Anyone not planning to see the movie?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Planet earth
I have no one to go to the movies with, and I hate going by myself.. And I heard its only gonna be in showing for about two weeks.. Another reason is that Im not sure how I will react if I see it, if its gonna make things worse or better. Ive seen a few clips but thats pretty much about how much I wanna see of it. I feel very indifferent torwards this movie and I cant feel excited about it like others do. I think Ive reached a point where Ive finally come to terms with his death without crying myself to sleep. I dont wanna tear things up again...

If its released on DVD I might buy it later when I feel ready to look at it..

So, if anyone one of you arent gonna see it whats your reason?
I am DEFF seeing it how could you not see michael and his final work.!!! But I do understand where you are coming from.
Its hard to explain why I dont want to see this movie now.. Ive just come to terms with his death in a tolerable way.. At the moment Im not listening to his music or watching any interviews.. I think I had an overdose of his music/videos during the few weeks after his death and it feels nice to have a break from all of this.. And also because Ive got no one to go with.. Im sure I will cry and Id hate to sit there alone crying with strangers.

If I do see it later, I would love to see it in the cinemas but then it wont be showing anymore so I have to satisfy with the DVD release/TV..
I have no one to go to the movies with, and I hate going by myself.. And I heard its only gonna be in showing for about two weeks.. Another reason is that Im not sure how I will react if I see it, if its gonna make things worse or better. Ive seen a few clips but thats pretty much about how much I wanna see of it. I feel very indifferent torwards this movie and I cant feel excited about it like others do. I think Ive reached a point where Ive finally come to terms with his death without crying myself to sleep. I dont wanna tear things up again...

If its released on DVD I might buy it later when I feel ready to look at it..

So, if anyone one of you arent gonna see it whats your reason?

If you go by yourself you’re not going to be alone, fans will be there with you.

It is worth it, it’s gonna be the last time we see him its gonna be very emotional but if you are a girl no one will be surprised if you cry. I personally don’t know how I will handle it I know I will be very emotional, if my wife didn’t go with me then I will book and empty seat next to me.
I don't care if the film will make me depressed again, I just wanna be a part of cinema history, music history, entertainment history, Michael Jackson's history, and history in general.

I say, go and watch it.
You may leave the cinema sad, happy or a different person.

I'd rather you feel sad that he's gone, than regretting that you missed out on a part of History.
I think I already know what will happen to me as I already purchased tickets. I will be crying and suffering from a stomach ache. My stomach often reacts when I get upset, especially about MJ. It will be three of us couples and one child going. I'm going to have to tell the mother I don't want the child close to me. I don't want to scare him. He's only about 7 years old and he's the child of one of the couples we're going with.
It's going to be like suffering after June 25 all over again. :(
However it is Michael's last work and I want to go and see it.
I am not sure I am ready to see this film just yet but I am going. I am torn between knowing this is not what he would have wanted us to see but feeling the need to put myself through it regardless. I can totally understand why fans would not want to go.
I have no one to go with either and I hate going by myself. Also, I know I'm going to cry throughout the whole movie and I don't want to do it in a cinema full of people, I'd rather buy the DVD and watch it in private. But then again, I don't want to wait for the DVD because I'll feel like I'm missing out when everyone's already watched it. I'm torn.
I really don't want to see it but at the same time I need to see MJ. I just hate this!!
I have no one to go with either and I hate going by myself. Also, I know I'm going to cry throughout the whole movie and I don't want to do it in a cinema full of people, I'd rather buy the DVD and watch it in private. But then again, I don't want to wait for the DVD because I'll feel like I'm missing out when everyone's already watched it. I'm torn.

You know what? You will definitely not be alone in the theater. There will be a lot of other people who will be arriving alone, myself included, but we will be with a theater of people who loved Michael and his musical and creative genius. You could'nt be with a more understanding and caring group of people. I hope you do go. You won't be alone.
Like most of you before me have said, I'm not going to see it in the cinema.

I'm too afraid of how I'll react and I don't want to be self-conscious around a lot of people.

I need to watch it entirely alone so I can get all of my emotions out.
Like most of you before me have said, I'm not going to see it in the cinema.

I'm too afraid of how I'll react and I don't want to be self-conscious around a lot of people.

I need to watch it entirely alone so I can get all of my emotions out.

I totally understand. I would NOT be in control of my emotions in a theater. We must each do what we CAN do, and there is no blame if we do not see the movie.

In a sense, this is very different from the usual experience of losing a loved-one. Both my parents have died, and there was closure in that. But, my parents were not celebrtities. . . . . When the memorials were finished, my grieving took a normal course. For me, it's not the same with Michael. He is EVERYWHERE. On tv, on Youtube, and everywhere. There is no closure, for me, and there may never be? This is an entirely different situation from losing a cherished family-member. We must confront the loss, daily. . . It's very different, and very, very difficult. I'd say, just do the best you can do, and there is NO blame in your individual choices. .
I fully understand you Guys if you don’t want to go. But… It is a risk worth taking!

I decided to go twice, on the 28th I will attend the first show with my wife and I took couples seats. Next day I’ll go with my kids and I will see it for the second time and I hope that I’ll be able to handle it.

They call it a “Concert Movie” so you will be able to see it somehow as if you were attending a live concert, at least this is better than nothing and I am sure Michael wanted us to see it. Imagine attending with everyone who maybe not as big of a fan compared to you but you will be interested in their reactions, I remember watching Moonwalker in the Cinemas and I have only one word to describe it “Goosebumps” all the time. My only concern is the non-fans if they attended and they were disrespectful.

Here some hints if you want to go and have maximum privacy:

- Take a day off and go in the early morning during work days because most people will be at work or at school (depends if the movie is showing in the morning in your region).

- Select seats where you can have maximum privacy such as balcony, couples seats, corner, etc…

- Buy tickets in a higher class cinema which comes with higher prices if you can afford it. Most probably serious people and real fans will pay that much to see it so you are with good company.

- You may consider reserving empty seats next to you if you are willing to pay for extra privacy.
I am not going. There are not tissues enough in the entire world for me. I may buy the DVD, and see it entirely alone, and weep. That's it.

same here.............definitely NOT going. too soon and too upsetting and just not comfortable with the whole thing cos i think its the last thing he would have wanted. the clips i have seen so far are not comforting for me either
I'm not going, I'm just not ready for it. It's terrible to go to the cinema .. watching MJ rehersing and he died 2-3 days later. It seems not right to me.
I don't know if i can i really want to but I'll just end up crying will it be out on dvd after wards?
I'm not going, I'm just not ready for it. It's terrible to go to the cinema .. watching MJ rehersing and he died 2-3 days later. It seems not right to me.

I agree this still hurts me way too bad i can't do it :(
Seeing Michael in the latest photos from EW and other publications, including the new video clips and Oprah’s interview plus reading recent news articles all of that made me go back in time and I feel sad realizing that he is gone and I will never be able to get over his death. I can say I won’t blame anyone for not going. :teary_eyed:
I just wish I had someone to go with! I don't want to go with anyone who used to make fun of him or said the concerts wouldn't happen. Too painful to have them sit next to me while I watch him die before my eyes. Every one I know were like that so I'm soooooo alone :(. I don't want to share him with them! You know?
I'm not going to see it in the cinema, it will be really hard to watch and I'd rather watch it alone at home all by myself.
As much as I want to see it in the cinema, it is just not the right time now it's better to watch it at home then :yes:
I don't know what to do....and I only have three days to decide! :S I've got my ticket booked and I'm going with two fans off this forum but I don't know if I'm ready. I really don't feel ready at all but will I ever feel ready? I'm going to cry so, so, so, so much...everyone will! I don't think I will be able to cope seeing it on the big screen with all these people around me but I don't want to miss out on such a huge event :(
I'm going and actually I want to go a 2nd time but I don't have anyone who will go with me.
And I'm not going to ask a friend because they don't feel the same as I do.
I'll be buying the DVD too but it's not the same as in the cinema with the sound and the big screen.
i want to see the movie so bad but at the same time im going to wait and see if anyone colud tell me if the movie show MJ in a open casket ( i heard it dose some were ) if it dose im not going to watch it
hmmm, I'm gonna watch it- just because I feel like I have a need to see it. I just want to see him. I'll for sure cry alot, cause I stll cry when things come on tv about him.

But Michael said himself that he wants his music to live on- and luckilly the rehearsals were taped. Imagine if they hadn't been!!!! We would have no idea what was going on, and now we can silence the haters who would have said "it wasn't going to be good anyway"

The thing that really SUCKS is that sony/aeg is putting this out. I mean, theres no way to get around it- by supporting and wanting to see Michael, were also supporting them.
i want to see the movie so bad but at the same time im going to wait and see if anyone colud tell me if the movie show MJ in a open casket ( i heard it dose some were ) if it dose im not going to watch it
I thought Kenny or someone said that it will only show from the press conference to the last of the rehearsals. So I'm pretty sure they won't show it.
Well i just hope it comes out on Dvd so i can watch it at home i can not be sitting in a movie theater crying my eyes out.
Thanks for all your post. After a change of heart Im going to the cinema tomorrow with my family, after all the reviews I realised Im gonna miss history if I dont see this and if Im gonna see and hear Michael I might as well do it grand, see him in a big screen and hear his voice on mega speakers. Im so afraid of crying... But if I cry, I cry.. If I laugh then thats OK too.. I hope.. I too feel its too soon, but I might aswell do it now.

Ive sort of come to terms with his death now, I rarely think of him, I dont listen to his music and I dont feel ''sad'' about his loss, Im done with the depression and the crying.. I wonder how I will feel after this, if it starts all over again..
I have no one to go to the movies with, and I hate going by myself.. And I heard its only gonna be in showing for about two weeks.. Another reason is that Im not sure how I will react if I see it, if its gonna make things worse or better. Ive seen a few clips but thats pretty much about how much I wanna see of it. I feel very indifferent torwards this movie and I cant feel excited about it like others do. I think Ive reached a point where Ive finally come to terms with his death without crying myself to sleep. I dont wanna tear things up again...

If its released on DVD I might buy it later when I feel ready to look at it..

So, if anyone one of you arent gonna see it whats your reason?

I can understand where you are coming from, but to be honest, the movie shows michael as being very creative, in control, very motivated, and you WILL most definitely crap after all his performances. You will forget that its just rehersal. After I seen the movie, i felt bad because we had to loose such a great talent that could NEVER be replace. Michael was keeping up with his backround dances who were TWICE his age. Trust and believe after seeing the movie, you will look at Michael as being a perfectionist in every aspect of music.
well, I can understand it and it was hard for me too but, I'm sure it'll be alright. I thought I will break down but I didnt, it was hard, and I cried too just didnt care about the ppl around me then.

Victoria83, just use your bare hands :p