Any tears left ??

My tears will forever be flowing. I decided to re-watch the Memorial Service last night and there went the tears!
I cried quite a lot last night for the first time in a week or so :( Guess there will always be some there, just comes and goes.
Yes I still cry for Michael, it's so hard te except ....
i just cried last night when i listened to gone to soon :(
my tears will never dry.......
I've got enough for everyday... too. I try to be brave but then......Here comes the tears. I get so mad about the whole situation that I just cry. The Movie...Omg....This will finish me.
My tears will forever be flowing. I decided to re-watch the Memorial Service last night and there went the tears!

Oh God, tell me about it. Especially the last few bits - performance of We Are The World and Heal The World :)cry:) and Marlon's speech and Paris's speech.
God, Marlon's speech gets me crying like a baby.
I have cried so much since June 25th that it is enough to over flow The Marianas Trench. And I still forever have enough tears left for Michael. I am crying now just thinking about how much I miss and love him.
I stilll have tears for him,I listened to I'll be there and Ben two days ago and I cryed like a baby. I just need to hear some of Michael's songs or watch the memorial service to cry and I think I will cry when I watch the this is it movie.
mine come and go..randomly

Same here.. especially when i go to a bookstore to pic up a new "tribute" magazine.. I planned my whole summer around seeing MJ perform again, and to now talk about him in the past tense is just 2 much to handle..
This will be a lifelong issue, I know we all must go eventually but that's of natural causes or because of illness, not due to the hands of someone else.. that's what really hurts and brings on the tears..
I can't cry anymore. Now I'm just angry because there's no logical reason for Michael to be dead. Even though I'll move on, I'll never completely forget how stupid and senseless this was.
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Reading the posts in this thread I'll pass on watching this just now.

Sometimes it just sinks in all over again and all i can describe the feeling as is cold emptyness.

Its more anger now.

It only turns to tears when I hear bullcrap about him that I have to defend...especially when I hear it from people I love.
To be honest I haven't been able to detach myself from my anger long enough to come to terms with my pain.
I will always have tears left ... Still can't watch him on Youtube or listen to his music some days.... I miss him SOOO much .... this is killing me ... I don't wanna be here anymore ... Its like I've never understood what happened .... it all sinks in .. over and over ... why? Cant take this anymor .. I thought I'd come to terms with what happend .. and with my grief ... then BAM! It hits me and it starts all over again. Have no strenght left. ..

Michael .. come and get me .. please ... Im begging you
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There will always be plenty of tears left for Michael. :cry: I just re-watched the memorial about an hour ago and it killed me more than the first time. I wish I hadn't. :(
I haven't cried for a while. For me, the whole thing was too much and I didn't know what to with myself. A couple of days after the 25th, I took some time off and went to another country to deal with things. It really helped inasmuch as I stopped crying - or rather, the situation didn't feel as expressively painful that I felt I could only cry (which was the case in the beginning).

And so now, with Michael's death having changed my entire perspective of life, most of my daily routine and my frame of reference (also, I have stopped reading the news apart from certain media outlets, and I leave any room where people are having conversations about Michael), I find that I've entered a pragmatic phase where I'm mostly concerned about why Michael died, and what will happen with all the practical stuff.

Of course, when I listen to his music I get sad and I think about the meaning and affect his death is going to have on my life (and on the world), but all of that seems too much to handle at the moment. There's too much going on.

I don't understand how someone like Jermaine - his brother! - can even focus on arranging a tribute show, because I'm not even related to Michael and all I can think about is how and why he died, what's going to happen with his estate, the well-being of his children, and finally, where he will be buried. For me, the real grief will set in once these matters are solved, I'm sure.

And when I've properly mourned his death and I understand the repercussions, then maybe I'll have the strength and proper state of mind to pay homage.
Was reading "Dancing The Dream" today, hard to get through without tears...there is so much of Michael in that book. When I read it, I can hear his voice in every word. In some ways it's quite comforting to me...I think eventually I will be able to pick it up and read without the'll take some time. Aside from his music, it really is a piece of his creative immortality. I am so thankful to have it, I will appreciate it forever.