Anyone taking Signs or Flags to concert?

I might bring something that represents France or Haiti like the France soccer team shirt (if i can find it lol) or something but no flag or sign as it would disturb people + i'd surely not like it if someone prevents me from seeing with a flag or anything else.
I hope nobody takes anything...

God it would be sooooooooo annoying getting those stuipd things in your way!
u can wrap flags around your waste dont have to be waving it
u can wrap flags around your waste dont have to be waving it

exactly, mine has ribbons on the corners which I used to either tie it to barriers or around my wrists, which I will probally do at The O2. If people still dont like it then tough! Its not like I would deliberatly hold my banner infront of someones face, but at the same time, as its tied to my wrists , when Im standing up it will be held up.
I was thinking of taking a uk flag, but i hav'nt got one. So im taking my mj flag, it least im on a higher tier.
I was thinking of taking a uk flag, but i hav'nt got one. So im taking my mj flag, it least im on a higher tier.

Im sure you can find one easyily in a tourist shop, even if you have to wait until you get to London, they are all over the place here
Im sure you can find one easyily in a tourist shop, even if you have to wait until you get to London, they are all over the place here

yea, im sure dad has one somewhere around the house, if so i'll nick that one. If not i'll look in town or like u said around London.
i'll take signs with words like
Release Bad tour DVD and unreleased tracks
Where is the new album?

j.k actually;p
exactly, mine has ribbons on the corners which I used to either tie it to barriers or around my wrists, which I will probally do at The O2. If people still dont like it then tough! Its not like I would deliberatly hold my banner infront of someones face, but at the same time, as its tied to my wrists , when Im standing up it will be held up.

Surely that would be extremely unfair to the people standing behind you. A lot of people have paid a lot of money for tickets to see the show and for you to tie a banner to your wrists so whenever you stand it is in the air and in front of people, it would be really unfair to those behind you.

How would you feel if someone was standing in front of you with a banner so you couldn't see the show. You ask them to move it and they reply with if they "dont like it then tough". Surely you would be extremely angry and upset.

Standing with a banner that MJ won't even be able to see (which will also ruin the show for others if it gets in their way) is a pointless exercise. Not only this but it will also be upsetting for others around you.

I know that if anyone was in front of me with a banner restricting my view, I'd tell security and they'd no doubt tell you to move it so there's really no point in taking it in the first place.
^ heh forget security mate, you just need a contingency plan.

so in the unfortunate event of being seated behind such arrogant muppets, just take two or three packs of cheap sticky icky bubble gum and start having some fun.

Yeah I would call security too if someone had a banner blocking my view.

We paid like £1000, I'm not letting some idiot look my view.
First I wanna tell all ya, that I'm having a slim chance on going to the concert mainly in February at the most so that I can have time to save up and yes I'm gonna get the sign and a Canadian flag since I'm from the Northern Ontario.
If anyone has a sign or a banner in front of me i won't be happy, if they don't stop waving it around i'm gonna call security. I understand people want to show support for Michael, but please consider the people behind you. It's bad enough with the pink cowboy hats & neon glowsticks twirled around in front of my face when i go to a concert...