Anyone not planning to see the movie?

Thanks for all your post. After a change of heart Im going to the cinema tomorrow with my family, after all the reviews I realised Im gonna miss history if I dont see this and if Im gonna see and hear Michael I might as well do it grand, see him in a big screen and hear his voice on mega speakers. Im so afraid of crying... But if I cry, I cry.. If I laugh then thats OK too.. I hope.. I too feel its too soon, but I might aswell do it now.

Ive sort of come to terms with his death now, I rarely think of him, I dont listen to his music and I dont feel ''sad'' about his loss, Im done with the depression and the crying.. I wonder how I will feel after this, if it starts all over again..

Its great you've come to terms with it :)

I saw the film on Wednesday. I wasn't sure if I was going to go.. but I did. I had a kind of nervous feeling sitting through all the adds waiting for it to start. I thought I would cry, but I didn't. I was smiling most of the time and laughed in parts where mj was being funny .. I didn't ever expect I'd be laughing watching the film. I stayed til after the credits and saw the extra bit and the dedication at the end.. I felt sad but I didn't cry.

One annoying thing.. I tried to start the audience clapping but nobody else joined in! :sigh::shutup:
I have to say, seeing it in cinema is a great experience on its own, the sound quality is just so much more powerful, it's almost like a real show. It's not really a sad movie. I don't think I would have cried very much if the girl next to me hadn't been weeping all through the movie. That kind of set me off, too. :p You should still go, it's probably the only chance you'll get to see Michael on the big screen with a room full of people. You might regret it later!!! If you can, bring a friend, if not, enjoy having MJ all to yourself. I know I'll be going to see it again next week, alone!
I am not going, it is too soon to me, I just weep when I see him on the news. I will buy the DVD and watch it in private, just him and me. It will be painful but I will want to see it eventually, I had looked forward to the concert more than anything apart from having my children.
For those who are not planning to see the movie, I think that is understandable but I just have to say that you'll be missing a lot.. Michael smiles on stage..he was definitely enjoying it. He was so enlivened by it, my words are not enough to describe. He was so at home, he was in his element. He was very happy (more than anything else) and passionate. I cried so much. But it was like giving him a hug, tears were coming down my face but I was still smiling.
I wasn't going to see it because I was afraid how I would react and I thought it might be better to wait for the dvd and see it privately. But something inside of me felt I just had to go and see and I am glad I did. I didn't cry like I thought I would. I laughed and smiled the whole time. Michael definately looked happy and at home from that. I felt sad after the movie because you realize he isn't here anymore but watching it's like you forget. That's what happened to me. I felt like I was watching him right now or in that arena watching him. Ofcourse it's up to each person and how they feel. Some people in his family can't watch it yet and that's understandable.
I have no one to go to the movies with, and I hate going by myself.. And I heard its only gonna be in showing for about two weeks.. Another reason is that Im not sure how I will react if I see it, if its gonna make things worse or better. Ive seen a few clips but thats pretty much about how much I wanna see of it. I feel very indifferent torwards this movie and I cant feel excited about it like others do. I think Ive reached a point where Ive finally come to terms with his death without crying myself to sleep. I dont wanna tear things up again...

If its released on DVD I might buy it later when I feel ready to look at it..

So, if anyone one of you arent gonna see it whats your reason?

what a stupid reason not to see a movie. let alone this masterpiece.
I agree that was insensitive comment to make, if you read through the whole topic, I booked two tickets and Im gonna see the movie tomorrow. Everyone feels differently, some people had it planned weeks ahead to see the movie on opening night.. Others hesitate.. Some people still choose to wait a while, and I respect everyones choises. This is sensitive for some of us. Not all of us are that excited and theres alot of feelings and sadness involved in this.

To the rest of you who replied, thanks for sharing your experiences. I love the fact that most people find it easy to laugh and smile and were expecting to cry but didnt.
Initially I wasn't going to see the movie as well 1) I've been really sad about MJ's death 2) I felt like I was definitely gonna cry the whole movie 3) Did not have anybody come with me to the theather...

So I really did not want to go alone, cry all the time and leave the movie a mess.. I too was thinking about waiting for the DVD.

But I reserved a ticket for halloween day (today), still I was not sure whether to go or not in the morning, I was really torn between wanting to go and being not sure about if I can handle it..

To keep it short, I did go to see the movie. I did not cry until the end of it.. Everybody tells different stories (good or bad) about MJ and says go watch for yourself.. And I am happy that I did. I saw a man that was still magical, his voice was wonderful, he still danced perfectly, he looked genuinely happy.. I felt happy.. So go if you can, you won't regret it..
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I am sorry if it was insensitive but to me it is stupid not to do something you love when you don't have the company. If the reason is that you find it hard to watch alone, then I think it's OK. Other than that,silly. Not to watch this masterpiece cause you don't have company...

I am glad you are seeing it anyway.

Sorry again but I was just being honest. Don't take it personally.
Man, the people not going are really missing out. It was much much better than I thought it would be and not sad at all.
Michael provides his usual escapism throughout the entire movie. It's really surreal.. I thought I would get very upset but I laughed and cheered for the majority of the movie :)
I don't care if the film will make me depressed again, I just wanna be a part of cinema history, music history, entertainment history, Michael Jackson's history, and history in general.

I say, go and watch it.
You may leave the cinema sad, happy or a different person.

I'd rather you feel sad that he's gone, than regretting that you missed out on a part of History.

Surely you mean HIStory? :cheers:
...Im gonna see the movie tomorrow. Everyone feels differently, some people had it planned weeks ahead to see the movie on opening night.. Others hesitate.. Some people still choose to wait a while, and I respect everyones choises. This is sensitive for some of us. Not all of us are that excited and theres alot of feelings and sadness involved in this.

To the rest of you who replied, thanks for sharing your experiences. I love the fact that most people find it easy to laugh and smile and were expecting to cry but didnt.

I am glad that you decided to go.

Sometimes it gets very difficult especially when you are alone. It is better to go with someone to feel supported.

When I listen to the songs and remember him singing them in the movie I feel very sad.
Its a day after I saw the movie and I feel like a wreck, Ive had meltdowns all day and Ive been crying over nothing. I decided to have a MJ-moment for myself and I watched VMA 95's, Ghost and LWMJ.. It was nice and brought me back memories.. Though I feel like Im no longer sad over Michaels death, Im sad over his life, like I was even when he was alive.

I felt really depressed when the song ''this is it'' came on the big screen and the credits started rolling, I felt like the movie wasnt over yet and that they were missing some parts, especially the part where he opens his concerts and fans are screaming, I literally could feel like they cut the movie in half and I was waiting to see something more but when the song started I realised that this was the end and that the concert will never take off... It really hit me that this is the end.