Anyone here been inspired to produce music themselves??

Definitely!! I started learning guitar a year ago and I've always loved writing songs...but after getting my guitar I had close to ZERO inspiration for writing anything. It wasn't until my fully "discovering" Michael that the songs just started to pour out of me. He inspires and stirs up so much emotion in me...I've written about 8 or 9 songs in the past 7 months... 4 of which are directly about Michael, and the rest were all inspired by him.

I love your songs Amy!!!!! :yes:
Oh I just saw this thread by now, how cool to read all of your posts! Keep it up guys! :clapping:

Since 7 months I've started to finally go for singing on another level. Always felt such a strong bond and I sing whenever I can (got tons of vids from me as a little girl singing & dancing my butt off, home as well as at school productions etc). But when the age came where I saw how cruel this world can be and got hurt, I started to lose my self-cofidence and I kept it deep inside. Tried to get into some music classes but was just too afraid to show what I wanted and actually do it. :(
Until July...I was sick of keeping it inside, being inspired and busy with music 'till I almost overload and after Michael's death I just couldn't bare it anymore. Such a strange 'I neeeeed to do this'-feeling. So thought I'd start with singing classes to learn some technical stuff and see if I could overcome my fear. I did and was told I'm pretty unique and have talent...hmm. So yeah..leave it about this, could tak for hours, hehe. But now actually having my first gig tomorrow! :lol:
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Oh I just saw this thread by now, how cool to read all of your posts! Keep it up guys! :clapping:

Since 7 months I've started to finally go for singing on another level. Always felt such a strong bond and I sing whenever I can (got tons of vids from me as a little girl singing & dancing my butt off, home as well as at school productions etc). But when the age came where I saw how cruel this world can be and got hurt, I started to lose my self-cofidence and I kept it deep inside. Tried to get into some music classes but was just too afraid to show what I wanted and actually do it. :(
Until July...I was sick of keeping it inside, being inspired and busy with music 'till I almost overload and after Michael's death I just couldn't bare it anymore. Such a strange 'I neeeeed to do this'-feeling. So thought I'd start with singing classes to learn some technical stuff and see if I could overcome my fear. I did and was told I'm pretty unique and have talent...hmm. So yeah..leave it about this, could tak for hours, hehe. But now actually having my first gig tomorrow! :lol:

I'm so happy you and and lot of others put your minds to music since June. It's can really let out all your emotions. It can help a lot with grief. I'm the opposite to a lot of you. I used to write, play and sing my own stuff all the time and I completely closed up after Michael's passing.

I think I did two gigs since June. (I've been working full time with a band for the last 5 years so that's not a lot at all). We had been recording a couple of times and I wrote the lyrics to one of the songs in the studio. My mind was on Michael the whole time and some of it is about him but other parts aren't. I think that was in July and I just wasn't in the right frame of mind at all.

I spent the last seven months just listening to Michael's music. Really hearing it, more than I had ever done before. His music always meant a lot to me but it's different now. I understand his music from a new perspective. I'm finally getting back into writing again and I'm really thankful for that. I've come out of the writing drought a little bit wiser and a lot more determined and serious about getting a message across. I always used my songs to convey messages but now I think I can do it that bit better.

Everyone keep rockin' (poppin', hip hoppin' and everything else you're inspired to do) and Mrs. Music, good luck again with your gig tomorrow!
Can I have your Triton music station then? :cheeky:

Heheh sorry, my synth will be buried with me. :D

aww kool, i was thinking of buying some software and have a go at creating some tracks, but i believe music is better when made with actual instruments, But i think software is great for arranging and recording :)

Do you have any drawings you can show us??

Thanks, jackie xx

I couldn't agree more. I hate making music through computer software. Thats the beauty of the Triton station. Mine is decked out with a sampler. Its such a fun instrument. You can literally record your own voice into the synth and mess with your vocals with each key you press. :) Great for break beats and such, too. I use my software like Cubass and Adobe Audition to fool around with the arrangements and enhancements per track.

And I sure do have some drawings i can show you! :yes:

(please forgive the minor topic crash)
I am currently a trading card artist.

Here's a few samples. I draw and color these directly on the small cards. The key is to try and emulate full sized comic art into the tiny space.







I'm currently coloring the first card (Venom vs Carnage).

Ok, back to topic.
Music production.

If you really want to do what you dream, then just do it. We all have to start somewhere. Just give it everything you got.

-rock on!
:eek: Wow, Nar, I'm speechless! You are very very talented. Good work man!

As for me and music production, I am always fooling around with GarageBand on my mac :lol: It's just me messing around but I love doing it. I would LOVE to seriously get into it all. My favourite thing to is recreate Michael's harmonies and layer them all. He does it so well, it still amazes me when I really listen to his layering. Genius.
Holy poppin' cracker jacks Nar... amazing artwork! :clapping:

- so excited for you and your new gig! Good luck!!

I am always fooling around with GarageBand on my mac :lol: It's just me messing around but I love doing it.
That's what I'm doin' too! I get all my initial ideas and stuff laid down in GarageBand... then later if I want it recorded professionally I get in my Dad's studio.
^^ Lucky you having a dad with a recording studio. We found a cheap place to record and it still costs us a fortune :lol:
Oooh GarageBand! That's sooo awesome, I'm always messing around with it as well....never really thought about doing something serious with it though, lol. Might be cool to finally get something recorded, gonna set that up soon I think. :cheeky:

@Nar: Friggin' awesome work! Love it! *Rep added* :clapping:

@Amy: Thanks honeeey!
Oooh GarageBand! That's sooo awesome, I'm always messing around with it as well....never really thought about doing something serious with it though, lol. Might be cool to finally get something recorded, gonna set that up soon I think. :cheeky:

@Nar: Friggin' awesome work! Love it! *Rep added* :clapping:

@Amy: Thanks honeeey!

oh i used to love garage band, its so friendly and easy to use, its great for getting some ideas down
thanks now I'm busy writting the MJJC song for Haiti, before today I would never have thought I would be sharing my music to anyone other than my dog, this has given me a real confidence boost thanks :)

yeah ive just seen that, and wow im impressed, i will be looking over the thread to see how its going. Im trying to download your demo now :) xx
Oh I just saw this thread by now, how cool to read all of your posts! Keep it up guys! :clapping:

Since 7 months I've started to finally go for singing on another level. Always felt such a strong bond and I sing whenever I can (got tons of vids from me as a little girl singing & dancing my butt off, home as well as at school productions etc). But when the age came where I saw how cruel this world can be and got hurt, I started to lose my self-cofidence and I kept it deep inside. Tried to get into some music classes but was just too afraid to show what I wanted and actually do it. :(
Until July...I was sick of keeping it inside, being inspired and busy with music 'till I almost overload and after Michael's death I just couldn't bare it anymore. Such a strange 'I neeeeed to do this'-feeling. So thought I'd start with singing classes to learn some technical stuff and see if I could overcome my fear. I did and was told I'm pretty unique and have talent...hmm. So yeah..leave it about this, could tak for hours, hehe. But now actually having my first gig tomorrow! :lol:

wow, are you able to get us some footage of the gig your doing??
and good luck with it, hope im not too late to say lol.

This is amazing, fight your fear girl!!! xx
I'm so happy you and and lot of others put your minds to music since June. It's can really let out all your emotions. It can help a lot with grief. I'm the opposite to a lot of you. I used to write, play and sing my own stuff all the time and I completely closed up after Michael's passing.

I think I did two gigs since June. (I've been working full time with a band for the last 5 years so that's not a lot at all). We had been recording a couple of times and I wrote the lyrics to one of the songs in the studio. My mind was on Michael the whole time and some of it is about him but other parts aren't. I think that was in July and I just wasn't in the right frame of mind at all.

I spent the last seven months just listening to Michael's music. Really hearing it, more than I had ever done before. His music always meant a lot to me but it's different now. I understand his music from a new perspective. I'm finally getting back into writing again and I'm really thankful for that. I've come out of the writing drought a little bit wiser and a lot more determined and serious about getting a message across. I always used my songs to convey messages but now I think I can do it that bit better.

Everyone keep rockin' (poppin', hip hoppin' and everything else you're inspired to do) and Mrs. Music, good luck again with your gig tomorrow!

whoa, I guess it hit hard, but its good your getting back into it. Michael wouldnt want you to stop, and neither do we!!!

Go for it!!!!!!!!

Yeah i couldn't agree more - keep rockin' ! xxxxxxxx
I couldn't agree more. I hate making music through computer software. Thats the beauty of the Triton station. Mine is decked out with a sampler. Its such a fun instrument. You can literally record your own voice into the synth and mess with your vocals with each key you press. :) Great for break beats and such, too. I use my software like Cubass and Adobe Audition to fool around with the arrangements and enhancements per track.
Is a Triton station like some sort of synthesizer?? I actually went though Michael's Dangerous Album cd booklet yesterday, and wrote down what instuments were used for each song, and synthesizers were used alot, sorry for sounding dumb but i dont really know much about them lol.

Here's a few samples. I draw and color these directly on the small cards. The key is to try and emulate full sized comic art into the tiny space.







I'm currently coloring the first card (Venom vs Carnage).

Ok, back to topic.
Music production.

If you really want to do what you dream, then just do it. We all have to start somewhere. Just give it everything you got.

-rock on!

And wow your drawings are amazing, so much detail in a small space.

Yeah ok thanks, i guess i need to give more of myself to what i wanna do. Well all of myself :D

Thanks for sharing your art with us,

Jackie xxxx
:eek: Wow, Nar, I'm speechless! You are very very talented. Good work man!

As for me and music production, I am always fooling around with GarageBand on my mac :lol: It's just me messing around but I love doing it. I would LOVE to seriously get into it all. My favourite thing to is recreate Michael's harmonies and layer them all. He does it so well, it still amazes me when I really listen to his layering. Genius.

kool, do you have any recreations of Michael's harmonies saved???
We would love to hear them.

Holy poppin' cracker jacks Nar... amazing artwork! :clapping:

- so excited for you and your new gig! Good luck!!

That's what I'm doin' too! I get all my initial ideas and stuff laid down in GarageBand... then later if I want it recorded professionally I get in my Dad's studio.

kool, your Dad has a studio???? whoa lol

Do you have anything for us to have a listen? xxxx
Hi Jackie :)
And thanks for the kind words everyone. :wub:

Jackie, yes the Triton music work station is a synthesizer and sequencer. :yes:
The one I have is about 9 years old now. I got in in 2001. But its still excellent today. Very easy to use and you can sample/record/upload new sounds, effects, vocals with it and produce full 16 track music on the fly (no computer software necessary). The sound quality is studio HQ.

My model is the compact version (Triton Le Music Workstation) but its now fully decked with all the peripherals i bought afterwards. Like the pedal, sampler and maxed out memory.


You can connect a CD player to it and sample off beats you created or from an existing album and fool around with it when recording your music track.

It also helps you arrange your beats according to beat per measure (so your beats don't sound off).

Really a wonderful piece of equipment. The sampler add on makes this tool a life long companion. Without it, you'd end up having an outdated synth.
The sampler keeps it fresh as you can constantly upgrade sounds as the years go by. I bought mine for 1300.00 when it first arrived from Japan. :D
I was locked in my room for months! lol.
You can find these on ebay for as low as 600.00 - 700.00 (maybe cheaper if you're lucky). As old as it is, its a very tough built professional piece of equipment.
I still haven't figured out all of its functions. It's has a lot. :)

Hope this helps!
If you ever have the money, you should look into one. You wont be sorry. :agree:
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Nar- wow... Amazing... Those are some beautiful artworks.... Very vibrant and detailed.

MattyJam- Three hours? Such dedication...

And to everyone else, you guys are making me feel like such a lazy ass. :p

I used to play the piano... but I stopped but I still know the basic, I guess. I'm better at playing the flute though.

(Kinda off topic but it still kinda relates) I've been inspired countless times to write by Michael. My goal is to become a better writer. I've been writing stories here and there to put more depth into the creative writing process. It's good to have something on the side as a hobby- keeps you sane from this crazy world... :lol:
Looks like I'm a little late in this thread but better late than never!

Anyway, I'm a writer/producer/emcee. I rap about a variety of things but my lyrical content is different than most of the popular hip hop music. I like to tell stories and do soul searching in my music rather than all the sex, materialistic, disrespect to women type of stuff. I like to talk about real life so people can relate. I rarely curse, but I'm no Will Smith!

I don't think I'll ever try to make it big as a emcee but maybe as a producer. I like to guide people in their music and help them get the best out of their songs. I don't play an instrument but I have a lot of ideas so I hum them to friends to help me get the ideas out. I'm really good on my DAW so I can usually put together a basic track but then I need help embellishing it and getting the most out of it.

I like to study my favorite music and inject things into my music. I've taken some MJ tricks that I've learned over the years. I only rap because I can't sing and I think it shows in the lyrics and song structure.

I could go on and on but I'll stop here
Yeah my Dad is a musician... put out a duet with Dolly Parton he's hooked up :D

I don't have any of my songs fully produced yet...hopefully I'll be getting this one done next month though :)

wow this is great, ive left a comment on youtube as well. Thanks for sharing. Dolly Parton kool lol.

Hi Jackie :)
And thanks for the kind words everyone. :wub:

Jackie, yes the Triton music work station is a synthesizer and sequencer. :yes:
The one I have is about 9 years old now. I got in in 2001. But its still excellent today. Very easy to use and you can sample/record/upload new sounds, effects, vocals with it and produce full 16 track music on the fly (no computer software necessary). The sound quality is studio HQ.

My model is the compact version (Triton Le Music Workstation) but its now fully decked with all the peripherals i bought afterwards. Like the pedal, sampler and maxed out memory.


You can connect a CD player to it and sample off beats you created or from an existing album and fool around with it when recording your music track.

It also helps you arrange your beats according to beat per measure (so your beats don't sound off).

Really a wonderful piece of equipment. The sampler add on makes this tool a life long companion. Without it, you'd end up having an outdated synth.
The sampler keeps it fresh as you can constantly upgrade sounds as the years go by. I bought mine for 1300.00 when it first arrived from Japan. :D
I was locked in my room for months! lol.
You can find these on ebay for as low as 600.00 - 700.00 (maybe cheaper if you're lucky). As old as it is, its a very tough built professional piece of equipment.
I still haven't figured out all of its functions. It's has a lot. :)

Hope this helps!
If you ever have the money, you should look into one. You wont be sorry. :agree:

kool nice!!! Yeah i really must do some serious research on synthisizers, we have a yamama keyboard which is pretty kool, i will get a picture tomorrow.

Jackie xxx

(Kinda off topic but it still kinda relates) I've been inspired countless times to write by Michael. My goal is to become a better writer. I've been writing stories here and there to put more depth into the creative writing process. It's good to have something on the side as a hobby- keeps you sane from this crazy world... :lol:

kool, do you have any snippets you could share??? we would love to read some. Yeah it is a crazy world lol xxxx
Looks like I'm a little late in this thread but better late than never!

Anyway, I'm a writer/producer/emcee. I rap about a variety of things but my lyrical content is different than most of the popular hip hop music. I like to tell stories and do soul searching in my music rather than all the sex, materialistic, disrespect to women type of stuff. I like to talk about real life so people can relate. I rarely curse, but I'm no Will Smith!

I don't think I'll ever try to make it big as a emcee but maybe as a producer. I like to guide people in their music and help them get the best out of their songs. I don't play an instrument but I have a lot of ideas so I hum them to friends to help me get the ideas out. I'm really good on my DAW so I can usually put together a basic track but then I need help embellishing it and getting the most out of it.

I like to study my favorite music and inject things into my music. I've taken some MJ tricks that I've learned over the years. I only rap because I can't sing and I think it shows in the lyrics and song structure.

I could go on and on but I'll stop here

Welcome to the thread :)

I wanna hear some... please!!!

I don't think I can sing or rap lol. Please don't stop, you can write as much as you like here.

Thanks xxx
I sing and play the guitar. I've been working on some MJ covers to play at an open mic night next month, but I don't have anything recorded really. I hate filming myself, so no videos. All I have are a couple of low quality recordings that I made to send to my boyfriend at his insistence, haha.

Michael definitely inspires me to get onstage though. I used to have terrible performance anxiety. He's also inspired me to learn to dance, which I can't believe I ever lived without! I don't know what I'd do without being able to go to a salsa club and just let loose. Now I see why dance was such an escape for him.
I sing and play the guitar. I've been working on some MJ covers to play at an open mic night next month, but I don't have anything recorded really. I hate filming myself, so no videos. All I have are a couple of low quality recordings that I made to send to my boyfriend at his insistence, haha.

Michael definitely inspires me to get onstage though. I used to have terrible performance anxiety. He's also inspired me to learn to dance, which I can't believe I ever lived without! I don't know what I'd do without being able to go to a salsa club and just let loose. Now I see why dance was such an escape for him.

kool, can you get some videos of the open mic night when you do it please??? hehe sorry i have to ask lol.

Yeah ive never filmed myself, but i got a lil video camera last month, so i will oneday.

Wow, salsa ooooooooo nice, yeah we all need escapism.

thanks, jackie xxx:)
I'm not musical at all, but my partner is a pianist/keyboardist/orchestrator/producer :) and currently working on a jazz arrangement based on Stranger In Moscow

wow, sounds great!!!!! Do we get to hear when its complete???

sorry for the late replys btw, just been down London at the weekend, n back to work today lol :)
