Anyone with other problems on top of Michael?

Should I start drinking to seem more outgoing to my ex?

  • Yes, it will do wonders for your social life overall

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • No, dont change yourself for anyone.

    Votes: 18 94.7%

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I dont like to complain to much. But im hardly having the best time of my life this year.

Before anyone says, I know there are people much worse off than me. Way worse.

But I thought this would be a good idea, just to vent.........or anything. Please move this if its in the wrong place, in fact I think it might be.

A few months ago, my girlfriend Laura had been being funny with me for a while. This had happpened before, and it turned out she had fancied another boy. But she came back to me.

This time, I text her saying. I know somethings going on and I want to know now. So she phoned up, and she told me that she wanted to break up with me.

She came over the next day and we spoke about it, when then decided to go on a break for about 2 months. Just before the end of the break, she broke up with me. Like properly. That was it, we gave each others stuff back and it was done with.

So I was devastated, and still want her back. But I was starting to get better, until Michael passed away. Just as I was getting back up, I got knocked back down again......

She text me to say how sorry she was to hear he died. Anyway, just over a week later I find out that she is now involved with this other boy. I cant help but look at pictures of them together, it rips me apart doing it but for some reason i cant help it.

This boy is someone I dont like anyway, he stuck his nose in our relationship the whole time we were together...texting her saying all sorts of bad things. Now hes finally got her and I havent. I hate it...........

The thought of her with another boy makes me sick, normally I would turn to Michael. But when I think of Michael I think of his passing and im upset either way.

This hasnt been a good year at all so far, I realise there are people who are far worse off than me though.

I feel so lost atm, I have only my mum to speak to really. I used to turn to my gf for help but of course I cant do that now.

I feel lonely, and sick. and Stuck with my own horrible feelings and there is nothing I can do about it. :\
I'm sorry :( :better:*hugs*
Hope you can get your life back on track soon, God bless.
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you're not alone *HUG*

i have some mess in my life as well....
you're not alone *HUG*

i have some mess in my life as well....

What are yours if you dont mind sharing?

I want this girl back, I have actually just spent hours on the phone trying to convince her to give us another chance. Didnt get anywhere. I just feel so alone, im sitting here........feeling horrible about it with nobody really......

Just thinking about her with another boy is absolutely horrible, I cant stand it!
Aww I'm sorry you went through that *hug* I'm doing fine actually, apart from Michael. I can't stop thinking about about him and how tragic it is that he died.. I just wish it wasn't so :( Can't imagine how hard it must be to deal with other bad news ontop of this.
Aww I'm sorry you went through that *hug* I'm doing fine actually, apart from Michael. I can't stop thinking about about him and how tragic it is that he died.. I just wish it wasn't so :( Can't imagine how hard it must be to deal with other bad news ontop of this.

I cant complain. You just have to put things into perspective.

Things can only get better from here........well I suppose they could easily get worse. But lets hope they dont haha

I feel like we can all help each other. If anyone has any extra problems, come here and maybe we can trade advice!
I got a plate full of shit in my life.

Bills are piling up. My wife has been unemployed for a few months now as we continue to go deeper in debt. I'm at the point I'm ready to say screw it, and file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy so I can restart my finances.

My marriage is having troubles, financially, and emotionally. I'm freaking getting sick of the BS
I'm sorry LTD! It will get better!!!

I feel you Prince of Pop. This is such an awful time/year. I have had my mind taken off of unemployment and debt by this tragic turn of events....but I know I have to face it all soon. Chapter 7 would give you a fresh's tough though :(
yeah that's what I ment...Chapter 7..not 11. I want to get rid of all this debt.

I just hope I can fix it, and my marriage as well
I got a plate full of shit in my life.

Bills are piling up. My wife has been unemployed for a few months now as we continue to go deeper in debt. I'm at the point I'm ready to say screw it, and file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy so I can restart my finances.

My marriage is having troubles, financially, and emotionally. I'm freaking getting sick of the BS

I'm sorry you are going through all that *hugs*. Finances, when they are bad, are REALLY bad. It affects every other area of your life! I went through bankruptcy in 2001 and I hated it. If you can restructure instead go that route. You pay for that bankruptcy for a very very long time afterwards, by not being able to get loans, credit, etc.
Yep, my marriage fell apart not long after. The stress really takes it's toll. I wish I had some really good advice, but it's a situation that is unique to each. All I can think of is to try really hard not to take the stress out on each other - which ain't easy.
yeah I've had issues with job hunting lol. i've had heaps of interviews - and have worked temp here and there - so it's looking good. My partner is going through a really rough time. He lost his dog of 14 years - he was his best friend. :(

for me personally, nothing has effected me as significantly as MJ's death this year. as i said earlier - grieving sucks. i think we all just need to take time out and remember to BREATHE. it's times like these i'm grateful for being into buddhism and relaxation techniques. it helps me tremendously. maybe you guys could look into it as well?
you are not alone..

The past 2 years have been really rotten for me. I've lost both grandpas, my cat who I had fourteen years, and my boyfriend of 4 years left. Im struggling with work and school.
I really miss Michael, Im so depressed now I just feel like dying sometimes too :(
What are yours if you dont mind sharing?
terrible crisis in personal life, financial and now such deep emotional sorrow cuz of lost of Michael, our inspiration and ray of light in this dark world :(
life is like a hell for me now :(

I'm getting ill from it all :( Every day now even harder....

if God don't intervene for me soon, I'll perish :(

Dear Lord, Angels and Michael, please watch me from Heaven and help me urgently somehow to overcome it all and to help to others.
I'm so lost without you :(

*HUGS you all!*
terrible crisis in personal life, financial and now such deep emotional sorrow cuz of lost of Michael, our inspiration and ray of light in this dark world :(
life is like a hell for me now :(

I'm getting ill from it all :( Every day now even harder....

if God don't intervene for me soon, I'll perish :(

Dear Lord, Angels and Michael, please watch me from Heaven and help me urgently somehow to overcome it all and to help to others.
I'm so lost without you :(

*HUGS you all!*

You will get through this! Just think, things can only get better from the point your at now. Things can only get better I promise you. You have to be strong and resiliant.

Remember as well, we have not lost Michael completely, he will continue to be a source of inspiration for me! Look at all Michael went through, he went through hell and fought through it each time!

Although my heart and my stomach says that seeing my ex gf with this other boy is the end of the world. I know in my head thats its simply not. The thought of them together makes me feel horrible. I have this horrible feeling in my stomach constantly. I need to move on from this girl.

Tell yourself you will get through it, say it out loud! If nobody is around simply tell yourself, it honestly helps a lot.

I think more than anything with my problem, my pride has been hurt......this other boy has been after my ex gf for over a year and now he finally has her and I dont. I cant help but think it is due to some flaw that I have. Like he is better than me.

I tell myself that he isnt! I believe he isnt, but for some reason I cannot get these thoughts out of my head.

I would kill for this girl to come back to me and say she misses me. Not even in the sense that I would be glad she is coming back, it would just give me an amazing sense of pride and I would feel on top of the world.

I am only 18, but up to this point it has allways been me chasing girls and not the other way round. I would kill to be chased by a fgirl and for me to be the one in control.
i went through the hell in my life before.....
and this time i'm not sure i'll be able to overcome it all, especially without Michael :(
*huggs to everyone* :(

im going through a horrible mess with my boyfriend

December 2008 I decided to move into a flat with boyfriend in the end of January. It was meant to be my year this year. New flat moving out of mums, I started a new exciting job I got a new car and in March my dream came true, Michael was coming back to see me.
A month later I my new job sucks and i have struggled alot with the work and the people. My reltionship turned violent and abusive and I lost my love, my best friend and life (and crashed my car days after.)
But Michael was coming to see me, to make my life complete. The 8th July was the day my life began again, it was the day i would walk out of that o2 the strong person i used to be. And then Michael changed the dates - he changed opening night to the 13th July 2009. My birthday. What a way to start my new life......
Its not the biggest problem in the world but I just need help or guidance from someone who has experience in this area! I have already wrote about this, but ill write about it again.

My and My Ex where together for a year and a half. About 4 months into the relationship she went very funny with me for a while, I discovered a few months later that she had fancied someone else and was considering breaking up with me. I was crushed. But I gave us another chance and we carried on together. She came away with me and my family countless times.

I really really love this girl, she is so special to me and I would do anything to get her back at the moment.

So a year and 2 months into the relationship, she started to go funny again. I knew something was up so I confronted her about it. She wanted to break up with me, she said she had lost mostly all of her feelings for me at that point and she came over the next day and we spoke about it. We decided to go on a break from each other.........

At the very start of the break, she showed signs of being interested in me again and missed me, She evn showed signs of jealousy that I was hanging round with another girl.

We were on a break, so to me that meant no contact. But she decided we would still text and speak on the phone but not every night. But she wasnt doing that and things went downhill.

So two weeks before the end of the break I was on the phone to her and she wouldnt say 'love you' at the end, so I knew something was wrong. She told me she had sent me a letter in the post breaking up with me :| But we broke up on the phone anyway and that was it.

I STILL held hope that she would miss me eventually and want to get back together. However hers the worst part.

Theres this boy called Simon, who has really liked her or maybe even loved her for over a year now. He used to text her saying dodgey things to her while she was with me, he simply could not keep his nose out of our relationship. Now, she is involved with him.........and it is so shocking to me...even though deep down I kind of knew something would happen.

I phoned her up to ask her what on earth she was doing, we spoke for a few hours and I made the biggest mistake ever in asking her for another chance. I asked her if she was going to go out with him and she said 'I dont know'. That night, she was going out with officially.....although they had already been seeing each other anyway.

So im just shocked and devastated......all this on top of Michael dieing.

All I hear from everyone is I have to move on.........and there are plenty more fish in the sea. I kind of realise that, but there is just something about her. We got along so well and although she has hurt me alot, she really isnt a bad person at all! In fact the reason she has lied a lot of times is because she doesnt want to hurt me.

I have heard from a lot of people that eventually, she may realise this boy isnt for her and that she misses me, I would be willing to give our relationship that ONE LAST CHANCE, because I know there is something special there.

She is 16 atm, and I am 18.

The plan I have set out for myself atm, is too wait it out and see if she ever misses me. But in the mean time I will try and find someone else.

Her friend told me that they went to an Ice Cream parlour together yesterday. The fact she is out there having fun and all lovey dovey with this new bf while im completely miserable is winds me up :S

Can anyone offer me any guidance or advice?
^^ If she's only 16 and your sounds to me she's clearly not entirely grown up yet and doesn't know what she wants.

You also need to be careful. IDK what the laws are where you live, but usually messing with a minor can get you some jail time.

I would use this chance to break away and find someone new
^^ If she's only 16 and your sounds to me she's clearly not entirely grown up yet and doesn't know what she wants.

You also need to be careful. IDK what the laws are where you live, but usually messing with a minor can get you some jail time.

I would use this chance to break away and find someone new

Your legal when your 16. If thats what you mean.
Ok I wasn't sure about UK laws about what the legal age is there or not. Here in the USA it's 18.

As I stated before, I think you should go out and meet new people. You may just fine the right person for you.
Ok I wasn't sure about UK laws about what the legal age is there or not. Here in the USA it's 18.

As I stated before, I think you should go out and meet new people. You may just fine the right person for you.

I will do just that :D I will do that in the meantime, and if she ever does comeback. Then whether I go back out with her or not is just something id have to decide
I will do just that :D I will do that in the meantime, and if she ever does comeback. Then whether I go back out with her or not is just something id have to decide

I've been there mate, and I know it isnt fun. I'm only 21 myself, and I have seen/done/taken a lot in relationships that have taught me a lot. My only advice is dont spend all your time waiting around for her. Your 18 dude, you have YEARS ahead of you to find someone. If she has done this to you, she doesnt seem worth it in my opinion.
If you wanna have a chat or anything, just let me know. :)
I've been there mate, and I know it isnt fun. I'm only 21 myself, and I have seen/done/taken a lot in relationships that have taught me a lot. My only advice is dont spend all your time waiting around for her. Your 18 dude, you have YEARS ahead of you to find someone. If she has done this to you, she doesnt seem worth it in my opinion.
If you wanna have a chat or anything, just let me know. :)

Thats the thing about it. If she had been horrible to me and done horrible things it would be so much easier and id think. Forget her, im moving on.

But she says she still cares about me, not in the way I want her too. But you know what I mean. She was as nice as possible to me breaking up with me and really didnt want to hurt me. In a way I wish she would have been horrible, it would be so much easier.

I think the fact shes 16, shes gotten confused and doesnt know what she wants. I at least thought she would have stayed single for a while, but shes gone basically straight to him :S Makes me think she broke up with me because of him, but shes denied that. I dont know what to believe anymore.

I think im just going to play the field, I wouldnt want a serious relationship again for a while tbh. If she ever does realise she misses me and wants me back (which a lot of people have told me is allways possible) then I guess its my decision at that time if I take her back or not :S's kind of a bad month for me all around....I've got a serious surgery coming up next week and I'm soooo nervous about it. I've been thinking about nothing much other than Michael for the last couple weeks, but now I'm trying to move on and in less than a week I have the surgery to deal with, so I've basically been pretty down and depressed the last couple weeks! I'm not sure how long the recovery period is going to be after the surgery, but I'm taking some time off from work to rest and I'm sure will be listening to a lot of MJ to get me through. :)
I dont think ill have to do much to help my problem.

There was a picture of her on facebook asleep on a couch. He commented on it saying 'uber bint.'

Playfully insulting her, but I think i know her quite well. She wont laugh. I just hope he keeps it up.

He weill defeat himself, ill just sit back and relax :)
Meh not really a problem but it bugs me.

A friend of mine who is also a fan of Michael is angry at me.
The reason: I can't send her a copy of the memorial on CNN on time. Seriously we had an argument about it while de memorial was boardcasted. After a lil while i really had to turn my phone off. I just couldn't take it anymore. Michaels memorial and a friend being angry.
And i thought she KNEW this was not a good timing to start an argument..

She hasn't talked to me since.. and i feel so bad about it coz i wanted to help out a friend/fan coz i know how important it is.. but she made it impossible for me to even watch the memorial in peace myself. :cry: I switched my phone off just before Lionel Richie so after that i saw everything but i missed a lot of before Lionel.

So i should be angry at her instead..
This year is one of the worst for me. First I found out my mum was terminally ill, and then Michael died. I can't even imagine when my mum leaves me too... This world is so cruel.