Any tears left ??

I Will Always Cry For Michael :(

I Will Never Stop Crying, Everytime I See Certain Pictures or Hear Certain Songs It Starts Again.

Lovee Yoou Michael x
One day am watching Michael's funniest moments on YT and laughing/crying...and the next i'm wathcing Michael songs and ppl. tributes and crying. My tears were everyday in june and til mid July...then it hits me and i just cry...its really weird. The ache, hurt, pain, and tears would ease, But Will Never stop.
I can't even hear Michael's songs anymore - Too hard!

I have not listen to him since that day. Still NOT strong enough yet.
I haven't cried in over a month.

I've been really enjoying the old school Michael songs.

I've accepted that he's gone and probaby in a better place.
Nice video and tribute, had me smiling, when all those people sings Ben while watching the video and scream in B&W final when Michael's screaming and just go nuts dancing to Don't stop..

Aaahhh The fans how great!

This video had me asking myself how did that man could have left.... :moonwalk
I'm trying to deal with it but i can't i really can't i felt even better recently but I cried again yesterday and today ;( I just miss Michael so much, he is my whole happiness ;( and i feel like i will never stop, really, i'm in some supermarket and suddenly i hear Michael song i start to cry though many people are around me or i walk and i look in the sky and i'm thinking about Michael and again... i start to cry because he is so far away ;(
after he died i cried for like 2-3 weeks NONE STOP! it was horrible, and i'm too prideful so i didn't let anyone see me. Now the tears come at random. The other day I was listening to Mj and I was dancing and singing along, super fine. But the mood suddenly switched when "Man in the mirror" came on. I cried for like 45 minutes after that. And i tear up when i'm caught off guard. Like when i'm some where and out of no where I hear his music. I just came back from a cruise, and when i was tanning by the pool area they started playing beat it. i almost burst into tears right there. Right after that the same day I went to some show and they played billie jean, and passing the club on the cruise they were playing the song "Bad". Each time leaving me in tears. And the other day I was in the kitchen eating when out of nowhere my dad decides to play "you are not alone". I burst into tears and had to leave the table before anyone noticed. Just to go running into my room crying my eyes out. lol
Ok...hopefully Y'all wont think am crazy...But today, I was board so I was changing channels to see if there was any movie. Than on Disney channel There was "Returne to NEVERLAND" I think. and it was an hour in to it. and Just as I saw peter pan...I started crying. They way he acted remined me of Michael...i swear to y'all. Go to YT and search for peterpan and almost every act done by peter pan reminded me of i was sitting on my sofa and watching Peterpan And crying.

This is what i'm sayin. Yesterday I was fine. I'd bought posters and cd's of Michael and i didnt cry when i saw his image, i was actually happy. But today something hit me and I've been crying. Its really weired.

I'm still asking my self "How can a cartoon make me cry"? still dont have the answer.
I'll always cry..when you love someone, you never get over it, you only learn to move on and live with it. so at moments there will always be tears. especially for those who personally knew him or us fans who lived in his era.
I can't even hear Michael's songs anymore - Too hard!

I have not listen to him since that day. Still NOT strong enough yet.


It's very hard :(

I go through cycles I think. I've not listened to him as much because I start to feel sad again. I was fine until I saw a video montage on youtube. It was clips of Michael and Smokey Robinson's "Really gonna miss you" was the music. I started crying again. But i'm doing better in that I've accepted that he's passed. It's just hard sometimes.
I cried non-stop for two weeks. Lately, I have been able to watch his vidoes and listen to his songs. I do still shed tears albeit only now and again. For instance, if i'm on my own driving in the car, i'll be listening to WYBT or Man in the Mirror, I just start to cry again at the thought he's no longer here. But then I try to tell myself, he'll always be here, aways be with me, inside all of our hearts. My god daughter (aged 7) and my step daughter (aged 4) are both massively into Michael. They love his videos and I have been teaching them about Michael as a person for the last few years, now he's gone, he seems to have touched them more deeply now, it's hard to explain. My god daughter broke her heart to me last week because she was going to TII and said she's upset because he's gone and she'll never hear him sing her favourite song to her. (Man In Mirror) This made me cry too.
when you stop crying for someone it means you don't care about them anymore