Any tips to get better/clearer/healtier skin ?

1) Drink lots of water... Try to avoid sodas..
2) Try to sleep for 8 hours.
3) Hygiene. Wash your hands before you touch your face. Shower. Wash your face every morning and at night.
4) Exercise helps as well. Lowers your stress.
Try not to scrub your face so much, especially when you are drying it, since you are getting rid of healthy skin. (Scrubbing makes your skin worse!) There are people that say that drinking apple cider vinegar mixed with water makes your skin look better. (I have not tried this.) Always clean your face every night and buy dermatologist products and non-acnegenic creams. :)
A good dermatologist, lol.

I'm 47 and still fighting acne. I'm on a low dose antibiotic for acne/rosacea. It helps a lot but they still come up once in a while.

Also, wear sunscreen every day and don't tan.

Moisturize and wear moisturizers containing retinols. Vitamin C is good too (in moisturizers and as a vitamin supplement).
Cut back on dairy (if you consume more than a litre a day)
Sleep with a fresh towel on your pillow every night.
It depends. To maintain clear skin, do what others on here have suggested. If you're talking acne, that's a bit more complicated. It has to do with genetics/hormones, and depending on how severe your acne is, it may clear with just OTC/Proactiv type of solutions, or it may require strong perscription stuff such as Accutane.

If your acne isn't severe/cystic, I think Proactiv/other acne solutions may work for you. If it is, see a dermatologist ASAP so he/she can recommend what is best. They may give you something to balance your hormones (i.e. birth control pill, I have heard it said) they may perscribe antibiotics, or if it's really quite serious, they'll go with Accutane.

Unfortunately, acne is genetic, like I said. If one of your parents had severe acne, you'll probably have it too, no matter what you do, because it's expressed in your genetics. What you can do, however, to discourage hormonal imbalances, is completely eliminate dairy intake (animal milk has natural hormones, not to mention the added hormones they inject the cows with to increase production.)

If acne isn't your problem, would you mind going into specifics as to what it is? I just assumed it was acne vulgaris because that's the most common skin problem lol.

Whatever the case is, you're better off going to see a dermatologist rather than asking MJJC. They can analyze your skin and recommend treatments which will be more appropriate than anything you hear here (or on the internet at large.) The wariness I have with home remedies, especially topical, is that you never know how your skin will react to them. Some people are extremely sensitive/allergic to certain things, and it's always better to discuss it with a doctor before you put anything on your face, etc. (And if it goes terribly, terribly wrong, you've got someone to sue.)
Avoid alcohol, I always notice a difference in peoples skin between those who drink a lot and those who drink a little/not at all.
Genetics can play a part on how your skin is - what are your parents' skins like? Im in my 40's and my skin is pretty good considering - one tip my doctor gave me is not to buy expensive face creams - they all have the same base and buying a basic aqueas cream from your pharmacy is as good at moisturising your skin as an expensive cream.
wow I like this thread. Thanks for the tips :wub:
I'm sure nothing beats the beauty regime : enough sleep and plenty of water besides the 3 basic skin care steps (cleanse,tone,moisture)
Steam facial. Boil a pot of water to a steady roll. Cut the heat, and lean your face over so as to catch the steam. Drape a towel over your head to better retain, if you want. Opens up the pores, so when you DO wash, more bacteria is rinsed away.

Oh, and dried fruits like apricot, pineapple, coconut, etc. does wonders too!
I think it's all about STRESS!!

Steam facial can widen pores.. not too for a person has sensitive skin

Don't buy any cosmetics without looking through the ingredients. Some cosmetics
contain serious chemicals which could make your skin itchy and red.

Green tea works for some, but not always. If you are not willing to drink it, you can wash your face with the water. It tightens your pores
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So dairy is bad ?
Depends how much you drink of it. I use to drink about 11 litres a week, which is about 11 litres too much.

But, yes consumption of large amounts of dairy can have major effects on your skin, because bacteria breeds on it in your system and has to escape.
I know you've heard this tip over and over again, but water does wonders to your skin :)

When I was in high school I found that buying heaps of soft face towels and changing them frequently cleared my skin dramatically and it's been really really good ever since. Now the only time I'm at a high risk of pimple attack is during mega-stress times like exams. >_
i had acne until two months ago and i'm 28. when i went to my dermatologist she made tests whether or not there is anything wrong about my hormones. especially for the ladies, polycystic ovarian syndrome may cause acne you know. thank God, there is nothing wrong about my hormones.
Then she called this situation as "delayed puberty" :) i always see myself as a child just like Michael and i think this psychology affects my biology and my body feels i'm not an adult :laugh:
anyway, ok, i'm cutting jokes :D
then, she has started a prescrition, it's a strong medicine and has side effects. but i take 20 mg per day and so i don't feel the side effects badly, only a little lip-eye-nose-skin dryness.
i'll take this prescription for 12 months, i'm still on my fifth month and i don't have any acne, it killed all of them. for last 2 months i only had 2-3 small acne on my face. i hope at the end of 12 months it will help me for all the rest of my life.

if you have acne problem, please go a dermatogist and do those things written above by Michael's lovers...

with L-O-V-E..
use honey, its good for all skin types
for acne mix some honey and cinnamon powder and make a paste, spread it on your face and leave it on when no one is around. Its naturally antibacterial
Dr. Oz has said on his show to crush a couple of aspirin (plain, uncoated) with a little water and mix it into a paste and apply to pimples. Aspirin contains salicylic acid. Didn't work for me but maybe for someone with milder acne it could.

I remember when I was in my late teens I went to a friend's birthday party and at the time I had terrible cystic acne. I looked in the mirror in their bathroom and saw my pimples were bleeding. I was mortified. Cystic acne is no joke. At the time I didn't have good makeup to cover it like they have these days.

Later on in my early 20's (back in the 80's) I was put on Accutane which I call a miracle drug because that cleared up my skin like nothing else. But then a few years ago they started up again. It's tougher to get Accutane prescribed these days because it can cause birth defects if you get pregnant so I just take low dose antibiotics and although I still break out once in a while, for the most part its under control. I wish there was a cure though!
Im 19 now and my acne has really improved on my actual face. But now I seem to be getting quite a bit on my neck and jawline? :S

I have cream from the doctors which I started using from when I was about 14 till I was 17 or 18. Then my skin seemed ok on its own until the past few months, now ive started getting the cream again to use on my neck and jawline.

Oh also, I want to grow dark facial hair but its only blonde and I still cant get it in some places. How can I help this? haha
Thanks for the tips guys :) My skin is the worst it has ever been, I think. Got some minor spottage on my forehead and cheeks when I was maybe 13 or 14, but that died down after a while. I'm now 17, and since I moved house a few months ago I've had red bumps and spots mainly on my cheeks but also on my nose and forehead. Very annoying. Definitely causes confidence issues as most of you will probably agree.

I've begun to suspect the red bumps, as they aren't developing heads, are actually Miliaria (prickly heat). Often, when I get nervous or sometimes just randomly, my face and occasionally my chest and back literally feels like its on fire and burning off. Sounds odd but it happens. This has only really been happening for a few months so I hope it goes away and isn't anything serious.

I currently use some sort of Clearasil skin cream in the mornings and evenings, doesn't seem to be helping though. I think I'll start drinking more water.
I currently use some sort of Clearasil skin cream in the mornings and evenings, doesn't seem to be helping though. I think I'll start drinking more water.

Maybe its just me, but anytime I have used Clearasil it has given me spot. In fact, any kind of acne treatment I have bought from a supermarket has actually given me more spots. . . .I used it over the summer forgetting that it had given me spots before, and I broke out in acne.

The doctor prescribed me Panoxyl Aqua Gel 5. You can get it online from Amazon, it is the best stuff I have ever used. If I hadnt been using that when I was in my mid-teens then I would have had much more spots than I actually had. I STRONGLY recommend it.
Maybe its just me, but anytime I have used Clearasil it has given me spot. In fact, any kind of acne treatment I have bought from a supermarket has actually given me more spots. . . .I used it over the summer forgetting that it had given me spots before, and I broke out in acne.

The doctor prescribed me Panoxyl Aqua Gel 5. You can get it online from Amazon, it is the best stuff I have ever used. If I hadnt been using that when I was in my mid-teens then I would have had much more spots than I actually had. I STRONGLY recommend it.

Thank you for the recommendation :) Is this it?
Thank you for the recommendation :) Is this it?

Yes thats it, it was doctor recommended for me and I can tell you that it works really well.

I normally wash my face with just water in the morning then apply this. Then I wash it again with just water at night. If you use this too much though your face will really dry out. So you should only use it once a day really.

I think the spots on my neck and jawline maybe coming from something else i'm using, or its just hormones. But the Panoxyl is making it better than it would normally be.

If you buy this then please report back to me and let me know how it works for you.
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Yes thats it, it was doctor recommended for me and I can tell you that it works really well.

I normally wash my face with just water in the morning then apply this. Then I wash it again with just water at night. If you use this too much though your face will really dry out. So you should only use it once a day really.

I think the spots on my neck and jawline maybe coming from something else i'm using, or its just hormones. But the Panoxyl is making it better than it would normally be.

If you buy this then please report back to me and let me know how it works for you.

Just bought some :)

I'll let you know if it has any effect. It's got to the point where I've forgotten what my cheeks look like without spots on them lol. Hopefully I'm not allergic or anything :angel:

Thanks again!
Just bought some :)

I'll let you know if it has any effect. It's got to the point where I've forgotten what my cheeks look like without spots on them lol. Hopefully I'm not allergic or anything :angel:

Thanks again!

No problem, make sure you report back to me on here a week after using it to let me know how it goes :) The doctor can also prescribe tablets. You take two of them a day. I did get the tablets but I never really stuck to taking them, I still find random tablet boxes lying around my house from when the doctor used to give me them haha
Steaming did wonders for my skin. I only do it now for special occasions because doing it too often tended to dry my skin, but whenever I do it, I always get compliments.

In addition to drinking plenty of water, I suggest eating vegetables with a little oil. It gives a nice glow.

In addition to avoiding sugar, the same applies for a lot of white flour products.