Any Annointed MJ Followers/Cult of MJ?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Canada - ON
Just wondering...

I was never sure what religion was right for me. I knew I always believed in something....

but I KNOW this is perfect for me.

What is the cult of MJ?

I feel left out! SOmeone please fill me in...
is this an actual real thing? are there any websites? I understand the idea behind it, but find it a little frightening... eep!
What does this religion entail?

I'm a little creeped, can someone provide more detail? :)
I must say I have often prayed to Michael and felt that he was deeply spiritual and connected to this world and all the souls in it, he is like no other. I don't think of Michael as God but next to God. So I guess I am in this religion too, in a way.....
I'm a christian, so no. I believe that when Michael was on this earth, he knew Jesus as his saviour and followed the commandments and Jesus' message of love. He then preached them both through his music and his actions.

Michael loved God, but Michael was not a God. He was totally human, like all of us.
.......Did you guys by any chance see the scriptures they made for
him on the site.
I read the 'scriptures' through quickly. I kind of like their idea. They state on the website they don't think Michael's God but rather a prophet. What did you think of the chocolate Michaels? I found them great, only they didn't look very much like Michael, imo. And if I got it right, the chapel is an art exhibition place -- or was. The pics looked nice. Didn't the artist who did the paintings show them off here too? I seem to remember having seen them here.

Oh yes, I think the anointed followers of MJ are a separate group, yes?
I can't take this seriously... :lol:

It's so surreal... Quite hilarious... actually...
There rules are actually funny... and makes sense... :ninja:

I love the way they incorporated MJ lyrics....

Your girl is yours and my girl is mine. Neither shall you be a Billie Jean or cause a scene. Do as your mother says and be careful of who you love. :lol:

You shall not stop until you get enough. :yes:

Nor shall you be a smooth criminal, nor a macho man, and when in doubt just beat it.

You shall blame it on the boogie, knowing you are a danc’in machine and scream thy name.

These are hilarious.. :D C'mon people... Don't take it too seriously.... =p
There rules are actually funny... and makes sense... :ninja:

I love the way they incorporated MJ lyrics....

Your girl is yours and my girl is mine. Neither shall you be a Billie Jean or cause a scene. Do as your mother says and be careful of who you love. :lol:

You shall not stop until you get enough. :yes:

Nor shall you be a smooth criminal, nor a macho man, and when in doubt just beat it.

You shall blame it on the boogie, knowing you are a danc’in machine and scream thy name.

These are hilarious.. :D C'mon people... Don't take it too seriously.... =p
:lmao: :lmao: OMG that is too funny!!!!!!

its kinda scary if they're serious though........:mello: