Anyone here been inspired to produce music themselves??


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
UK, England
Heya Im just wondering If there is anyone on here who has been inspired to try to produce some music themselves???

Cause im getting more curious by the day, Im currently teaching myself to play the guitar, and Ive done a bit of studying on music theory.

Be great to hear from ya,

Jackie xxxx
I play the piano and guitar and have written songs for years. I'm currently trying to hone to skills as a player before I think about perhaps starting a band or something... I wouldn't want to play in a band if I was only okay at an instrument, I would want to be excellent, which is why I spend at least 3 hours a day practising. I'll get there eventually.
Heck yeah, I've even done a corny cover of this it it, with me layering beatboxing and snapping in the BG. I hate it cuz I can't sing, but yeah, I've not only been inspired to make music, also to dance, and even dress like him with the military influences.
I play the piano and guitar and have written songs for years. I'm currently trying to hone to skills as a player before I think about perhaps starting a band or something... I wouldn't want to play in a band if I was only okay at an instrument, I would want to be excellent, which is why I spend at least 3 hours a day practising. I'll get there eventually.

WOW 3 hours!!!! whoaa!!!!! Guess u want it bad huh!!

I started trying to play the guitar about 8 or 9 months ago, but I only do it for about 3 hours a week, need to really step my game up.
And I we have a keyboard, so im gonna learn to play that too.

Where you from??

What keeps you going for that long??

Jackie xxx
Heck yeah, I've even done a corny cover of this it it, with me layering beatboxing and snapping in the BG. I hate it cuz I can't sing, but yeah, I've not only been inspired to make music, also to dance, and even dress like him with the military influences.

aww well I would love to hear it. I dont think I can sing either, but I suppose ive never really tried. Yeah I try n dance too haha. I love the military influences from mike, you got any pics???

Jackie xxx
I'm in a band. We recorded a cd a few years ago. The quality is bad. We were young and did everything ourselves; recording, mixing, mastering, distributing. It was a great experience.
We're recording our second cd now. We're doing it professionally this time so obviously the quality is much better but it doesn't compare to first time around. We had such a good time. We were learning how to use the recording system, testing out different things. We didn't have any pressure, we did everything at our own pace with no time limits or rising bill to worry about.

It's great that you guys are learning instruments. You should record everything. That way you'll get used to recording and if you're writing your own songs they're there if you forget them. I lost a good few songs because I didn't record them. I learned my lesson the hard way.

Don't doubt your singing abilities. Even if you aren't that good, it can be fine-tuned with practice like any instrument. I wish you all the best and I hope you stick at it. It's very satisfying and rewarding when you learn a new song or finish writing/recording one of your own.

I'd also love to hear your version of This Is It :)
ha, ive always been into music, im grade 8 on 4 instruments so its a passion for me. Some MJ fans should get together and do some arrangements of some of his songs

That would be fantastic! I"m not musical at all, but that would be something to see!
I'm in a band. We recorded a cd a few years ago. The quality is bad. We were young and did everything ourselves; recording, mixing, mastering, distributing. It was a great experience.
We're recording our second cd now. We're doing it professionally this time so obviously the quality is much better but it doesn't compare to first time around. We had such a good time. We were learning how to use the recording system, testing out different things. We didn't have any pressure, we did everything at our own pace with no time limits or rising bill to worry about.

It's great that you guys are learning instruments. You should record everything. That way you'll get used to recording and if you're writing your own songs they're there if you forget them. I lost a good few songs because I didn't record them. I learned my lesson the hard way.

Don't doubt your singing abilities. Even if you aren't that good, it can be fine-tuned with practice like any instrument. I wish you all the best and I hope you stick at it. It's very satisfying and rewarding when you learn a new song or finish writing/recording one of your own.

I'd also love to hear your version of This Is It :)

kool thanks for the good advice. Any chance you could upload your cd, so we can listen?? :D

Jackie xxx
ha, ive always been into music, im grade 8 on 4 instruments so its a passion for me. Some MJ fans should get together and do some arrangements of some of his songs

yeah i love that idea, I really hope I get good at the guitar lol

Which 4 instruments are they??

Jackie xxxx
I'm 15 and I really want to be a singer, the only thing stopping me is I have no confidence and MJ always talked about missing out on his childhood so I plan to wait but I have been writing music for ages. I also love dancing but again don't have the confidence to do it outside of my bedroom. I really want music to get back to good music and not the crap that it is now.
I also play alittle keyboard and drums
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kool thanks for the good advice. Any chance you could upload your cd, so we can listen?? :D

Jackie xxx

I'm going out now so I will upload tomorrow. Thanks for the interest :)

I'm 15 and I really want to be a singer, the only thing stopping me is I have no confidence and MJ always talked about missing out on his childhood so I plan to wait but I have been writing music for ages. I also love dancing but again don't have the confidence to do it outside of my bedroom. I really want music to get back to good music and not the crap that it is now.
I also play alittle keyboard and drums

You're definitely right. I was writing songs for years but I waited until I finished school until I started a band. There's lots of people where I live in bands at your age and although it's just a but of fun for them, there is a lot of pressure with gigs and practicing. One of the band's had to pull out of a gig at the last minute because their drummer was grounded.
WOW 3 hours!!!! whoaa!!!!! Guess u want it bad huh!!

I started trying to play the guitar about 8 or 9 months ago, but I only do it for about 3 hours a week, need to really step my game up.
And I we have a keyboard, so im gonna learn to play that too.

Where you from??

What keeps you going for that long??

Jackie xxx

I'm a bit obsessed with it I guess. The kind of musicians that inspire me are those whose instruments are like extensions of themselves, people like Prince and Tori Amos... when you see them play it's just second nature. My dream is to become that good, which is why I practise as much as I do.

How are you getting on learning the guitar? It's a difficult instrument to learn. I started out with the piano when I was younger and I always found playing the piano a lot easier than the guitar, maybe it's because it was my first instrument.

I'm from Milton Keynes BTW.
I used to be hardcore into music production. Actually, to be more specific, I was involved with the wave of electronic dance music (EDM) in the early 2000's. Trance, epic trance, melodic, electronica, ambient and drum n bass. I still have my Triton music station and all the softwares I used to help me edit and arrange my work.
Ive produced only a few tracks for sets my DJ would mix at dance parties.
Those were great times. Everyone was happy.

I still play and produce, but only for a hobby. Nothing career serious. :)

My heart is in the drawing business.
I used to be hardcore into music production. Actually, to be more specific, I was involved with the wave of electronic dance music (EDM) in the early 2000's. Trance, epic trance, melodic, electronica, ambient and drum n bass. I still have my Triton music station and all the softwares I used to help me edit and arrange my work.
Ive produced only a few tracks for sets my DJ would mix at dance parties.
Those were great times. Everyone was happy.

I still play and produce, but only for a hobby. Nothing career serious. :)

My heart is in the drawing business.

Can I have your Triton music station then? :cheeky:
I'm 15 and I really want to be a singer, the only thing stopping me is I have no confidence and MJ always talked about missing out on his childhood so I plan to wait but I have been writing music for ages. I also love dancing but again don't have the confidence to do it outside of my bedroom. I really want music to get back to good music and not the crap that it is now.
I also play alittle keyboard and drums

Yeah i agree music is crap now lol.
As you get a little older your confidence will grow. Just keep praticing and have fun with it. Yeah and also planning to wait abit is a great idea for someone your age. I would love to see what you have wriiten one day.

Yeah i want the music to be made up of real instruments again and not some computer program.

Jackie xxx
WOW 3 hours!!!! whoaa!!!!! Guess u want it bad huh!!

I started trying to play the guitar about 8 or 9 months ago, but I only do it for about 3 hours a week, need to really step my game up.
And I we have a keyboard, so im gonna learn to play that too.

Where you from??

What keeps you going for that long??

Jackie xxx
I'm a bit obsessed with it I guess. The kind of musicians that inspire me are those whose instruments are like extensions of themselves, people like Prince and Tori Amos... when you see them play it's just second nature. My dream is to become that good, which is why I practise as much as I do.

How are you getting on learning the guitar? It's a difficult instrument to learn. I started out with the piano when I was younger and I always found playing the piano a lot easier than the guitar, maybe it's because it was my first instrument.

I'm from Milton Keynes BTW.
I'm a bit obsessed with it I guess. The kind of musicians that inspire me are those whose instruments are like extensions of themselves, people like Prince and Tori Amos... when you see them play it's just second nature. My dream is to become that good, which is why I practise as much as I do.

How are you getting on learning the guitar? It's a difficult instrument to learn. I started out with the piano when I was younger and I always found playing the piano a lot easier than the guitar, maybe it's because it was my first instrument.

I'm from Milton Keynes BTW.

Well im impressed with your stamina.

Yeah my guitar learning is going ok, just abit slow at progressing, ive decided im gonna write down a journel of my practice sessions, so i can see how many hours im putting into it.
Yeah it is a difficult instrument to play.
I really wanna be able to play dirty diana and give into me plus the solos.
But i need to start with something abit easier first. Ive been learning to play Beat It, I can play it but not very well at the moment. And ive just started to learn Black or White which is easy.

Jackie xx
I used to be hardcore into music production. Actually, to be more specific, I was involved with the wave of electronic dance music (EDM) in the early 2000's. Trance, epic trance, melodic, electronica, ambient and drum n bass. I still have my Triton music station and all the softwares I used to help me edit and arrange my work.
Ive produced only a few tracks for sets my DJ would mix at dance parties.
Those were great times. Everyone was happy.

I still play and produce, but only for a hobby. Nothing career serious. :)

My heart is in the drawing business.

aww kool, i was thinking of buying some software and have a go at creating some tracks, but i believe music is better when made with actual instruments, But i think software is great for arranging and recording :)

Do you have any drawings you can show us??

Thanks, jackie xx
Well im impressed with your stamina.

Yeah my guitar learning is going ok, just abit slow at progressing, ive decided im gonna write down a journel of my practice sessions, so i can see how many hours im putting into it.
Yeah it is a difficult instrument to play.
I really wanna be able to play dirty diana and give into me plus the solos.
But i need to start with something abit easier first. Ive been learning to play Beat It, I can play it but not very well at the moment. And ive just started to learn Black or White which is easy.

Jackie xx

Do you play the Beat It solo? I tried that once and nearly through my guitar across the room in frustration.

That solo is fierce.
Definitely!! I started learning guitar a year ago and I've always loved writing songs...but after getting my guitar I had close to ZERO inspiration for writing anything. It wasn't until my fully "discovering" Michael that the songs just started to pour out of me. He inspires and stirs up so much emotion in me...I've written about 8 or 9 songs in the past 7 months... 4 of which are directly about Michael, and the rest were all inspired by him.
Yeah i agree music is crap now lol.
As you get a little older your confidence will grow. Just keep praticing and have fun with it. Yeah and also planning to wait abit is a great idea for someone your age. I would love to see what you have wriiten one day.

Yeah i want the music to be made up of real instruments again and not some computer program.

Jackie xxx

I put the lyrics to one of my songs on my blog and I've decided to help write and sing in the MJJC song for Haiti Victims. The song I put on my blog I wrote within the week after MJ's passing and is called come back to me heres the link to it:

what do you think of it ?
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Do you play the Beat It solo? I tried that once and nearly through my guitar across the room in frustration.

That solo is fierce.

no haven't got that far yet, i can play most of the song though.

Yeah i've seen a video of someone teaching it, and that wont be easy to plat at all lol

If you ever wanna jam feel free to get in touch.

I have no idea how close Suffolk is to Milton Keynes though.

ok kool, well i live near sudbury in suffolk...


i think its just under 100 miles from mine to yours lol

sorry bad picture

Jackie xxx
I put the lyrics to one of my songs on my blog and I've decided to help write and sing in the MJJC song for Haiti Victims. The song I put on my blog I wrote within the week after MJ's passing and is called come back to me heres the link to it:

what do you think of it ?

wow, i think thats great. Good work. Ive written little poems, well a couple of lines here and there about him.

Jackie xxx
Definitely!! I started learning guitar a year ago and I've always loved writing songs...but after getting my guitar I had close to ZERO inspiration for writing anything. It wasn't until my fully "discovering" Michael that the songs just started to pour out of me. He inspires and stirs up so much emotion in me...I've written about 8 or 9 songs in the past 7 months... 4 of which are directly about Michael, and the rest were all inspired by him.

Kool, do you have any we can hear/see??? :)
wow, i think thats great. Good work. Ive written little poems, well a couple of lines here and there about him.

Jackie xxx

thanks now I'm busy writting the MJJC song for Haiti, before today I would never have thought I would be sharing my music to anyone other than my dog, this has given me a real confidence boost thanks :)