Well what happened was that I was at the park which corner across where I live and have a little fun with a few kids and some idiot was tries to get to face for I don’t know what reason, I just left headed home and later the police came over about and I knew that b@$^@#& called them on me right behind me back, I was 18, just a month before my 19th birthday, I was extremely intimidated and agitated, I felt I was threatened, I even called my mom, later the police left and my mom went to the station confronting the idiot, then she came back to pick me up away from my home, I was shaking so bad, I was mentally and emotionally distressed.
During my 2 weeks at my family’s with panic attacks everyday, I found out the same idiot who accused told the entire neighborhood lies about me. I have not been out of my house until the next 2 months, I never want to forgive that very person trying make my life a living emotional hell and I still refuse to, I would’ve sued him for what he put me through. I never went to the same park ever again, until I have my own kids. That’s also one of the reasons why I don’t trust the police at all.