Are the tabloids worse in the US and the UK than other countries


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
UK, England
Heya i would like to know how much tabloidism (if thats a word lol) there is in your country, or if anyone knows if its worse in The UK and The US?

Jackie xx
the tabloids are much worse in uk and the us than it is in norway. We can`t belive all the crazy stories about Omer, they are not true. And belive me we who know some of his close friends and family really know it is ALL LIES::.
Here they just copy paste the UK tabloids :smilerolleyes::smilerolleyes::smilerolleyes:
Tabloids in HK are horrible as well. Paparazzi are everywhere. Magazines/Tabloids would commission readers to send them some snap shots of celebrities if they encounter one on the street.
uk has the worst tabloids. I thought usa was the same until i read all the mj stories0 although i reckon american glossy magazines probably make up for the tabloids.
Why nobody sues them for total BSs?

The Jackson Family should be more interested in MJs legacy and not only in his asset and administering... of MJs money.
Why nobody sues them for total BSs?

The Jackson Family should be more interested in MJs legacy and not only in his asset and administering... of MJs money.
Well you can't prove a negative. Let's say a tabloid makes up a story about you being a bank robber. They can't prove you're a bank robber, but you can't exactly prove you're not one either. So there's no case. Tabloids know what kinds of stories to print that won't have them sued for libel or slander. But some stars have sued. Clint Eastwood is one. I think he sued the Enquirer and won.
us and uk tabloids have kiled clebrities and contributed to their deaths on various levels..we are the worst because we are the major forces in entertainment and feel like we therfore have a right to do it is a disgrace..we should be like france,, there you have privacy based on their laws..psssh
Any country polluted by the Rupert Murdoch media, and that includes Harper Collins will have the gutter press. Our UK media stinks, I never buy the papers now, I see them at work but I rarely even look at them now.
The UK tabloids sit around and make up interviews that never happened. That does not happen in the US. US tabloids use unnamed sources who are usually figments of the writers imagination.
UK tabloids are the worst. US not so bad. Australia's tabloids can be pretty bad. As someone above said. Pretty much any country whose media is run by Rupert Murdoch has dodgy tabloids.
Well you can't prove a negative. Let's say a tabloid makes up a story about you being a bank robber. They can't prove you're a bank robber, but you can't exactly prove you're not one either. So there's no case. Tabloids know what kinds of stories to print that won't have them sued for libel or slander. But some stars have sued. Clint Eastwood is one. I think he sued the Enquirer and won.

That is not exactly true at least in the US.

If someone unequivocally states that I am a bank robber I can sue them. Unless they can prove I'm a bank robber they will lose - I have no duty to prove that I'm not a bank robber.
That is not exactly true at least in the US.

If someone unequivocally states that I am a bank robber I can sue them. Unless they can prove I'm a bank robber they will lose - I have no duty to prove that I'm not a bank robber.
Lots of celebs (in the US) have sued tabloids and lost, because they couldn't prove their case. Elizabeth Taylor is one. They've also sued paparazzi and lost. But paps have sued and won cases against celebs who have attacked them or broken their equipment. If it was that easy to win against a tabloid, don't you think they've would have gone out of business by now or more celebs would have sued?
The Sun is the worst. I heard the chiefman or something is the guy who owns FOX channels. Isn't he? Michael rejected to attend some sort of meetings offered by president Bush 1 and 2. Bush was elected thanks to Fox TV.
........ Fishy..

We have notified our Korean fans not to post any articles from the Sun anymore since Michae passed away.
The Sun make us sick. Tell him to go to H*ll.
the uk has to be the worst - its fin P's me off that everyday when pass the news agents like almost every newspappers front page is some b's about Mj i just feel like burning all of them there and then!! Just makes you wanna Screeeeem!
Why nobody sues them for total BSs?
Well Michael probably believed that by suing them you just give them more attention and that's true, and it would have again taken so much time away... but I think Michael should have sued one or two succesfully and send a message...

I'll tell you a thing.
In my country there is a magazine called "Katso" - "Watch". A TV guide, that has been publishing since TV came popular in Finnish homes. It was subscribed from mother to daughter, father to son. Some years ago the owner must have changed and they changed the magazine, they made it into a horrible tabloid! People didn't like it and CANCELLED their decades long subcriptions! I don't know if this is what really happened but I know for sure many hated the magazine and stopped buying it. They were loosing and they had to stop the gossip/tabloid stuff.
Tabloids/gossip existed since the Hedda Hopper days in the 1920s. If it's been around all this time, they're not going anywhere. People like mess. People gossip about other people they work with or hang around and sometimes what they say isn't true.
The Sun is the worst. I heard the chiefman or something is the guy who owns FOX channels. Isn't he? Michael rejected to attend some sort of meetings offered by president Bush 1 and 2. Bush was elected thanks to Fox TV.
........ Fishy..

We have notified our Korean fans not to post any articles from the Sun anymore since Michae passed away.
The Sun make us sick. Tell him to go to H*ll.
Rupert Murdoch owns News Corp. which owns Fox and The Sun as well as just about any Newspaper in the world. But I don't think Murdoch tried to destroy Michael's public image through tabloid press because MJ denied a meeting with one of the Bush presidents. Michael did accept an award from President Bush (41) in 1990. Plus, Murdoch doesn't care that much about the Bush family that he'll destroy anyone who upsets them. Murdoch will work with whoever is in positions of power (like the US Presidency) to create a government-media partnership. He doesn't care about party or last name or anything like that. He's a total power whore who'll work with anyone.
wow thankyou for all your replys, this is very interesting. Ive just done a lil research on this Rupert Murdoch guy, Wikipedia is saying he is the 132nd-richest person in the world, i will do more!

My vision is for us to try to get the tabloids off the shelves, i know this sounds far-fetched, but i think we should try, we could maybe set up a POSITIVE NEWS newspaper, and spread it around, and try to peusade friends family, anyone u know who buys this crap, to stop in a nice way :D

Keep your comments coming

Thank you everyone!

Jackie xxxx
I think the UK tabloids are way worse. A lot of the stuff they come up with is just insane.
I don't know who's worst but the US may have more tabloid, also taboid tv like fox,cnn,
hnn, msnbc, cbnbc, inside edition, tmz, all that. Even main stram mags are tabloibish.
It seems that all news is tabloid when it comes to MJ, no legitimate sources, they make due with he said she said crap and run with it then all the other "news" outlets say the same thing or simply add the word "allegedly" to protect themselves. Even with other news these people have an agenda.
The United States, I believe, has some of the worst tabloids. I don't live in the United Kingdom, so I'm unsure about that, though I do believe they're bad over there, too. It seems people would do pretty much anything for money, even if it means destroying someone's life. It seems to be that way worldwide nowadays. I have a bad feeling in my stomach that it's just going to get more and more bizarre.
YES american and british tabloids are the worst!
the american tabloids destroyed Michael and the british ones destroyed Princess Diana, they are the 2 best examples of what tabloids can do to a person's life

and before anyone sayd we're guilty because we buy it - I don't buy any papers and don't watch tv, they never stick to presenting the facts they always try to influence people's perception a certain way and try to brainwash the public
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