Are some songs of Michael underrated?...

Essentially everything post-Bad is underrated. At that point, the world began to lose fixation on Michael Jackson the artist and started on Michael Jackson, the media caricature. Even album reviews started to lose focus and couldn't go more than a paragraph without mentioning the Elephant Man or plastic surgery or sleeping chambers. In truth, Michael's work in the '90s is arguably the best in his entire catalog. Critics are simply fixated on the idea that, not only can he not rejump that sales spark that he did with Thriller, but he couldn't make an album as charming as Thriller either.

Songs like Who Is It, Childhood, Tabloid Junkie, Morphine, Will You Be There, Stranger in Moscow and Little Susie blow me away, and it astounds me that these songs are not as recognized as songs like Billie Jean and The Way You Make Me Feel. (I understand that with all artists the songs that fare the best sales wise often see bigger exposure, but critics should delve further into Michael's catalog before daring to make the comment on his best song, just as they should with The Beatles or Jimi Hendrix or Johnny Cash.)
Someone Put Your Hand Out and On The Line are quite underated IMO. Actually i think its a shame they were released the way they were because they are two of his finest tracks IMO and should have been released officially on albums.
Heartbreak Hotel is underrated IMO both in the fanbase and outside. I guess it's because it's on a Jacksons album. But I think it's one of Michael's best compositions ever. And outside of the fan base it's hardly even known.
I think many people allowed themselves to be gullible believing every crap the media have said and like it or not, (I don't) Michael was affected in the sales since the Bad album. It's a very different thing just wanting to visit the hospital where Joseph Merrick was treated to see his remains and supposedly wanting to buy his bones. It pisses me off media succeeded to make some people to think Michael was an inhuman, criminal. :angry:
Butterflies. I often try to visualize what MJ would have created as a short film for it.
Heartbreak Hotel is underrated IMO both in the fanbase and outside. I guess it's because it's on a Jacksons album. But I think it's one of Michael's best compositions ever. And outside of the fan base it's hardly even known.

I always think of Heartbreak Hotel as a Michael Jackson song and not a Jackson's song
Heartbreak Hotel is incredible. Hearing Michael say that was how he envisioned music to be in the future was interesting. A story that you can hear going on in a song adds much more to it. Incredible track. Anything that doesn't involve the oh so amazing Quincy Jones is underrated purely because of the fact it is widely ignored and or criticized as the 'creative downfall he had.' Which is complete bull as the 90s was Michael's best work.
Heartbreak Hotel is underrated IMO both in the fanbase and outside. I guess it's because it's on a Jacksons album. But I think it's one of Michael's best compositions ever. And outside of the fan base it's hardly even known.

Yes, Heartbreak Hotel is a masterpiece.
Keep The Faith is another song which I think is underrated. When people talk about the Dangerous album it never get's mentioned
Keep The Faith is another song which I think is underrated. When people talk about the Dangerous album it never get's mentioned

It should have been a single from Dangerous IMO. And the title track too.
Even though it's from MJ's most popular album, Thriller. I've always felt that Baby Be Mine is very underrated
Essentially everything post-Bad is underrated. At that point, the world began to lose fixation on Michael Jackson the artist and started on Michael Jackson, the media caricature. Even album reviews started to lose focus and couldn't go more than a paragraph without mentioning the Elephant Man or plastic surgery or sleeping chambers. In truth, Michael's work in the '90s is arguably the best in his entire catalog. Critics are simply fixated on the idea that, not only can he not rejump that sales spark that he did with Thriller, but he couldn't make an album as charming as Thriller either.

Songs like Who Is It, Childhood, Tabloid Junkie, Morphine, Will You Be There, Stranger in Moscow and Little Susie blow me away, and it astounds me that these songs are not as recognized as songs like Billie Jean and The Way You Make Me Feel. (I understand that with all artists the songs that fare the best sales wise often see bigger exposure, but critics should delve further into Michael's catalog before daring to make the comment on his best song, just as they should with The Beatles or Jimi Hendrix or Johnny Cash.)

^^ Amen. Those songs you mentioned are some seriously great songs, and why people (music critics as well) don't recognize them as exactly that is beyond me.

Heartbreak Hotel is underrated IMO both in the fanbase and outside. I guess it's because it's on a Jacksons album. But I think it's one of Michael's best compositions ever. And outside of the fan base it's hardly even known.

I know right. It's surprising not alot of fans know that song. Even my mother didn't know of it until recently. She was like "What song is this? I've never heard it." And I was like, wow. She was born in '79 and didn't know it? My grandma had all the Jacksons records and played them around the it was very shocking she didn't know.

I do the same with Threatened. I would have LOVED a video for that song.

If Threatened had a video I'd probably fall out of my chair in excitement. It could've been a real neat video.

Keep The Faith is another song which I think is underrated. When people talk about the Dangerous album it never get's mentioned

True, true. That's actually my favorite song on that album. That and Who Is It. I feel both are underrated.
I think that because of the Bad Tour a lot more fans are more familiar with Heartbreak Hotel

and i really hate it when people call it This Place Hotel. It's Heartbreak Hotel damn it!
invincible is underrated. radio stations ignore it, that sux.

I remember reading somewhere that when Michael released the album he said it was too ahead of its time. People would not appreciate it the, but perhaps ten years down the road people would understand.

And thinking about it, Invincible does sound like a lot of the new music does. It is probably his most underrated album though. It kind of got buried underneath the whole thing with Sony and the 2005 trial. Which is a shame, it's great music.
I remember reading somewhere that when Michael released the album he said it was too ahead of its time. People would not appreciate it the, but perhaps ten years down the road people would understand.

And thinking about it, Invincible does sound like a lot of the new music does. It is probably his most underrated album though. It kind of got buried underneath the whole thing with Sony and the 2005 trial. Which is a shame, it's great music.

I did see that I'll have to find it for you. It was a video on youtube where theres was a interview with him saying how no one will understand what I did now, but that one day they will. In a way yes this is true, look at invincible, heartbreaker, threatended, and unbreakable. It's almost dubstep at somepoints, and I'd even argue that hreatbreaker is a precursor that could have infulenced dubstep. It's to bad how it's so under rated as a whole, it's 13 years old now and almost forgoten. I think with some promotion some tracks could even make the charts now.
Human Nature. I love this song. It's my favorite off of Thriller. I almost never hear it mentioned with the Thriller album.

Tabloid Junkie. His beatboxing is incredible on this song and the anger in his voice... it's great and it's really underrated.

Keep The Faith. My favorite track off the Dangerous album. It's just such a beautiful song with a beautiful message and should have gotten more exposure.

The entire Invincible album, I agree with what Michael said when he talked about it being ahead of its time. It sounds like something that could be charting right now. Unbreakable, Threatened and the rest of the tracks are brilliant.
oh I absolutely love "keep the faith". that song is just everything and more. and there's a lot of tracks on invincible that I love too.
A-lot of the songs on Invincible have a pop and rock to it that do make me think of modern music. GOOD modern music.
Rock my World is something I could see being released now and sky-rocketing to number 1.

Underrated songs?
Stranger in Moscow- However, I tend to notice that most people, fans and just listeners who like Human Nature, like Stranger in Moscow.
Smooth Criminal- I tend to think that the short film is more known and well liked, just because he did the lean.
Jam- An excellent song.
I think Keep The Faith is very underrated. It is just beautiful.
Mind is the magic is def slept on. The lyrics are thought provoking, mysterious and a bit eerie.

Come into me i know mystical gardens
Orchids and violets all mysteries are parted

I always envisoned this song being in Ghosts.