

Kane :ciao: Haven't seen you in a while.

Yeah, just been a little busy. I probably won't be around much until the whole Murray thing is over - not that I don't want to support Michael getting justice. I can just imagine how this place is gonna' get.

Anyway, how is everybody doing? :D

It needs more Bacon. :cheeky: :giggle:
Nah sorry Limon. I can remove them though, and at the moment can add 5 more. That changes depending on how many there currently is. If theres any pointless ones I can delete them for you.

Thanks for the Janet anyway :D
You can just stay in Appleheads like most of us were doing all the time anyway.

Yeah, I probably will. I very rarely venture out of Random Thoughts anyway :giggle:

Those tags :lol: "Possessive bitches"! :rofl: :lol:
Britt do you still have the British Bubblewrap I sent before Christmas? :ninja:

He's looking at you girls ;)


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OH MY GOD!!!!!!.......:wild:

i see.....i...i...i see....much....much...emmm....mmmm...ummm....i see.....oh my GOD!! I CAN'T EVEN SPEAK!! I have seen this pix before , but....i think it wasn't SO BIG o_O ...:wild: I MEANT THE PIX of course...........:wub:

xDDDD there a Manhood Thread.....?? :ninja::wild:
I just would like to know of course, it's just a matter of information ^^