

Coming back since I am busy NOT doing school work. ^_^ Well I'm working on it on the side...kinda.

My dad who teaches pre-school just got an ipod and asked me for all my MJ CD's to put on it. :lol: He likes to play music for the kids, he was like "No 'I'm really really bad' stuff though..." :( How else will the kids learn that synchronized dancing with smokey bronze eyes is a fool proof way to end conflicts?

Lol i couldnt even read your post correctly that little kid is cracking me up :rofl:

LOL exactly!
if kids these days had learned all you gotta do is throw on some buckles and chains, look sexy as HELL and dance around we'd have a lot less violence in school :coffee:


I miss Krakow so much! I need to f fly in November otherwise I'll go crazy here! they are such sweet peeps when it comes to all things Michael... That grafitti.. where is it? Is it next to the students dorms, like the last time? :huggy: & I did not recognize Natalia Kukulska GEEZZ she changed!!! :)
ilymoar sis :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
AAAAAA yes you have to come to visit me!! definitely!! :woohoo:
Today I saw a big posters on a bookstore: they are selling Moonwalk there. The big bookstore filled out with Moonwalk :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: I was so crazy about it and then I realized... it's in translation... it's not the original english version... it's in polish... :weeping:

Crying Whales got ya!

I just remember being completely hipnotized by Smooth Criminal as a child.
You could kick me, I would just fall flat with my eyes still fixed on tv :hysterical:
And I was actually capable of doing moonwalk which I learned from SC!
I remember that I must have seen Motown 25 like once maybe when I was small... not more than that.
In general it was extremely hard to get anything - books videos etc. - back then in Poland. We had illegal music cassettes - cause for some time that was the only available thing on the market! Ah the 80ties PRE-INTERNET ERA! you were spending your life videotaping all those moments on tv!

When we got proper MTV in Poland in 1990s I watched b/w over and over and over again. I hated morphing faces though, they were weird...
And I wasn't lucky enough - as Callie was - to catch that one black panther show before it got censored.
That was the moment that Callie, about 8 at the time, became a PERVERT and talked to me OVER AND OVER about the black panther and I had no idea what she meant :lmao: As you see, she still has a sentiment :cheeky:
:lol:I confirm what Limon said! I rememeber explaining to her that Smooth Ass acutally IS Michael Jaxon, but she kept talking about him as he was someone different... :lmao:

And now I have a book about Arsene Lupin, the French character, gentelman & criminal and I keep seeing in my imagination the picture of Smooth Criminal when I read it. 23 volumes about his smooth ass adventures! I recommend to everyone!!!!!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

and Limon is very right about me seeing black panter. I was very little when I saw it. And I kept talking to Limon about him over and over again. But then, the video was nowhere to get and I somehow forgot... but I still had such a big sentiment to black panthers - but I didn't know where does my sentiment comes from! I really kept taling about black panthers and people changing into black panthers and I kept describing my imaginary perfect bf that way... No lies So when Internet era arrived and I saw the black panther again I was so shocked, amuzed, mesmerized! I found the missing element and I could understand myself better! :wub: :wub: :wub: He took me straight to Callie's heaven :angel:

hmmm....i 'd have the first mj thing i watched was smooth criminal history tour munich on youtube. i was like "hot dayum look at him dance." at the time i payed no attention to the pants :mello: after that id say motown 25 then i really got into mj. after seeing everything like bow for the first time unedited i nearly exploded :fear: "thats it im done..." i love smooth criminal but i dare not express my inner feelings on the subject :mello: it my favorite short film and i'll leave it at that before im run over with a mac truck :mello:
:lol: Smooth Criminal is so perfect... :heart:
but I still prefer the video than his live performance of it...

just love :lol:

i dare not even utter trying to steal anything in this thread. i will have my life threatened at least 8 times if i were to say something like:

*steals mike in general which includes any and all eras*

.................wait :mello:
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: you made me laugh girllll! You're so sweet!!!!! :D

Those crying whales and elephants got me! :weeping:


'Mikka glances beyond the stars and cares about the animals and he wants to help the crying whales with his magic, when can I marry him plz' :weeping:

I remember taping stuff off the radio! :hysterical: the radio guy would always talk over the end of the song and ruin it :mello:

Calla saw the panther dance premiere? :weeping: I remember the first time I saw the unedited version, lawdy :heat:
OMG @ crying whales and elephants :hysterical: I remember watching ES video and being fascinated by this wind that is blowing so strong that he has to hold himself to tree. And I was thinking: 'My god, that wind has never happend to me. He is lucky, tho! I stands between two trees as if they were growing there on purpose" :lmao:

I saw a panther dance premiere, but later I was not able to locate it. My life was so empty without my black kitten :weeping:

morning applettes!

gosh i feel silly cause i was 11 when thriller came out and it scared me.. the part where he changed into the werewolf made me scream and run from the room. of course i kept watching from around the corner :lmao: but it scared me! and the zombies.. on hell no.. this was back when shit like dawn of the dead was coming out for the first time.. that shit scared me outta my mind..

then to see Billie jean first the first time, i was in love :heart:

i was lucky and saw the preimier of Bow .. before they censored it :heat:

some days i do hate being my age but then when you guys metnion this stuff it makes me happy i was a teenager when this stuff came out and its all good memories :wub:
:lol: at first I didn't get that he's changed into Zombie... I was like: "uh he looks so ill and those shadows under his eyes... is he ill?" :weeping:
I luv BJ video. I luv the idea and the lights turning on. I was watching it like :wild:. I remember thinking: "I want to have the same lights as he do. But I don't have them. How can I fix it?" :p
Ah JAG you saw the premiere as well... :hi:

hahahaha, i will say that 90% of them were that type. I have had a couple that didn't fit, but it's a very low percentage! :lol:
jealous! :p

I swear I don't know how old I was wehn I first saw Thriller. I had to have seen it when it first came out. If not, soon after. I just don't remember. And OMG Heather, Dawn of the Dead has to be one of the best horror movies ever made! :bounce:

I remember watching the premiere of BOW. It was simulcasted on four stations, and I remember everyone making a big stink out of the ending. I honestly saw nothing wrong with it. I hadn't started appreciating his hotness yet (I was like 11 or 12) and thought the crotch grabbing and shit was actually pretty funny. I saw the ITC premiere too.
hmmm... wait... you hadn't started appreciating his hotness yet? after seeing the premiere. I was about 8 when I saw it and I clearly remember appreciating his hotness :heat: ... don't tell me I am the pervert, please... :angel: ... well, anyways, it's Mike's fault, I was just an innocent child :angel: (does anyone believe me???) :p :p :p :p :p :p :p

Back! :girl_dance:
and Herstory!the first gif you posted, when you said you were back... there is some perfection in motion...! OMG!!!!!!!!!! :in_love:

Lol the zipper isnt that bad im more scared of rides like this

yes those people are just dangling over an effing tower like 900 ft in the air

OMFG, plz, I could ride that all day long without even blinking.
I love rides like that.
I can ride the zipper now that I am older. I had a very very bad time on it when I was 8.
After last night, I'm over it. Just wish my lil sister lived here. We always went on rides together.
I still feel :puke: after all the food though.
I had 2 cheese-on-a-stick, 1 gyro with cucumber sauce :lmao: 1 cherry blow pop, 1 pickle, 1 funnel cake, and 1 large bag of cotton candy, plus a 24 OZ Pepsi. :mello:
Hachi :weeping: my pants melted off but you are still a traitor :weeping:
Hachi... when you say zipper all I can think of is... you're with me guuuurrrlll? :giggle:

LOL he shoulda just left it down and let mike jr. have his solo :shifty:

OMFG, plz, I could ride that all day long without even blinking.
I love rides like that.
I can ride the zipper now that I am older. I had a very very bad time on it when I was 8.
After last night, I'm over it. Just wish my lil sister lived here. We always went on rides together.
I still feel :puke: after all the food though.
I had 2 cheese-on-a-stick, 1 gyro with cucumber sauce :lmao: 1 cherry blow pop, 1 pickle, 1 funnel cake, and 1 large bag of cotton candy, plus a 24 OZ Pepsi. :mello:
Damn girl all that and you didn't throw up?

i cant do rides that i could potentially die on :nono:
omg :ph34r: this means WII is in the top 15! Mission accomplished! :give_heart: Now I need to get it in the top 10 :ph34r:
Lol i couldnt even read your post correctly that little kid is cracking me up :rofl:

LOL exactly!
if kids these days had learned all you gotta do is throw on some buckles and chains, look sexy as HELL and dance around we'd have a lot less violence in school :coffee:
Really. If they can get the message when they're 4 it will stick with them for life! Though I can't see my dad doing the Bad dance to show them the way. :mellow: That would be scary, he'd probably throw his back out.

AAAAAA yes you have to come to visit me!! definitely!! :woohoo:
Today I saw a big posters on a bookstore: they are selling Moonwalk there. The big bookstore filled out with Moonwalk :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: I was so crazy about it and then I realized... it's in translation... it's not the original english version... it's in polish... :weeping:

LOL gurrrrllll you shouldhave been listening to your wise cousin!!
I am so with you when it comet to his hair on BOTD!!!!!!!! he looks so fine there!!! and the red pants are EPIC :p:p :p :p :p :p :p

OOOOOOO! I heard they were re-issuing Moonwalk but I didn't know it was out already! :wild:

I I scoffed at her. Little did I know...wise beyond her years she was. :yes: haha BOTD hair I mean it's not super special or anything, like he's worn it back before but it just looks...extra tousle-y and sexy combined with the red leather. :in_love:

Lol the zipper isnt that bad im more scared of rides like this

yes those people are just dangling over an effing tower like 900 ft in the air
Those things are fun! I can do most any ride but I hate upside down spinny ones...make me all :puke: and :eek:hno:

Plus whenever I've seen the Zipper it's always been a rickety old rusted one at a carnival that looks like it's held together by chewing gum and rubber bands. I'd much rather ride a roller coaster.

OMFG, plz, I could ride that all day long without even blinking.
I love rides like that.
I can ride the zipper now that I am older. I had a very very bad time on it when I was 8.
After last night, I'm over it. Just wish my lil sister lived here. We always went on rides together.
I still feel :puke: after all the food though.
I had 2 cheese-on-a-stick, 1 gyro with cucumber sauce :lmao: 1 cherry blow pop, 1 pickle, 1 funnel cake, and 1 large bag of cotton candy, plus a 24 OZ Pepsi. :mello:
Jeeeeeeeez! Packin' it in! You better save room for dessert.
