Aphrodite Jones: CONSPIRACY book reedition

Agree bonnie. its bad enough with all the savile stuff. and it was bad enough when the media got hold of chandlers statement
^^Well those of you in contact with Jones, can bring all you concerns to her and see what she says. That will simple clear up the situation.
Posted by @sanemjfan on Twitter

Aphrodite Jones has some bad news for the fans that were waiting for the unreleased footage of the Bashir interview outtakes! Here's her FB status from earlier today:"I want you to Know that I still plan to release never-before-seen footage related to MJ but I live in NY and my house was flooded by SANDY and I will not be able to live there for a month. (I have the footage with me in my briefcase, so I will get it done). Meantime, my tech support guy also lost power. These are hard times for people in the NY area :("


Personally, I truly hope that one day she is able to release the ENTIRE rebuttal video of the Arvizos, as well as ALL of Hamid Moslehi's outtake footage of the Bashir interview!

Okay. I guess she lived in the country or suburbs, since those areas closer to the water/trees got a beating.

On her facebook page did she mention if she would present footage with a commentary or an introduction.
Okay. I guess she lived in the country or suburbs, since those areas closer to the water/trees got a beating.

On her facebook page did she mention if she would present footage with a commentary or an introduction.

This is what she said on her FB:
I want you to know that I still plan to post never-before-seen footage related to MJ. I live in NY and my home was flooded and I will not be able to move back there for about a month. My tech support guy also lost power and I cannot reach him yet. These are hard times for people on Long Island so please be patient and please say a little prayer for us.

So she plans on showing more then one clip, interesting. She also said on an earlier post she will show more on MJ speaking when she edit the clips. Darn it show the whole thing if ur gonna go there, right?
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^^Yeah show the whole thing, so people can't say key parts were edited.
Aphrodite Jones has released some video's on her Youtube channel now.

Here is a very good one. She talks to Jury Foreman Paul Rodriguez:

Video info: Michael Jackson Jury Foreman Paul Rodriguez talks about why the jury found MJ innocent, and the fact that Gavin's initial claim about molested "4 or 5 times" by MJ -- later changed to a claim that he was molested "1 or 2 times" when Gavin took the witness stand. Specifically, Rodriguez refers to the police interview of Gavin Arvizo, and says Gavin was lying. He calls Martin Bashir a "gold digger" who was looking to make millions from his documentary, and says he can "sleep at night" knowing the jury made the right decision to acquit MJ.

And this one of T-MEZ:
Video info:Tom Mesereau describes Martin Bashir as someone who hid behind the journalistic shield law to avoid answering questions at the Santa Maria trial. Mesereau also talks about the over-zealous police raid on Neverland and Raid footage of police in Michael Jackson's private bedroom is shown.

^Not sure if these videos was seen on her True Crimes show or not? I don't recall seeing them before? And the other videos on her channel are what can be seen already from Larry Nimmer's Untold story Of Neverland DVD!
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Blue thanks for that footage. We should post the videos under the 5 star ratings for the Sullivan book.
I read Jones' book on Jetzi site, what a difference on what i heard on tv. I admire her for her determination on publishing what happened inside the court.
I saw the video with gavin & the police........there wasnt anything really i guess revealing to me....maybe im missing something...??
Martin Bashir became famous because of the infamous Diana Princess of Wales Interview. When Princess Diana's son, Prince William, was getting married, many a person commented that that Interview that the late Princess Diana did with Martin Bashir was her biggest mistake. This alone I believe was the bait to entrap the naive Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson either didn't understand the devastation that this particular Interview did to the late Princess Diana's legacy or no one was willing to admit how bad the interview made the late Princess look. It is pathetic!

So, talk about an afterthought!
To me, stars and people in the public eye should stay away from reporters unless they are promoting a product. Sitting with a stranger to tell them about your life is a big mistake, even though people want to hear about your life to entertain themselves. I think stars should open a website and put information about themselves that they want their fans to know & forget about the interviews.

If you are being sued & want to comment, then prepare a long speech, sit in front of your camera with your own lawyer and upload the whole thing on your website. People click on it and listen to you. No need for a reporter asking questions and then editing the dialog. Maybe that would force the reporters to be more ethical if they see they are losing a source to make money. I hope many stars begin doing something like that. Reporters have too much power now. This internet will allow many people to begin to do things for themselves and the newspapers/magazines/reporters are going to lose a lot of revenue.
In the beginning of the Princess Diana - Martin Bashir Interview, the HRH was still being used as Princess Diana and Prince Charles had not been legally divorced. This Interview changed everything for Diana, she was granted her divorce by the Queen when this aired. I still wonder what in this Interview changed Michael Jackson's mind to grant access to Martin Bashir, the trust involved.

As for Princess Diana, the shame from this Interview damaged her legacy. The same with Michael Jackson. I watched the latest Barbara Walters Special about Prince William and Princess Catherine's birth of their child and never once was that horrific Interview even referenced. Hopefully the same can be addressed when it comes to Michael Jackson's legacy, too.


When Princess Diana died in that tragic car crash in 1997, she left behind a philanthropic legacy, an iconic sense of style and, sadly, memories of her troubled past.

The rocky marriage of the "People's Princess" and Prince Charles has become the stuff of legend now, thanks to extensive tabloid coverage and an incredibly candid interview Diana gave to BBC in 1995 -- the BBC interview with Martin Bashir for "Panorama." At the time, the 34-year-old royal had recently separated from her husband of 14 years and divorce was looming. It was only a mere 18 months after Charles himself alluded to his own infidelities to journalist Jonathan Dimbleby, after all.

"There were three of us in this marriage, so it was a bit crowded," Diana told BBC, stunning Buckingham Palace and the 21.5 million Brits tuning in when it aired on Nov. 20, 1995. The late princess' frank discussion about her acrimonious marriage and dealings with the palace "plunged the monarchy into the greatest crisis since the Abdication," according to The Daily Mail.

The confessions were so shocking that the sit down both cemented Diana's alienation from her husband's side of the family and caused Queen Elizabeth II to request that the Prince and Princess Of Wales get "an early divorce" -- which they subsequently did on Aug. 28, 1996.

I'm going to consider getting the orignal first editioin of Michael Jackson Conspiracy (2007) whenever i can. It's truly a great book since I read it on the Jetzi MJ book website & it's one of the best positive books on Michael that's out there & I really wish alot of people weren't so close-minded about the matter.
It breaks my heart, that still to this day, so many people think Michael is guilty, when in fact, we all know that Michael is 100% INNOCENT!!!
I'm going to consider getting the orignal first editioin of Michael Jackson Conspiracy (2007) whenever i can. It's truly a great book since I read it on the Jetzi MJ book website & it's one of the best positive books on Michael that's out there & I really wish alot of people weren't so close-minded about the matter.
It breaks my heart, that still to this day, so many people think Michael is guilty, when in fact, we all know that Michael is 100% INNOCENT!!!

Yes the original is better to get, since the new edition has only a chapter with what I will call "afterthoughts." I have some copies of the original & can send you a copy if you wish.
Yes the original is better to get, since the new edition has only a chapter with what I will call "afterthoughts." I have some copies of the original & can send you a copy if you wish.

Aww, you're too sweet, but i'll be ok...I'm gonna try & order it on Amazon.com since it's currently available there, but thanks for the offer :)
Snow White Yes the original is better. I bought the new edition and she only added a chapter I think and it is mainly about her "afterthoughts, ramblings after his death." It does not add anything to the 05 case, to me.

Which mess are you talking about--the AEG one or the Wade one?
^Oh I have not heard her say anything about Wade's mess. That is a good point, since she was at the trial.
Dear Petrarose, this post may be considerably old but please hear me out if you will.

My name is Danny. I'm a huge Michael fan from the Netherlands. Unfortunately 'Conspiracy' is not being sold here. I can't use any Amazon services either because that requires a creditcard, which I do not own. Anyway, I have been looking to read this book for a few years now and I've always put it on hold because of my inability to track down a proper copy for myself.

I wouldn't usually ask anything so freely but I feel (particularly in recent years) closer to fans worldwide than ever before. I honestly admit, didn't have the urge of contacting fans before but since his death something in me changed. I truly feel that we are all one family, very loving and supportive of one another and as a grown up, xperiencing that does a lot of good in daily life. As a child of the 90's, I was perhaps more fan of the superstar, less follower of the man himself as I didn't quite understand a lot of things.

I have been a fan of Michaels since I was 3 years old (he had put a spell on me and I was done for, we've all experienced it I think) and I am now 25 years old. I didn't get to experience his hey day as in MichaelMania, BWT or DWT but I have experienced the HIStory era. People were very mean and repulsive about MJ. I'm sure we've all had to deal with those people around us. I've spent my life defending Michael when people would talk nonsense about him. I still defend him today as my love for him never seems to end. I'm a grown man with an obsession is how my ex gf would describe it. Maybe so, but Michael has been there all my life. In good and bad times and yeah, what else can I say? He's just the greatest.

I would therefore like to ask you for a copy of the book if, you still have one laying around. I would be more than willing to compensate you for your troubles and pay all the necessary fees to get it here. It would be very much appreciated if you would consider it and the book will be cherished and kept among other real MJ books.

Thank you very much for hearing me out and sorry for such a long forum post!

Danny L.
Hi Danny,

I live in the Netherlands and am thinking about buying this book as well. If you want, I can order two copies through amazon. We split the costs and I can hand over the book to you or perhaps mail it to you.

Just let me know if you're interested.
Hi Mr. Make Believe,

Sounds like a plan! Thank you for offering to do this. I can't seem to find how I can send you a pm. It says I have insufficient privileges. I would like to give you my personal contact info etc. Perhaps you can send me a pm?

Thank you!

Mr. Make Believe I just saw your message asking for a copy of the book. I have copies of the original book. If you send your address in a pm I will you a copy by express mail. The new edition as I said before is just a few pages that to me does not add anything to the original facts in the book, so you are not really losing anything by having the original edition.
Michael Jackson Conspiracy is only 99 cents on Kindle and Nook currently. I think that the sale ends in a couple of hours.

Aphrodite Jones

August 11

TODAY "Michael Jackson Conspiracy" is being offered at the one-time promotional price of 99 cents !!!! #michaeljackson #amazon #nook

You think you know the truth about Michael Jackson. What if you're wrong?
