Anything involving Michael happen to you lately?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
N.Ireland, United Kingdom
I thought it would be nice if we had a thread to sure anything involving Michael that happened to us lately.

Did you go and see a tribute show? See a fan with a MJ tattoo? Travel to the 02?

Share it here :)
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Re: Anything involving Michael happen to you today?

My sister and I had a water baloon fight in memory of Michael. Remember the footage from his private home videos?
Re: Anything involving Michael happen to you today?

This happened a while ago, but I think it's cute so I'm going to share it.
I was driving and thinking about and listening to Michael (of course). There was a tractor in front of me going really slowly. Out of the blue I looked at the tractor's number plate (which was old, and made up of letters/numbers). The last three digits of it were WIZ. It made me smile. :)
Re: Anything involving Michael happen to you today?

I was driving home from the supermarket today and as I waiting for the light to change, I noticed there was big mural of MJ on the wall of this building. There was a mural of Bob Marley and Michael :). It definitely made me smile.
Re: Anything involving Michael happen to you today?

This happened a while ago, but I think it's cute so I'm going to share it.
I was driving and thinking about and listening to Michael (of course). There was a tractor in front of me going really slowly. Out of the blue I looked at the tractor's number plate (which was old, and made up of letters/numbers). The last three digits of it were WIZ. It made me smile. :)

LOL. That's also funny because it could be the other type of wiz :) .
Changed the title to lately so go ahead and add other things :)
It's nice to see Michael's still making people happy :D

Yesterday I was driving uptown with my Grandad and cousin, we had the Triller album on the car stereo and my grandad thought it would be just hilarious to have the windows down and have the stereo up full blast.
We were driving through the centre of town and there was a load of people just stood staring.
As we drove on though town we got stuck in traffic and billy jean was blasting out. One man walking down the pavement stopped and attempted the moonwalk and started shouting shouting shamoneeeeeee.
It was well funny.
Well I listen to Michael Jackson in my car every time I go anywhere, because it gives me warm fuzzies and I get to be happy again for a little bit...and I have a hot pink sticker of Michael Jackson 1958-2009 with a silhouette of him on the back window of my car, so people comment on it all the time...

Where I live Michael wasn't really a 'staple' of any kind...people here think REAL music is Rap or Hip IS music but it's not REAL music...
Just that wherever I go there are random people always discussing Michael, from the beach to my neighborhood... I can't escape it! Which, of course, only helps to depress me more.
Yesterday i entered a cafe where i eat my sandwich-lunch. On the radio it was Heal the world. While waiting for the lunch my cell rang, it was my father, as he talked in the background i could hear Heal the world again. Obviously he was listening to the same radio station. It surely made my day a little brighter. :)
LOL. That's also funny because it could be the other type of wiz :) .

LOL that didn't enter my head. The film Michael starred in was my immediate thought. :)

Changed the title to lately so go ahead and add other things :)
It's nice to see Michael's still making people happy :D

Yesterday I was driving uptown with my Grandad and cousin, we had the Triller album on the car stereo and my grandad thought it would be just hilarious to have the windows down and have the stereo up full blast.
We were driving through the centre of town and there was a load of people just stood staring.
As we drove on though town we got stuck in traffic and billy jean was blasting out. One man walking down the pavement stopped and attempted the moonwalk and started shouting shouting shamoneeeeeee.
It was well funny.


Well I listen to Michael Jackson in my car every time I go anywhere, because it gives me warm fuzzies and I get to be happy again for a little bit

Me too, sister. :)

Today, Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground) was on the radio. Yay!
There has been a lot of instances in the past month that have involved Michael - one of the best times was the Saturday night after it happened. We were going out to a club that night and we absolutely blasted his music all the way there...we wound the windows down and yelled out: "We love you Michael Jackson!" My best friend was fairly intoxicated and I think she was singing one of his songs; these guys were walking past and she wailed: "Leave me alone, I'm in mourning!" lol! When we were in the club they played a few of his songs and everybody went wild. The way home was great as well because we continued to blast his music - listened to Heal the World, Will You Be There etc. My friend grabbed my hand when Heal the World came on, it was really supportive. :)

The Saturday night just gone I had a house party, and we turned it into a MJ Tribute best friend and I wore "I Love Michael" tops and we played his music very loudly lol. People were doing the moonwalk - it was great fun. :) I love times like these, because it allows me to listen to him and really enjoy it, celebrate him etc - whereas when I am alone, a lot of the time I just feel depressed. :(

Oh and I am getting my MJ tattoo on Friday - very excited about it but nervous at the same time!
I saw this boy today, must have been around 15 years old, with a Michael Jackson shirt. It made me smile. And I was in Vegas a week ago and went to the Venetinan. Visited Regis Gallery, where Michael went with Bashit in They had 3 tvs on the outer part of the store showing Michael inside the store buying stuff and greeting people. They also put this big sign saying "Michael we miss you", and had pictures of him with the workers evverywhere inside.
I saw this boy today, must have been around 15 years old, with a Michael Jackson shirt. It made me smile. And I was in Vegas a week ago and went to the Venetinan. Visited Regis Gallery, where Michael went with Bashit in They had 3 tvs on the outer part of the store showing Michael inside the store buying stuff and greeting people. They also put this big sign saying "Michael we miss you", and had pictures of him with the workers evverywhere inside.

well, it so sweetie...i hope it can happen in HK too~~
I was at a water theme park yesterday and they played Thriller. It was really nice because people of all ages were singing and skipping to it lol.
I went to China. I was in a car thinking of Mike and listening to his music......and then what appear before my eyes was....a car with a interesting license plate reading "MJ -71-68"!!! It was a coincidence!! Then I instantly took out my camera and took a picture of it.

Yesterday I went to pick up my little brother(who loves dance like Michael , he's really funny :lol:) from school,and as we were crossing the street , there was a car parked with a guy inside listening to beat it. I looked to my brother and we both smile.
It was a very simple thing but made my day :)
Today I saw al little girl, think she was about 8 years old, at the store where they sell posters and stuff and she insisted on getting herself a poster...she was nagging about it to her mom, that she wanted it so badly.
Sooo cute...:cry:
I went bowling on Saturday with some of my friends. The bowling alley was playing the music channel TMF. We were there for about 10 minutes, and on came a Michael Jackson tribute! It just made me really happy! So for about 2 hours, my friends and I were singing and dancing along to Michael Jackson, as was everyone else in the bowling alley! I just thought it was so cool! It really makes me smile when I think about it. :)
Oh and I saw a heart shaped cloud the same day! That made me majorly smile too, I just wish I had taken a picture. :(
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I was in a club with friends on Saturday night, and before we got there we were like, "We have to request Michael Jackson." So we get inside and we're on the dance floor and what comes on almost immediately? An MJ medley! The medley consisted of Billie Jean, Thriller, Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough and Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'! It made my night!
Today Heal The World was on the radio. :heart:
On Monday just gone I went to the o2 Arena to pay my respects as it was my concert night :cry: And yesterday evening I brought a copy of the Ebony - Michael Jackson Tribute special.

*sigh* :(
yeah a friend gave me a ton of mj megamixes and rare mixes ive never heard of before - so that was awesome! ive been playing them ever since
i went to the vigil at the o2 arena 13 juli.
mj tribute in amsterdam
next week the huge tribute at this statue in best.
and the week after i,m getting my own designed michael tattoo!!
I was at Old Navy last Sunday and they played "It's the Falling in Love" Later that week I was at a business meeting with the hotel's event manager and we had a nice discussion about Michael and his music. I was so proud of myself for not crying.
I saw this boy today, must have been around 15 years old, with a Michael Jackson shirt. It made me smile. And I was in Vegas a week ago and went to the Venetinan. Visited Regis Gallery, where Michael went with Bashit in They had 3 tvs on the outer part of the store showing Michael inside the store buying stuff and greeting people. They also put this big sign saying "Michael we miss you", and had pictures of him with the workers evverywhere inside.

omg! i saw the SAME EXACT THING! it pissed me off though because i heard one of the ladies that worked in there telling a customer that they actually HATED michael jackson and they sued him. I was like WTF! i went around july 15
omg! i saw the SAME EXACT THING! it pissed me off though because i heard one of the ladies that worked in there telling a customer that they actually HATED michael jackson and they sued him. I was like WTF! i went around july 15

I think I was there around the same time as you. I was in Vegas from July 12 to July 18. A lady sued him? Wtf?! Poor Michael, he never had peace from these people!