misery. If a celebrity in the UK puts on even a tiny bit of weight the tabloids are ripping into them for being fat, yet other times they are saying they are "too thin" and therefore probably "having a nervous breakdown". If somebody IS having a nervous breakdown they are poked fun of and laughed at. I'm sick of my countries whole attitude these days. Britain are notorious for having a "dark" sense of humour, but in my opinion it crossed the line between "dark" and outright sick, nasty and evil a long time ago. I would give anything to emigrate away from this hate filled place.

yeah its sad, there are some people here who dont do that, u and me for starters lol :)
I don't know UK or US tabloids... but in my country...god... just one day after he passed away there was a stupid magazine (everyone know this shit) with BIG Michaels photoshoped face (he was bald and really awful) with explanation all of his plastic surgerys he did in the past...which was a lie of course.
In this day I was so ashamed...It was hard for me to be a part of this crazy nation which couldn't even respect someone's death. After that I'm trying to not read this stupid tabloids. This magzine was like a knife for me in first day of sorrow...
actually it's the 'legit' media in the usa which is worse than the rest of the world...i dare say, worse than the UK tabloids. because they think of themselves as legit and therefore they give themselves more license. i'll never forget when the Los Angeles Daily News..los angeles' main newspaper called Michael Jackson, ***** *****, on their front headline. in the biggest boldest letters on the whole paper. front page. during the trial.
Yes, I think the British tabloids must be the most ferocious ones. Our tabloids and gossip rags usually just translate stories from the British tabloids or Swedish ones, and sometimes stuff is lost in translation. The source is too often The Sun, The Mirror or News of the World, which I rank as the worst tabloids. They are pretty much always late in reporting anything anyway, our tabloids. Sometimes they tell a story, which I've read elsewhere for up to two days prior to its publication in our tabloids.

I remember the TV guide turned a gossip rag, which Raingirl mentioned. It was a weird tranformation. Apparently the owners thought printing idle gossip was a good business move . Go figure.