April 24 - 26 Weekend News Byte

^ yeh lol...im so confused on how and why they do that lol
The media hates that fact that they were not able to completely ruin Michael's legendary career. The responce from the tour has cemented that fact in their minds. So all they can do is insult him in articles, because they certainly can't ignore him anymore.
The media hates that fact that they were not able to completely ruin Michael's legendary career. The responce from the tour has cemented that fact in their minds. So all they can do is insult him in articles, because they certainly can't ignore him anymore.

bravo to every word of this post!
This is a joke! First my posts constantly get moved and now they are completely erased from existance. This doesn't bode well for the "Community" that is trying to be established here. No wonder I don't partcipate much…
Thriller LIVE Is Coming TO GERMANY
(26-4-2009) The highly acclaimed stage production 'Thriller Live' will travel to Munich, Germany this summer for 16 performances at the Deutsches Theater. The first show will be on July 21, 2009 and the final is scheduled for August 2, 2009.

For dates and ticket information visit the Deutsches Theater.

Thriller Live is a musical celebration featuring the hit songs of Michael Jackson & the Jackson 5.
Source: MJFC Germany / Deutsches Theater
^that is great that "thiller live" is coming to germany
it's those people who use the term 'former', that are in a true recession, cus they like to argue with success.
its even more obvious when they do it in an article where they are talking about 50 sold out shows. just shows their agenda even more
*Exclusive* Solange Opening For Michael Jackson?!?

Posted by Bossip Staff

Bossip just caught wind from a highly placed source that Solange may be one of the opening acts for Michael Jackson’s upcoming European tour:
Solange recently renewed a passport and is said to be in the last of negotiations to be the opening act for the European leg of Michael Jackson’s summer tour. The tour is set to start in London.
Wow, baby sis, that’s one helluva come up. We would hate, but what are we gonna say?
Bossip just caught wind from a highly placed source that Solange may be one of the opening acts for Michael Jackson’s upcoming European tour:

All of these HIGHLY PLACED SOURCES need to get on one page. LOL!

Because everytime you turn around they throw another name out there. Seems like all of the highly placed sources should have the same exact information. LOL!
*Exclusive* Solange Opening For Michael Jackson?!?

Posted by Bossip Staff

Bossip just caught wind from a highly placed source that Solange may be one of the opening acts for Michael Jackson’s upcoming European tour:
Solange recently renewed a passport and is said to be in the last of negotiations to be the opening act for the European leg of Michael Jackson’s summer tour. The tour is set to start in London.
Wow, baby sis, that’s one helluva come up. We would hate, but what are we gonna say?

Again, I just kind of think this is not really true and just the press running away with themselves again.
well, their title openly admits that they are a gossip column.

Sometimes I think it's the PEOPLE for a certain artist, in this case Solange, who feed these little "untrue" tidbits to these little gossip sites in hopes that their respective client get's a little buzz from the media.

I mean, if you want to get some press for a person who really get's no press. All you have to do is attach MJ's name to that particular person. It's like magic. LOL!
We'll see.... he had DJ Bobo open for him at some point, so anything is possible. :lol: Besides, Solange would be an upgrade from Akon lol
We'll see.... he had DJ Bobo open for him at some point, so anything is possible. :lol: Besides, Solange would be an upgrade from Akon lol

Hate akon, don't mind solange. But shes not known here, and is nothing but Beyonces sister. So not really sure if its an upgrade. At least Akon is known..
I suppose it will be report straight up to opening night that eveybody and their mama's will be opening for MJ!
*Exclusive* Solange Opening For Michael Jackson?!?

Posted by Bossip Staff

Bossip just caught wind from a highly placed source that Solange may be one of the opening acts for Michael Jackson’s upcoming European tour:
Solange recently renewed a passport and is said to be in the last of negotiations to be the opening act for the European leg of Michael Jackson’s summer tour. The tour is set to start in London.
Wow, baby sis, that’s one helluva come up. We would hate, but what are we gonna say?

i pray this isnt true. i listened 2her album twice and @ 1st i thought it was good...then su,where down the line i jsut cudt deal with it..if this is true,ill be sure to take a long bathroom break lol
I don't know if I could take listening to So-long-to-my-career Knowles, for about 45mins-1hr. Not my cup of tea..Just play his videos, The Wiz, and Moonwalker for the opening act.lol