Hmmmmm was thinking about seeing Paul in UK actually...
I bet it would be such an amazing experience, to see him live in UK, with the British crowd. Dunno. If I have any ideas, I'll pm!
And BCN... :cheers: and everything...!!! And I will wish you luck before you go, but even now already, GOOD LUCK to you for the interivew!
I miss you :weeping:
I'm seriously bummed since you left, can't find myself place, can't do work :weeping:
come back!!!! :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: :heart::heart::heart::heart:
Everybody, proof that Callie really was in Ireland: Callie and her Guiness :cheeky:
I wanna stay avec toi for at least one night! and get drunk! and droll on Mike! and do something with Joseph for that time, I don't know what yet
We might wanna spend some time alone with Barcelona too during that weekend, but we will juggle it and I'm DEFINITELY seeing you!!!!!!
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: