Any tips to get better/clearer/healtier skin ?

I did something really dumb with Benzoyl peroxide (which is in many OTC acne meds) when I was a teen. I put it all over my face, even on my eyelids. Why I did this I don't know but I woke up the next morning with my entire face and eyes puffy, red and bloated. I looked like a monster. Don't do this. LOL.
Steaming did wonders for my skin. I only do it now for special occasions because doing it too often tended to dry my skin, but whenever I do it, I always get compliments.

In addition to drinking plenty of water, I suggest eating vegetables with a little oil. It gives a nice glow.

In addition to avoiding sugar, the same applies for a lot of white flour products.

The steaming thing is very true. You know in gyms they have steam rooms? I have known people go in them and it has really helped there acne. Particularly on there shoulders.

A few more tips i'd like to add:

  • Changing pillowcases is important and wash your hair before bed if you use hair products on it and stuff.
  • If you shave, leave your razor sitting in a glass of alcohol rub.
  • I tend to drink at least a pint of water a day, sometimes I add maybe a tiny bit of juice as i'm not the biggest fan of just drinking water.
sauna or steamroom will open the pores and help clear toxins. Make sure to have a cool shower afterwards though to close the pores otherwise they'll just fill with dirt and bacteria again.
I did something really dumb with Benzoyl peroxide (which is in many OTC acne meds) when I was a teen. I put it all over my face, even on my eyelids. Why I did this I don't know but I woke up the next morning with my entire face and eyes puffy, red and bloated. I looked like a monster. Don't do this. LOL.

Yikes! Lol the things we do to ourselves. How long did that take to go away?!?! :bugeyed
As far as eating habits, cut back on greasy foods, cut out the soda pop, no alcohol, drink lots of water, eat healthy foods (a nice balanced diet).

As far as medications are concerned...if it's an acne problem you have, pro active is the best stuff you can get. I had it and my face cleared up within 2 months.

Good luck
The Panoxyl I ordered arrived today :)

Excellent, let me know how its working after a few days. It should actually improve your skin quite a bit within a day, it does with mine anyway.
I've had bad skin for almost 10 years now and nothing works, the Clearasil stuff is just rubbish and that Panoxyl stuff doesn't really do much either.

I'm fed up of having bad skin and I'm going to go to the doctor's to prescribe something strong for me to get rid of them once and for all :(
I've had bad skin for almost 10 years now and nothing works, the Clearasil stuff is just rubbish and that Panoxyl stuff doesn't really do much either.

I'm fed up of having bad skin and I'm going to go to the doctor's to prescribe something strong for me to get rid of them once and for all :(

Yes, please go to a doctor and get something stronger prescribed. No one should suffer from acne unnecessarily. Those OTC meds are only for mild to moderate acne. There are ways to get severe acne under control. In my case it never goes away forever but it is under control now with prescription meds.
I'm bringing this back up again as lately I have started to get constant acne along my jawline and just at the top of my neck.

I had been using the usual Panoxyl stuff that i got from the doctor but that hasnt been helping the acne in that area. I read up on the internet about it and heard that tea tree oil was I bought a tea tree oil facial wash but that hasnt worked too well either.

Any acne i'd had on my face has pretty much gone, its just on my jawline now. Any advice?

Also i'm 19 and a half and can only grow thin blonde facial hair, any idea when I will be able to grow thick darker facial hair? haha
For girls with bad acne my advice would be to take a strong birth control pill. I took Diane when I was seventeen and my skin cleared up instantly. When I went off this pill a year later my skin stayed clear, with the occasional pimple. On these persistant ones I put toothpaste, after a night of sleep all activity is gone from it and it will be clear again within 24 hours. Furthermore I can recommend Dr. Haushka products (organic and a bit expensive). Ever since I use this stuff my skin is happy and virtually without problems.
For girls with bad acne my advice would be to take a strong birth control pill. I took Diane when I was seventeen and my skin cleared up instantly. When I went off this pill a year later my skin stayed clear, with the occasional pimple. On these persistant ones I put toothpaste, after a night of sleep all activity is gone from it and it will be clear again within 24 hours. Furthermore I can recommend Dr. Haushka products (organic and a bit expensive). Ever since I use this stuff my skin is happy and virtually without problems.

What would you suggest for a 19 year old Male with acne along the jawline? I guess birth control would be out of the question? :)
If you're suffering with acne I cannot recommend roaccutane enough! It is heaven sent! Other treatments help a little but only a little and only for a short while. Roaccutane works for everyone but obviously it is strong that is why only hospitals can prescribe it. If acne is making you miserable and self conscious please ask your doctor to refer you to a dermatologist. Most people only need to take one course of roaccutane for 4 months and then never get a spot again. I have had no skin problems since taking it, no spots, no blackheads and no excess oil either. It is an absolute dream come true!
^^ I used Roaccutane as well and it is great stuff. My face was bloody disgusting with acne and what not but after 1 and a half or so courses for me it was all gone. That was 2 years ago and occasionally you get a spot (usually for me on my chin) for example when you binge eat bad food over the holiday/new year period :p But usually your face is clear.