
Thank you so much :D
I know Michael "missed" me , I "missed" him too :ninja:

Yeah.. I had been here before in a very short time only. :D And thank you for telling me that :wub: that's so sweet of you.
naaaaughty :lol:
Yeah, it's for everyone, although at the beginning you might get a weird feeling - it's cause we all know each other,
and most of us was hanging out here since August/September last year.
So there's a lot of 'history' but we welcome new apples to the apple family :D
It's for fun. Created for drolling over Mike in our little corner, because we can get a bit naughty, and we wanted to hide it away from the mainstream threads lol!
and play, and tease, and have fun. There's a list of who owns what eras of Mike (needs to be updated tho) and we fight over it for fun too.

Anyway, sit down and have fun... when it gets more lively :)
Just to clarify :)

JAG: GITM, Dangerous teaser and Ghosts (with loving agreement from Calla )
Limony: Smooth ass: Smooth Criminal video, snipets in the movie, making of - and I love SC performances as well from all tours. Yeah.
Michelle (Monky): Superbowl, All heal the world if unclaimed, including heal the world hilarious gifs and she noms on dangerous.
Ash: ITC
Britt: Whazupwithyou
Tom: Janet
Kane: sometimes drolls over Janet as well and HISTORY teaser
Adore: Crying Whales (EARTH SONG), WII and Pepsi conference and Barbara Walters (with Callie)
Dani: TII conference and WMA 2006 and older Mike going by the name of PERFECT MAN in general especially all of it while Myas isn't here
Clara that is not Clara: EO
BES - Bad era n general - Bes has not been here for a long time, but still no one is brave enough to try and claiM bad Mike
Sham: Ghosts (with Callie), Dangerous performance, Oprah (with Callie) and 1995 happy Mike
HB - who has not been here for long as well - perfect boyfriend aka Off the Wall and Thriller era - Off the wall shared with Lon and MjStan
London - our momma - Mike since he was born up to Thriller era. And Marlon (random )
Calla aka Drug King (rather queen, but who cares? ) or pimp ( ) Black Panther aka Black or White, 10 mtv anniv. Mike, Ghosts (shared), Barbara Walters (shared), Ophra (shared) and I am very frendly with myBOTDF twins...
PG13 Uncle Applehead with 3T and Dangerous MEXICO. No drolling over it.
MJStan our writer of stories claims all possible afro Mikes and she's very, very dangerous
Serenity - RTT video, performances and all shining guards and turtle necks
HERSTORY: Janet gravy and mash plus Scream video!
Emerald loves her some beatboxing Mike from 96 I believe
Laura_Jo (yeah, wheatbix was here) - Spanish mullet I guess
Andrea MJTabloidJunkie - TDCAU Mike and cheeks
There was a lovely girl here from Norway that claimed Stranger in Moscow making off as well. Don't remember the name...
MYAS - baby daddy Mike (apparently she claims 1997 - 2009 excluding TII and stuff owned by Danielle and others I see you Barbara Walters interivew peeps! And Dani taking care )


awww im still not on this list, im sure i own 97 up to baby daddy - i know its only like 6 weeks lol and i own all of lisa, and kane owns debbie
can we get a list update?? lol

ok lemme try and update:

Jagster : GITM, Dangerous teaser and Ghosts (with loving agreement from Calla )
Limony: Smooth ass: Smooth Criminal video, snipets in the movie, making of - and she loves SC performances as well from all tours. Yeah. - and secretly drolls over badtour
Michelle (Monky): Superbowl, All heal the world if unclaimed, including heal the world hilarious gifs and she noms on dangerous.
Ash: ITC Mike
Britt Błyskawica: Whazupwithyou & Smooth Criminal 1997 History Tour is rented to her as well by Limony
Tom Tomlette Smurf :p: Janet gravy and mash and all that :p
Kane Kanevsky: OWNS DEBBIE! sometimes drolls over Janet as well and HISTORY teaser
Adore Adorcita, Adoar: Crying Whales (EARTH SONG), WII and Pepsi conference and Barbara Walters (with Callie)
Dani: TII conference and WMA 2006 and older Mike going by the name of PERFECT MAN in general especially all of it while Myas isn't here
Clara that is not Clara: EO and secretly drolls over badtour
BES Besito- Bad era in general - Bes has not been here for a long time, but still no one is brave enough to try and claim bad Mike
Sham Shammypoo, Shamonade Ghosts (with Callie), Dangerous performance, Oprah (with Callie) and 1995 happy Mike
HB - who has not been here for long as well - perfect boyfriend aka Off the Wall and Thriller era - Off the wall shared with Lon and MjStan
London Lon, Londress - our momma - Mike since he was born up to Thriller era. And Marlon (random )
Calla aka Drug King (rather queen, but who cares? ) or pimp ( ) Black Panther aka Black or White, 10 mtv anniv. Mike, Ghosts (shared), Barbara Walters (shared), Ophra (shared) and she is very friendly with BOTDF twins :)
PG13 Paulita Uncle Applehead with 3T and Dangerous MEXICO. No drolling over it.
and secretly drolls over badtour (AND NOT SO SECRETLY TOO :p)
MJStan Stanie, Orieour writer of stories claims all possible afro Mikes and she's very, very dangerous
Serenity Jessinita - RTT video, performances and all shining guards and turtle necks
HERSTORY: Janet gravy and mash plus Scream video!
Emerald loves her some beatboxing Mike from 96 I believe
Laura_Jo petal :) (yeah, wheatbix was here) - Spanish mullet I guess
Andrea MJTabloidJunkie aka GoldenLady ;) - TDCAU Mike and cheeks
There was a lovely girl here from Norway that claimed Stranger in Moscow making off as well. Don't remember the name...
MYAS - baby daddy Mike (apparently she claims 1997 - 2009 excluding TII and stuff owned by Danielle and others -
I see you Barbara Walters interivew peeps! And Dani taking care of perfect man when left alone)


is there anyone else that needs an update?? am I missing anything?
Jess I know you're not on this list but I couldn't remember if you claimed anything?
MJStarlight owns Mike Disney and Peter Pan I guess :D at least by tradition, even if she didn't claim
Last edited:
Because you haven't 'claimed' anything yet, Suzie :)
You need to claim a Mike to 'own' = it's a game we play, started a long time ago.
This is tricky now as you can't claim a Mike that 'belongs' to someone else, if you do that you risk being 'killed' :p

(any old apples to help me explaining stuff?)
Yeah, it's for everyone, although at the beginning you might get a weird feeling - it's cause we all know each other,
and most of us was hanging out here since August/September last year.
So there's a lot of 'history' but we welcome new apples to the apple family :D
It's for fun. Created for drolling over Mike in our little corner, because we can get a bit naughty, and we wanted to hide it away from the mainstream threads lol!
and play, and tease, and have fun. There's a list of who owns what eras of Mike (needs to be updated tho) and we fight over it for fun too.

Anyway, sit down and have fun... when it gets more lively :)

Yeah.. the thread is almost about everything.. like chat room.. you can talk about everything :D
Because you haven't 'claimed' anything yet, Suzie :)
You need to claim a Mike to 'own' = it's a game we play, started a long time ago.
This is tricky now as you can't claim a Mike that 'belongs' to someone else, if you do that you risk being 'killed' :p

(any old apples to help me explaining stuff?)

I get it now.... I guess :D lol ?

Okay... I don't .. sorry :blush:
Because you haven't 'claimed' anything yet, Suzie :)
You need to claim a Mike to 'own' = it's a game we play, started a long time ago.
This is tricky now as you can't claim a Mike that 'belongs' to someone else, if you do that you risk being 'killed' :p

(any old apples to help me explaining stuff?)
Kill me, I claim all of Michael :wub:
When I have more time, I will find you a few posts back in the history of the thread, maybe they will explain better. Or someone can help! I'm not that good at explaining :)

Don't worry really... I'll try to look at it too.. I am also really bad to explain things :D
Wow, all these pages! Makes me feel all giddy :giggle:

I think it's possible on Skype... if not maybe we could mic chat through Ventrilo? :)
Whether I'd be up for webcam chatting is another matter :blush: Whats the date of the aniv.? :)

Edit: Ah I see Mish :)

Oh gosh, I don't even have Ventrilo anymore :lol:

if we could do a webcam group chat, that would be EPIC!!! :cheers: i have no idea if that's possible though :mello: or we could just do a regular msn (or whatever program) type of chat although those can get confusing! :scratch: hmmm will definitely need celebration :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

it's august 5th right? that's during my week off/moving week :D

I have a webcam on my MacBook but haven't a clue how to use it :lol: Not sure if I'd feel comfortable using it anyway though. It'd be freat for all of us to get online at once and chat and celebrate though :) I'm pretty much free in early August but I will be in Pennsylvania the 12th through the 14th. Come to think of it I was in Pennsylvania when I got the invite to this thread :D
ok lemme try and update:

Jagster : GITM, Dangerous teaser and Ghosts (with loving agreement from Calla )
Limony: Smooth ass: Smooth Criminal video, snipets in the movie, making of - and she loves SC performances as well from all tours. Yeah. - and secretly drolls over badtour
Michelle (Monky): Superbowl, All heal the world if unclaimed, including heal the world hilarious gifs and she noms on dangerous.
Ash: ITC Mike
Britt Błyskawica: Whazupwithyou & Smooth Criminal 1997 History Tour is rented to her as well by Limony
Tom Tomlette Smurf :p: Janet gravy and mash and all that :p
Kane Kanevsky: OWNS DEBBIE! sometimes drolls over Janet as well and HISTORY teaser
Adore Adorcita, Adoar: Crying Whales (EARTH SONG), WII and Pepsi conference and Barbara Walters (with Callie)
Dani: TII conference and WMA 2006 and older Mike going by the name of PERFECT MAN in general especially all of it while Myas isn't here
Clara that is not Clara: EO and secretly drolls over badtour
BES Besito- Bad era in general - Bes has not been here for a long time, but still no one is brave enough to try and claim bad Mike
Sham Shammypoo, Shamonade Ghosts (with Callie), Dangerous performance, Oprah (with Callie) and 1995 happy Mike
HB - who has not been here for long as well - perfect boyfriend aka Off the Wall and Thriller era - Off the wall shared with Lon and MjStan
London Lon, Londress - our momma - Mike since he was born up to Thriller era. And Marlon (random )
Calla aka Drug King (rather queen, but who cares? ) or pimp ( ) Black Panther aka Black or White, 10 mtv anniv. Mike, Ghosts (shared), Barbara Walters (shared), Ophra (shared) and she is very friendly with BOTDF twins :)
PG13 Paulita Uncle Applehead with 3T and Dangerous MEXICO. No drolling over it.
and secretly drolls over badtour (AND NOT SO SECRETLY TOO :p)
MJStan Stanie, Orieour writer of stories claims all possible afro Mikes and she's very, very dangerous
Serenity Jessinita - RTT video, performances and all shining guards and turtle necks
HERSTORY: Janet gravy and mash plus Scream video!
Emerald loves her some beatboxing Mike from 96 I believe
Laura_Jo petal :) (yeah, wheatbix was here) - Spanish mullet I guess
Andrea MJTabloidJunkie aka GoldenLady ;) - TDCAU Mike and cheeks
There was a lovely girl here from Norway that claimed Stranger in Moscow making off as well. Don't remember the name...
MYAS - baby daddy Mike (apparently she claims 1997 - 2009 excluding TII and stuff owned by Danielle and others -
I see you Barbara Walters interivew peeps! And Dani taking care of perfect man when left alone)


is there anyone else that needs an update?? am I missing anything?
Jess I know you're not on this list but I couldn't remember if you claimed anything?
MJStarlight owns Mike Disney and Peter Pan I guess :D at least by tradition, even if she didn't claim

omg thankyou so much, i love you xxxxxxxx