
emerald hey!!! :hug:


:wild: what's up girl? :) did you realize that was your 1000th post! :wild:
emerald hey!!! :hug:


:wild: what's up girl? :) did you realize that was your 1000th post! :wild:

Awww I didn't! But I couldn't have posted my 1000th post in a better thread. :)
How are you? Thank you so much for the pic. :) So sweet.
I'm so tired, bed is calling soon!

Hiya 8701. I'm well and you?
What do you guys think of the Grammys Lifetime Achievement Award thing?

I think its cool, but a lil too late though. It would have been better if that award was given to michael when he was alive, but oh well..go figure!
:ciao: i am excited!!! :dancing:

i get to go to an interview on friday, just found out today :D sooo nervous though :mello:

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Yay!!! :cheers: Good luck with the interview, but im sure u will do great :D
Oh best of luck with your interview Adrian!!!! I definitely understand your nervousness, but you'll be fine. =] I cannot wait for Friday!
an actualy convo on msn with monky about chickens some how turned into this..... :mello:

Britt says:
the thing that goes cluck cluck
its got feathas
lays eggs
people eat both.......
hey now heres a question
if all the chickens and all the eggs were taken off the earth.....would there still be eggs and chickens to eat?
monky says:
how is that a question
Britt says:
cause people say neither the chicken or the egg came in the absence of both you think it would just happen?
monky says:
however, they are making lab-grown meat these days
so hypothetically, they could make chicken parts from chicken cells
without killing chickens
Britt says:
could they make an egg too?
so we would have to wait for the chicken to make an egg
monky says:
Britt says:
but then wait a minute
monky says:
the chicken would just be a chicken piece
Britt says:
how would the chicken just come?
monky says:
no reproductiveorgans
Britt says:
in an egg
so the egg has to be first?
monky says:
i have no fucking clue
i dont like chickens they scare me lol
or eggs
Britt says:
how bout the chicken and the turkey
monky says:
Britt says:
how bout they get together
you think they would make a turducken?
there has to be a duck in there
so the turkey, the duck, and the chicken have a 3 way.......tada turducken egg

omg i can't believe you posted that :doh:

obviously, i'm the sane one in that conversation :coffee: :ninja: :fear:
Is that a promise :naughty:

Yes :coffee:

Why dont you ever make anything up for me? :mello:

Ok bai :mello:

-the looney gurl :mello:

Cuz that would be wierd :coffee:

Cause you dont talk dirty to him :coffee:

Oh yeah and that :coffee:

Oh but I do. :bugeyed

*disappears pooff*

No you dont :coffee:

Then you dont do it right :coffee:


an actualy convo on msn with monky about chickens some how turned into this..... :mello:



*cough*freak*cough* :angel:



Look at that hottest rawwrrrrr smile! *melts into a pool*

Not Claritaaaaaaaaa!!!
He was a music philosopher on pop and he study the cultural shock and importance on Michael on Objetice basis........ it was kinda weird but interesting:mello: is loooooooooooong to expaind... he wrote a book his name is PETER SZENDY

wanna know more *nerd* linkage Paula!!!

it's cheaper online :mello: plus i have to travel to get to any decent shops since there's nothing in this town :mello: and i hate christmas shopping since i never find what i want and end up having to lump for something not as good :mello: oh and i also hate queuing to pay :mello:


:weeping: I miss BES :weeping:

Ok mazanas I am going toooooooooooo!!!!
But here is some presis before!!!
LY Most!!!




*melts again, what a beautiful day* :wub:

:ciao: i am excited!!! :dancing:

i get to go to an interview on friday, just found out today :D sooo nervous though :mello:

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

You'll do JUST GREAT :bounce:

night emerald sweet dreams :)


he wants to go to bed with you? :ninja:

*sigh* London *sigh*

an actualy convo on msn with monky about chickens some how turned into this..... :mello:


The last 2 lines :lmao:

What is this about a duck, a turkey and a chicken having a three way???..... :blink: