
I have a couple more from that shoot too. Assuming you haven't already got/seen them :)



Play # 6 begun with all apples getting drunk with strangers in a nice pub around the corner :cheers:
As we all know some apples like some good apple alcohol…


Our apples however, got really drunk that night and possibly got to sleep in a pub.
They wake up on the following day with a big headache :shout:
The pub was absolutely empty… :ninja:

They had nothing to do, but to come back homes. But as they went out they noticed they are in a place they didn’t know. This was a strange little town. And the strangest thing about it… it was completely e m p t y…


And here is when panic begun :shout: !!

@Dani got scared and jumped on her shadow :ninja:, she noticed she was all alone. She was in a state of panic :shout:. Shaking like a leaf Suddenly heard a noise. She lookd for it and found out that those were shops alarms switched on by Jacy.

@Michelle tried to knock on doors of strangers, but noone opened. She wandered around trying to find clues as to where she was... looked in mailboxes for mail to see the language/addresses??? :unsure: She tried and find somewhere where she could hang out... an library??? :unsure: antique shop??? :unsure: Michelle saw something shining from the distance and though this must have been an important building in the town (lirbrary?!) She walked there and suddenly she bumped into Tom, who has a nice accent :huggy: :naughty:

@Tom begun to sprint down the street. Sweat was dripping from my forehead from the anxiety. While running he knocked to the doors, but noone opened. He reached the end of the street and suddenly saw the door of one building slightly opened. There was something shining from the inside that made him blind for a second. Grimacing after that flash of bright light, Tom opened his eyes as the night sky cleansed his pupils. Sighing and taking a deep breath, he slowly and nervously slumped to the ground and rested his head in his hands... he felt that nobody was there.
This is how he was found by Michelle

@Jacy At first she cried, but then she decided to walked around and look for some clothes :lol:. She figured out that shops would be empty as well :lmao: She went to the big shopping center. It was empty, but as soon as she got in all alarms switched on :shout:
Jacy feelt she wouldn’t get in trouble, tho. She stated to try on different clothes :girl:
Jacy meets Daniin there :better:

@Paulita decided to knock on the doors. She tried to use her mobile, but it didn’t work. She could only hear a soft well-known voice saying:

"In Our Darkest Hour
In My Deepest Despair
Will You Still Care?
Will You Be There?
In My Trials
And My Tripulations
Through Our Doubts
And Frustrations
In My Violence
In My Turbulence
Through My Fear
And My Confessions
In My Anguish And My Pain
Through My Joy And My Sorrow
In The Promise Of Another Tomorrow
I'll Never Let You Part
For You're Always In My Heart..."

Pauilta didn’t know if she was in heaven :heaven: or if it was just a cruel joke :unsure:
She kept walking through streets of the town looking for a house with the light inside :ninja: she found the house and Tom and Michelle in front of it as well!! :bounce:

@ Dani & Jacy Dani asked Jacy many questions, but Jacy didn’t know the answers as well. She got a bit out of a pace and talked about aliens, dogs and Will Smith :mellow:? … Dany broke down and started to cry :boohoo boohoo :boohoo

@Michelle & Tom – they quickly became friends and decided they need to act together :huggy: :cheers: :bounce: Tom’s accent was playing an important role in this friendship :naughty: :woohoo: Anyways, they decided to go into the house with the light inside to check what was going on there :ninja: :ninja: They met Paulita who came there looking for a house with the light inside :hug: :hug: :hug: They were not alone any more...

@Dani suddenly Dani heard a smooth well-known voice quietly asking ‘help me…’ ‘find a little boy and help me…’… Dani remembered him… It had been her summer l.o.v.e. :heart:


Summer L.o.v.e and Dani saw a house with the light and went that direction. It was pretty hard to walk and kiss and :censored: at the same time, so they were not very fast, but you have to forgive them. You know… l.o.v.e :blush: :wub:
Dani went into the light house and met Michelle, Tom & Paulita inside :hug:
Btw Dani was followed all the time by her Summer L.o.v.e


@Michelle, Tom & Paulita Michelle grabed Tom, who talked random things to her all the way to the house. They took Paulita with them. As they went in, they saw the stairway and ran to the top floor. They met Dani inside :hug:

@eStyle was in the empty town as well :ninja:. He walked around and saw a reflection of cool video concert he’d seen the last night.


Suddenly he noticed a shining house and some people standing around it.
eStyle tried to go inside the house, but must have had too much of an alcohol and he saw a drunken guy instead of other people inside :p :lmao: :rofl: :hysterical: He kept walking around. He saw an old Theater and didn’t decide yet if he wants to go in or not :unsure:
(eStyle just a lil hint- I am telling what you see or meet,
otherwise the play will make no sense.
You say what you do, what you think and how you feel, ok? :) )

@Dani, Michelle, Tom & Paulita – they went up the stairs and saw a small room with one chair and only one window.


There was a sad little boy sitting on this chair :cry:


Boy told them that his magic dancing shoes were stolen from him and that J. would get very angry if he couldn’t dance on the next show :cry:.
His shoes were black and were signed his name inside… … … :fortuneteller:

@Britt was staring through the window and decided to help everyone :ninja: As she is a whore :p she knows how to find her way through the streets of any town :p :p :p
Suddenly she met this guy…


He was with his friend Eddie, who tried to make friends with her, but Britt wanted only this dancing dark eyed guy… :give_heart:

You all decided you would go out and look for boy’s shoes to help him out :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

The 2nd part of the Play # 6 begins tomorrow at 23:00 my time, 22:00 London/Dublin/Madrit time, 18:00 New York time :shout: :shout: :shout:

what will happendedthis time?
What will you decide to do?
Who would you meet?
and finally... will you manage to help the boyout?????


Michelle I cut off the story of you and Superbowl, because we will make a better one, all right? :naughty: That one wasn’t planned :mellow:

See you soon!!
Last edited:
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: excellent recap from work callie!!! :lol: now i know what my mom's kids do :ninja: :ninja: :ninja:

in other news, :ciao:

:wub:LOve you!!!!:wub:

THANKS SWEETS LOVE YA MORE :wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub:

:hug: :hug: :hug:


Crazy wendijane has decided to join us once again! :toofunny: Heya!

yes yes yes yes?

She isn't here anymore :weeping:


Hi :waving: PG3 :)
Hi Pearhead :hug:

Hi everyone :tease: *goes to read Callie's recap*
I am slightly on the way tobeing seriously drunk, so i will just have the one glass britt!!! :)

Me and mum had MSG up so freaking loud all the windows open (even though it was frezing) And bogggied on down!!! :dancin: I also want to add i forgot how much shaggy scares me!!! I mean seriously man dont be trying the whole thrustingn thing when u are in the presence of the man who MADE thrusting into a whole new thing!!! Its quite funny though that Shaggy does it and then Michael perfomrns and does it right its just like "Shaggy you just got served"
Here it is in full :cheeky:
my first poster of Michael :heart: :heart: :heart:

I have a couple more from that shoot too. Assuming you haven't already got/seen them :)

:wild: :wild: :wild: :wild: :wild: :wild: :wild: :wild:

She isn't here anymore :weeping:
no?... so I still have to miss her...? :weeping:

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: excellent recap from work callie!!! :lol: now i know what my mom's kids do :ninja: :ninja: :ninja:

in other news, :ciao:
I am not at work :unsure: I went there, had strong pain and nearly fainted and my colleague drove me home... :puke: but I am all right now. And I could do that recup, so it all turned to be a good thing :giggle: :giggle: :giggle:

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

apples I corrected the recup, there were too many mistakes :giggle: my mind is still walking on the moon :stars: sorry for that! :give_heart:
Pepsi Gold? Looks like piss :puke:


Whatta lovely way to wake up in the morning.........

i love to have my breakfast ready.....^^


GOod MorninG AppleS frOm the Sunny Spain!! ;)

:dribble: yes that was beautiful to see this morning thank you!!!! :clapping: :clapping:

1 - I bet we gonna like you all too but we have to act as bitches at the beginning to ensure that we will keep our bitching status
:tease: :tease: :tease: (just kidding)

2 - Some of us have bfs for that too, which does not exclude drolling, getting overventilated overecxited and extremely hot :heat:
while looking @ hot Mikka :p We just hide our laptops the moment the boyfriends arrive :p

3 - we have tons of inside jokes in here so coming in at the beginning might prove a bit difficult -
but we create them as we go, so you won't even notice when you gonna get it all :yes:

4 - we have rules of 'ownership' (meaning we 'own' certain eras or videos) - they are a bit mixed up too :p we even had a line of heritage here and there and we borrow and lend and steal and get beaten up for it. So if you see someone coming with a hammer freezer nails machine guns and beating the crap outta the other one, it's all with LOVE. Only in this thread :angel::angel::angel:
btw I don't think you'll be wanting to step into anyone's era but just saying :p and Janet is here too so be aware.

5 - We really try to keep it civil and not use the faul language or talk about sex all the time. We are also failing miserably at that.

6 - I think this one is most important...

This place is our escape after June 2009. Our family :heart: Our home:heart: Our friends circle:heart: Our oasis:heart:
We all came here to laugh, droll, dance, party, drink together, share - to forget what happened. We all made friends.
We do everything humanly possible to keep it free from sadness, investigations, rumours, bad stuff.
If anyone here feels depressed or unhappy, we will always help, like a friend, but we try to be very uplifting and positive in here

:D here, have an apple now :) SIT DOWN WITH US AND PARTY :)

strong work!!!! :clapping: :clapping: (and with adding/revising the ownership list wowza lots of work!!!)


im watching you monky! :mello::rofl:


£259 pounds!!! :bugeyed:bugeyed







adrian is into golden showers? :unsure: :puke:





and to answer your question, i would be only if it was from mike no joke :mello:

Britt, freezer now!!
Whore :coffee:


I have run out of alcohol :( I hate it when that happens!!

